Най-добрият доставчик за stomatolog

Стоматологичният кабинет Ройек Дентал се намира в Олштин. Пациентите се приемат от опитния стоматолог Клаудиуш Ройек. Гарантираме грижа, която обхваща протетика, естетична стоматология, ортодонтия и имплантология. Предлагаме процедури в областта на лечението на коренови канали, поставяне на импланти, запълване на зъбни缺口 и изправяне на зъби. Эфективно помагаме на хора с липси в зъбите. Лечим зъб...

Продукти за stomatolog (51)

Дентални спринцовки

Дентални спринцовки

With Genject brand dental syringes, our company includes Luer-Slip (40mm-50mm) and Luer-Lock (40mm-50mm) options in its production portfolio in order to ensure comfortable and safe use of our esteemed dentists. Again, 2 different models with Luer body and Luer-Lock (lockable system) body options are designed so that you, our esteemed physicians, will not experience difficulties during use. Thanks to the lockable Luer-Lock model, easy separation of the needle from the body is prevented, resulting in a safe use. One of the biggest reasons why Genject brand dental syringes are preferred is the special design of the needle. Product No:8699931753479 ml:2 G:27 mm:40
Стоматологична клиника ST Albans

Стоматологична клиника ST Albans

ST Albans Dental Clinic is a state-of-the-art dental practice in the heart of St. Albans. With a focus on exceptional patient care, the clinic offers a wide range of dental services to meet the unique needs of each individual. The dedicated team of skilled dentists and friendly staff provide personalized treatments in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Equipped with the latest technology and techniques, the clinic ensures the highest standard of dental care, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and implant dentistry. Whether it's a routine check-up or a complex dental procedure, ST Albans Dental Clinic is committed to delivering excellent oral health outcomes for every patient.
Козметична стоматология

Козметична стоматология

Restore your oral health with our personalised dental implants – a long-term solution for replacing the missing root of your tooth. Contact our dentists in Bradford today for compassionate dental care.
Head45 Dental

Head45 Dental

Head45 Dental is a leading digital marketing agency that provides cutting-edge marketing solutions to dental clinics in the UK. The in-house team is proven experts in a wide range of digital marketing services including, SEO & PPC services, social media services, Google Adwords, UI/UX brand design, website & app development. A full-service digital marketing agency with comprehensive brandings, design, and marketing services, Head45 continues to provide extraordinary results that are tailored to the client’s dental practice. Boost your revenue, raise the awareness of your dental clinic by ranking higher on search engines and make your dental practice stand out only with Head45 Dental.
акрилни зъби

акрилни зъби

O Smillyy oferece-lhe dentes de resina acrílica de alta qualidade que lhe garantirão uma resistência, um acabamento natural e um resultado protético de excelência . Oferecemos 2 tipos de dentes: os 2 layers, bem como os 3 layers. Os dentes são feitos a partir de uma mistura de cores para dar aos produtos o aspecto mais natural possível. Características principais: A vitalidade dos 16 tons padrão variava de A1 a A4 Alta dureza e resistência à abrasão Alta estabilidade da cor Melhoria da resistência à abrasão Resistência da chapa à aderência Resistência aos solventes Reprodução fiável da cor
Направлявана Хирургия - Дентална Имплантология

Направлявана Хирургия - Дентална Имплантология

https://grupogentevital.com/tecnicas-dentales/cirugia-guiada/ Cirugía guiada EFICAZ, PRECISA Y MENOS INVASIVA En la Implantología dental han sido realizadas cirugías con el auxilio de tomografías computarizadas asociadas a tecnología CAD/CAM. Las imágenes digitales obtenidas permiten que los profesionales realicen una planificación quirúrgica virtual en software específicos, obteniendo como resultado una guía prototipada que permite la realización de una cirugía con un menor tiempo clínico, con un excelente resultado postoperatorio. Con la ayuda de un escáner intraoral 3D obtenemos una imagen tridimensional del maxilar del paciente. Una vez que disponemos de los datos del escáner, éstos son enviados al ordenador y con ayuda de un software CAD/CAM, el Especialista en Cirugía e Implantología realiza el estudio del hueso maxilar. Así, puede valorar cuál es el lugar más apropiado para colocar el implante y optimizar la cantidad de tejido óseo disponible.
Продуктови групи на Фантомна Челюст - Дентален Учебен Модел

Продуктови групи на Фантомна Челюст - Дентален Учебен Модел

Profesyonel Fantom Çene (28 ve 32 Dişli), Ekonomik Çene ve Pedodontik Çene Modellerimiz
AZ Dental - Софтуер за Зъболекари

