INDEX-6® is a producer of filling and packaging machines, offers engineering and turnkey solutions, starting with analysis of the concrete product, following the consistency of the technological process and ending with installation and technological plans for completely automated equipment for filling and packaging of milk and dairy drinks, ketchup, mayonnaise, baby foods, jam, oils, juices, wine, spirits, etc. Individual solutions are offered also for non-food products, including personal care products, household chemicals, petroleum products, automobile cosmetics. Offer highly technological ULTRA CLEAN bottling equipment for ESL of microbiological sensitive products - these are the machines from the AssetClean™ trade mark and the Pragmatic® series for the other products. The multiblock systems from the AssetClean™ series are specially designed for filling of microbiologically sensitive products like milk, yoghurts, juices, teas and others. Depending on the concrete product and package peculiarities and the necessary capacity, weight or flowmetric dosing is applied. Several additional features are included in these systems with the purpose of increasing hygiene. The multiblocs from the Pragmatic® series are designed for filling of a wide range of liquid and dense products in PET, HDPE, glass or metal containers, based on weight, flowmetric, volumetric or gravitational filling technology.
Този доставчик все още не е качил никакви продукти.
Гуртчета от м-арамиди и п-арамиди в различни варианти.
Арамидите са ароматни полиамиди. Благодарение на изключителните си свойства, свързани с якост,...
Сушени люти чушки на люспи в червено и зелено. Налични като люспи, гранули или прах. Налични са и варианти с намалени семена.
Артикул №: 10000000
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- кварцов нагревател с средна вълна
- до около 3000 мм дължина
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__ вертикален монтаж по желание
__ заварени съединения
Lightbags® са съвременните създатели на настроение, които не само през есента знаят как да впечатлят с блясъка си. Бързо разгънати, свещта намира свое...