Продукти за couscous aldi (6)

Сояно брашно

Сояно брашно

Soya Meal is a nutrient-rich product derived from the extraction of soya bean oil. Renowned for its high protein content, Soya Meal is an essential component in animal husbandry, serving as a primary feed for livestock. To ensure its quality and longevity, we package Soya Meal using food-grade materials that protect it from moisture, dust, and germs, preventing spoilage. With no adulteration involved, Soya Meal offers a long shelf life and remains a reliable source of protein for various applications. At EG, we are committed to providing our clients with top-quality Soya Meal, meeting their demands with excellence. Place your order today and benefit from its nutritional value.
Сусамови семена

Сусамови семена

Sesame seeds are a versatile ingredient available in a range of colors, including white, brown, black, red, and yellow. These seeds are de-corticated to remove the black skin before packaging, with darker seeds offering the most flavor. Sesame seeds have a nutty, fresh burst-in-the-mouth flavor, commonly used as a topping for bread and buns. They are also sprinkled over salads and stir-fries in Asian cuisine. Ground sesame is the main ingredient in Tahini, a staple paste in the Middle East, and is used in seed bars, chicken dishes, and rice dishes.


En CROVAY NATURAL SOLUTIONS, ofrecemos una amplia gama de cereales de alta calidad, ideales tanto para el consumo humano como para diversas aplicaciones industriales. Estos versátiles ingredientes naturales se han convertido en un pilar fundamental en una gran variedad de sectores. Cereales para el Consumo Humano Los granos enteros y los cereales procesados de forma natural se han consolidado como una opción nutritiva y saludable en la dieta. Algunos de los más populares son: Trigo: Fuente de proteínas, fibra y minerales, utilizado en la producción de panes, pastas y productos horneados.
Кокосова влакна

Кокосова влакна

Descubre los Beneficios de la Fibra de Coco La fibra de coco, también conocida como coir, es un material natural derivado de la cáscara del coco. Este recurso sostenible y renovable ha ganado popularidad en diversas industrias debido a sus múltiples beneficios y aplicaciones.
Био Обелени Овес 5 кг

Био Обелени Овес 5 кг

L'avena decorticata biologica è un alimento non molto conosciuto e utilizzato in Italia mentre nei paesi anglosassoni è uno degli ingredienti principali della colazione. L'avena bio decorticata viene venduta in chicchi per preparare gustose ricette vegane o vegetariane. L'avena è spesso utilizzata cruda in fiocchi per rendere più gustose la colazione a base di latte o yogurt invece la varietà in chicchi è ottima per preparare zuppe o minestre. Questo cereale è anche un concentrato di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come fibre vitamine del gruppo B e diversi sali minerali (ferro calcio potassio fosforo magnesio rame). L'avena decorticata bio prima di essere cucinata deve essere sciacquata sotto l'acqua corrente per eliminare eventuali impurità e poi bisogna metterla a bagno almeno per 12 ore in seguito può essere bollita o utilizzata come ingrediente per insalate e contorni ma in particolare per preparare biscotti pane torte salate e dolci.
Семена от кориандър

Семена от кориандър

Coriander seeds are a globally cherished spice, second only to pepper in terms of usage. These seeds are grown and processed worldwide, with Egypt being a major producer. Coriander seeds offer a warm, husky, and aromatic flavor that is most commonly used in ground form. They are a cornerstone of Indian cuisine, adding a touch of sweetness and spiciness to dishes. In Indonesian cooking, coriander is used in tempeh recipes and bean dishes. The seeds elevate cabbage, corn, chutneys, and relishes, and are also used for vegetable pickling, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.