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Обучения по Топлинна Обработка и Технология

Обучения по Топлинна Обработка и Технология

Profitieren Sie von unserem Fachwissen im Bereich Glühtechnik . Schulungen jederzeit möglich. Schulungen bieten wir bei unseren Standort sowie mobil an.
leaf vacuums

leaf vacuums

Leaf vacuums are essential tools for maintaining clean and tidy outdoor spaces. These machines efficiently collect leaves, debris, and other organic materials, reducing the need for manual raking and sweeping. Leaf vacuums are ideal for both residential and commercial use, offering various capacities and features to suit different needs. With their powerful engines and durable construction, leaf vacuums make waste management efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition to their primary function, leaf vacuums contribute to sustainable gardening practices by collecting organic waste for composting or disposal. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a gardening enthusiast, leaf vacuums are a valuable addition to your toolkit, helping you maintain a clean and sustainable outdoor space.
Интерпретация на групови комитети - Тълкуване на групови комитети

Интерпретация на групови комитети - Тълкуване на групови комитети

Le dialogue social au sein d’une entreprise ayant des filiales hors de France – et donc des salariés de nationalités différentes – est un exercice de communication délicat. La négociation au sein d’un CGE nécessite la mise en place d’un véritable partenariat linguistique, domaine dans lequel Alto International possède une longue expérience. Nos interprètes, traducteurs et techniciens assurent l’organisation complexe de ces événements et garantissent la régularité et la fluidité des échanges entre les différents acteurs, de la Direction aux salariés.
Pottiagogo - Купете Pottiagogo за вашия (уеб)магазин

Pottiagogo - Купете Pottiagogo за вашия (уеб)магазин

At Pottiagogo you can buy products and collections from the categories: Baby products Pots. Visit our showroom in Trademart.
Ново изображение за образование и достъпност

Ново изображение за образование и достъпност

The Logogenia association was founded in 2021 to protect and promote the application of the eponymous method developed and studied by linguist Bruna Radelli. Logogenia studies the processes of language acquisition in deaf children and stimulates the acquisition of morphology and syntax through written language. In addition to training new professionals, the association conducts studies and publications, promoting the method and safeguarding logogenists at both national and international levels. With the aim of making the discovery and understanding of the method as simple and accessible as possible, Logogenia, coinciding with the establishment of the association, turned to HENRY & CO. for the redesign of its logo and website. The original logo was refined while maintaining all its originality. The intervention improved readability, recognizability, and refined small details to make the logo suitable for various media.
Производство на форми

Производство на форми

AOPB est autonome pour la fabrication des moules : - moules classiques, - moules 3 plaques, - moules à dévissage, - moules à canaux chauds, - moules de surmoulage d'inserts, - moules à versions.
100 % Произведено в Германия

100 % Произведено в Германия

Unsere flüssigen Reinigungsmittel sind 100 % made in Germany. 100 % bedeutet: Vom Inhalt über die Flasche, das Etikett und den Sprühkopf oder Verschluss hin zum Verpackungskarton und Versandkarton ist alles in Deutschland gefertigt. Dabei achten wir schon beim Einkauf und der Herstellung auf kurze Transportwege, um unseren Geldbeutel und - allen voran - die Umwelt zu schonen. Flasche, Sprühkopf und Kartons lassen wir in einem Umkreis von max. 100 km um unsere Produktionsstätte in Euskirchen herum fertigen. Anschließend werden die fertigen Produkte von unserem Logistikzentrum in Meiningen, im Mittelpunkt Deutschlands, mit DHL gogreen klimaneutral in alle Länder versendet.
PL гуми, TP гуми

PL гуми, TP гуми

Géo-Négoce: votre fournisseur en pneus PL, pneus TP
Ломо ембучадо 036

Ломо ембучадо 036

Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del producto cárnico no tratado por el calor denominado “Lomo embuchado” o “Caña de lomo” elaborado mediante un proceso de maduración-desecación de duración superior a 45 días. Formato:estuche 200g, bolsa 5kg
Дога Холдинг - Група от компании

Дога Холдинг - Група от компании

At Doğa Pet, we are a leading recycling company specializing in converting plastic waste into high-quality, reusable products, Our PET flake-based facility focuses on environmentally friendly production processes, aiming to reduce the impact of plastic waste and ensure customer satisfaction, With a commitment to sustainability and innovation, we fully comply with environmental standards and continuously improve our operational efficiency, Our goal is to provide sustainable solutions that meet the needs of both current and future generations, If our activities are of interest, I would be happy to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.
Проект "La Collab"

