Pipe and Hose Technology

Pipes are cylindrical, solid hollow bodies and hoses are cylindrical, flexible hollow bodies. Both products are efficient means to transport fluids from one point to another:\n- Types of pipes are often classified into materials such as: steel pipe, copper pipe, or aluminum pipe.\n- Hoses, on the other hand, can be classified into types based on their application such as: garden hose, suction hose, or pressure hose.\n\nThey are used in various industries such as automotive, chemical, construction, energy generation, and many more. There, they are used to transport fluids, solids, or gases, transfer energy and pressure, or they are used as connecting elements in plants and systems.\n\nIn this industry, you will find categories like:\n- Pipes,\n- Pipe clamps,\n- Steel tubes,\n- Hoses,\n- Hose reels,\n- Valves, and much more.\n\nWhen used correctly, these products ensure the safe transport of liquids and gases in the work environment. Products in this industry are characterized by stability, durability, flexibility, and low weight.