Проект "La Collab"

Conception d'une équipe freelance pour réaliser vos projets avec : - La construction de votre marque - L'élaboration de vos supports de communication - L'acquisition de trafic, leads, utilisateurs, clients...
Услуга за транспорт и логистика

Услуга за транспорт и логистика

ARTIMAS est une société polonaise spécialisée dans une gamme de services de transport routier entre l'Europe et l'Asie / les pays de la CEI et propose diverses options de transport: bâchés, conteneurs, charges surdimensionnées, matériaux en vrac et transport réfrigéré. Nous offrons des solutions d'envoi complets et Express. ARTIMAS est active sur le marché depuis 2010, et opère depuis la Pologne et l'Asie. En Pologne, vous pouvez nous trouver à Varsovie, Aleksandrówka, Biała Podlaska et Olkusz. Nous sommes en mesure de satisfaire tous vos besoins en transport et logistiques. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'informations.
PAESMA - Метални конструкции и строителство

PAESMA - Метални конструкции и строителство

Fundada há mais de 70 anos. Somos especializados no fabrico e construção de: • Moradias; • Unidades industriais e comerciais; • Escolas; • Edifícios desportivos; • Edifícios públicos; • Projetos chave na mão; • Produção de equipamentos; • Produção em subcontratação de peças mecânicas e metálicas.
Техническа поддръжка

Техническа поддръжка

Cooperation with the designer The characteristics of Bossong anchorages are defined on the base of the specific parameters of each single project, as well as the dimensions of the hole they must be embedded in, that depend on the type of material constituting the substrate. The change of information relating to the knowledge of the building’s state of preservation and of the aims of the provided interventions, drawings and pictures, the pattern of cracks and deformations, as well as the design of interventions, are very important to define the type of anchor that better fits the application and also to evaluate the intervention from the economic point of view. Tests in place The need to give to design engineers the possibility of an assessment of the behaviour of injected anchors in a particular application and in a specific setting has lead Bossong to equip its technician with a mobile instrumentation that allows the execution of onsite tests.


Un point d’appel vendeur toujours à l’écoute Optimisez votre chiffre d’affaire (Nos statistiques démontrent une hausse moyenne de 5 % dés la première année). Les études démontrent qu’un important pourcentage de clients valident plus d’achats si un conseillé se rends rapidement disponible pour de renseignements en rayons. Nos bornes d’appel permettent une assistance rapide et efficace pour votre clientèle. Les bornes sont autonomes et ne nécessitent aucun câblage rendant ce système facilement intégrable dans votre infrastructure. Boostez votre relation clients Des clients satisfaits, en relation permanente avec vos équipes Proximité et réactivité pour un CA augmenté Véhiculez la politique de votre enseigne et fidélisez vos clients Analysez, gérez et optimisez Des statistiques quantitatives et qualitatives délivrées par chaque point d’appel Simplicité et efficacité Des bornes d’appel mobiles pour suivre la saisonnalité de votre activité et les besoins de vos clients. Appel sur la so
Онлайн курсове по немски - В малки групи, практични и гъвкави

Онлайн курсове по немски - В малки групи, практични и гъвкави

Speakable offre corsi di tedesco online in piccoli gruppi (min. 3- max. 6 persone). Offriamo corsi di tedesco per principianti, intermedi o avanzati. Se non conosci il tuo livello attuale di tedesco, scrivici e potrai usufruire di una consulenza gratuita in cui chiariremo ogni tuo dubbio e ti consiglieremo il corso piu' adatto a te. I nostri corsi di tedesco mirano a fornirti gli strumenti lingusitici piu efficaci, in modo che in breve tempo sarai in grado di comunicare in tedesco nella vita quotidiana o sul lavoro e supererai la paura di esprimerti in una lingua straniera. Il numero limitato di partecipanti garantisce un'elevata qualita' didattica e ti assicura il giusto tempo e spazio per poter parlare in tedesco durante la lezione ed essere seguito in maniera costante ed attenta. Siamo specializzati nell'insegnamento del tedesco agli italiani, per questo tutte le nostre insegnanti sono bilingui (tedesco/italiano) ed in grado di spiegarti la grammatica tedesca in italiano.
Todoperito - Най-важният каталог на съдебните експерти в Испания

Todoperito - Най-важният каталог на съдебните експерти в Испания

Somos el directorio de peritos judiciales más importante de España. En nuestra web podrá encontrar peritos judiciales y tasadores con una amplia trayectoria profesional inscritos en los listados de los juzgados de todo el territorio nacional. En TodoPerito.es encontrará todas las especialidades de peritaje judicial: peritos médicos, peritos psicólogos, peritos químicos, peritos industriales, peritos ingenieros, peritos tasadores de joyas, peritos tasadores de arte, peritos arquitectos, peritos agrónomos, peritos de seguros, peritos sociales y otras muchísimas especialidades más. Los peritos inscritos en nuestro directorio poseen la titulación que la ley exige y cuentan con una dilatada experiencia en emisión de dictámenes oficiales y su defensa en los tribunales de justicia.
Кампании за диалогов маркетинг

Кампании за диалогов маркетинг

Konzeption, Kampagne, Layout, Portooptimierung & Programmierung, Druck, Posteinlieferung Mit unseren gedruckten Dialogmarketing-Kampagnen spielen wir zielgruppengenaue Angebote exakt dort aus, wo Interesse besteht: Konzeption, Kampagne, Layout, Portooptimierung & Programmierung, Druck, Posteinlieferung.
Изопропилов алкохол (IPA)

Изопропилов алкохол (IPA)

Откриване на Истанбул

Откриване на Истанбул

Istanbul tour program with licensed guide and private airport transfers.
Кадастрален извлечение

Кадастрален извлечение

Copertura servizio tutta Italia. Richiesta di visura catastale online. Ricevi il documento per email in meno di 1 ora in formato PDF.
Контрол на гризачи - Контрол на гризачи и мониторинг

Контрол на гризачи - Контрол на гризачи и мониторинг

La Ecofly SrL, PMI Innovativa, certificata: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 nonché UNI EN 16636:2015, opera la profilassi ANTIMURINA in applicazione dei regolamenti nazionali e comunitari nel medesimo settore, in particolare delle ordinanze emanate dal Ministero del Lavoro, Salute e Politiche Sociali, in data 19 marzo 2009, 14 gennaio 2010, 10.02.2012, 14/01/2014, 10/02/2015 e 13/06/2016 inerenti formulazione ed utilizzo dei prodotti nonché le garanzie di sicurezza previsti per specie No Target,.anche mediante strumento brevettato in uso esclusivo.
Оферта - Промоция за есента

Оферта - Промоция за есента

Consulta rebajada si vienes por primera vez
160*50*47 Полиестерно колело - Полиестерни колела

160*50*47 Полиестерно колело - Полиестерни колела

160*50*47 Polyurethane Wheel - Polyurethane Wheels Product Code:R3B9V4E6H Wheel Diameter (mm):170 Wheel Width (mm):50 Hole Diameter (mm):47 Carrying Capacity (Kg):700 Operating Temperature:-20°C / +70°C Weight (gr):3824
Сертифициран Италиански Преводач - 100% от нашите преводачи/интерпретатори са сертифицирани преводачи

Сертифициран Италиански Преводач - 100% от нашите преводачи/интерпретатори са сертифицирани преводачи

¿Necesitas un Traductor Jurado de Italiano? ¡Nosotros tenemos la solución! Ponemos a tu disposición nuestro servicio de Traductor Jurado de Italiano, donde la precisión y la autenticidad se combinan para brindarte traducciones oficialmente reconocidas que abrirán las puertas hacia nuevos horizontes internacionales. Nuestro equipo de traductores certificados se enorgullece de ofrecer una experiencia lingüística y legal impecable, respaldada por una amplia trayectoria en el campo de la traducción jurada. Profesionales competentes en Italiano: confía en nuestra experiencia Contar con traductores jurados de italiano altamente competentes es esencial para garantizar que tus documentos legales, académicos o comerciales sean traducidos con precisión y fiabilidad. Nuestro equipo está formado por expertos lingüistas que dominan el italiano en todas sus variantes, permitiéndonos entregar traducciones que conservan la esencia y el mensaje original.
Общи условия за продажба

Общи условия за продажба

Veuillez trouvez ci-joint nos conditions générales de ventes
Вестник Щутгарт

Вестник Щутгарт

Beratung im Verlagswesen
Съвети и помощ за предприятия и общности - Частен и публичен сектор - всички размери на организациите

Съвети и помощ за предприятия и общности - Частен и публичен сектор - всички размери на организациите

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