AZ Dental - Софтуер за Зъболекари

AZ Dental software per dentisti è realizzato per gestire le attività di una struttura odontoiatrica di qualsiasi dimensione. AZ Dental è l’evoluzione di Sanità Pro e SI , software utilizzati negli anni in importanti studi odontoiatrici anche multi sede, è stato implementato seguendo le necessità dei clienti ed ormai ha raggiunto una grande maturità. AZ Dental – software per dentisti è ricco di funzionalità per poter effettuare una gestione completa del paziente in tutte le fasi del suo percorso dalla prima visita ai controlli post cura. Richiami dei pazienti, Previsioni di incasso, produttività dei medici sono solo alcune funzionalità che possono aiutare le cliniche senza appensantire l’operatività degli studi minori. Il software è stato implementato in modo da rispondere al meglio a tutte le esigenze, per cui può essere utilizzato solo come agenda, oppure solo per la parte amministrativa oppure solo per registrare i piani di trattamento .....
зъбна фасета

зъбна фасета

Las facetas dentales son hoy muy utilizadas por los pacientes que desean recuperar dientes más blancos y alineados. La faceta dental es un vendaje estético para su diente dañado. Camufla las manchas, las formas irregulares, los dientes descoloridos, demasiado separados o mal alineados. La faceta es ultra fina, de cerámica o material compuesto según la demanda. En efecto, existen varias calidades de facetas: las facetas compuestas o cerámicas. Las facetas compuestas son ventajosas por su coste y composición en resina, reforzada por cargas minerales. Luego tenemos la faceta de cerámica que a menudo se utiliza como Substitute del blanqueamiento dental . Las facetas de cerámica garantizan un aspecto natural de los dientes durante unos veinte años.
Фотография за Клиники, Лекари и Зъболекари

Фотография за Клиники, Лекари и Зъболекари

Till Erdmenger produziert Fotografien speziell für Kliniken und Praxen von Ärzten und Zahnärzten. Businessfotografie ist unverzichtbar als „bildgebendes Verfahren“ für Unternehmen aus der medizinischen Forschung, Kliniken, Ärzte und Praxen. Mit besonderer Umsicht gelingen faszinierende Dokumentationen hochsensibler Bereiche wie bei Operationen oder im Pharma-Labor, genauso wie anschauliche und verständliche Imagefotos Ihres Krankenhauses oder Ihrer Arztpraxis für Ihre Selbstdarstellung oder Homepage.
Зъбни импланти

Зъбни импланти

Das Zahnimplantat ist ein künstliches Fundament, das die natürliche Zahnwurzel ersetzt
Clinicapoint Turkey Teeth Implants

Clinicapoint Turkey Teeth Implants

Dental implants in Turkey, all on four-six systems,full mouth all on 8 implants, all on 6 implants
Citrol - Разтворител на Гута-Перча

Citrol - Разтворител на Гута-Перча

CITROL é utilizado no tratamento endodôntico como solvente dos cones de gutta-percha e dos cimentos obturadores, auxiliando na desobturação de canais radiculares na necessidade de realizar o retratamento destes canais.
Щастливо семейно зъболечение

Щастливо семейно зъболечение

Happy Family Dental Care is dedicated to providing exceptional dental services in a warm and friendly environment. With a focus on family-oriented care, they strive to create a positive dental experience for patients of all ages. The highly skilled team of dental professionals at Happy Family Dental Care is committed to delivering comprehensive oral health solutions, including preventive care, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and restorative treatments. They utilize the latest advancements in dental technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. With a patient-centered approach and a gentle touch, Happy Family Dental Care aims to help families achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy smiles for a lifetime.
Детски зъболекар

Детски зъболекар

W naszym centrum dentystycznym Promedica w Będzinie świadczymy usługi stomatologiczne także dla naszych najmniejszych pacjentów. W naszej ofercie profilaktyka, wizyty adaptacyjne, leczenie zachowawcze (posiadamy kolorowe wypełnienia Twinky Star), usuwanie mleczaków, a także komputerowe znieczulenia magiczną różdżką The Wand oraz sedację wziewną. Posiadamy bogate doświadczenie oraz grono stałych, zadowolonych Małych Pacjentów. Razem zadbamy o piękny i zdrowy uśmiech dzieci! Zapraszamy
Dentcoat / Защита на зъбите - Зъболекар Берлин Кудамм

Dentcoat / Защита на зъбите - Зъболекар Берлин Кудамм

Dentcoat ist ein neu entwickelter und patentierter Zahnschutz der viele Funktionen mit sich trägt. Dentcoat ist ein Zahnlack der die Zähne wie ein künstlicher Zahnschmelz umgibt. Dieser Schutzlack wehrt Säuren ab un reminalisiert zeitgleich den Zahnschmelz darunter. Auch bei empfindlichen Zähnen oder offenen Zahnhälsen bietet sich dieser zusätzliche Schutz an. Gerne beraten wir Sie im Zahnarztzentrum am Kurfürstendamm.
Пакет за клуб на зъболекари - Абонамент за списание

Пакет за клуб на зъболекари - Абонамент за списание

La satisfaction de vos patients est essentielle. Faites enfin de votre salle d’attente un espace convivial et rassurant pour vos clients. C’est pourquoi Public.A vous propose un abonnement à un pack de magazines d’horizons différents pour améliorer la satisfaction de vos patients. Rendez agréable ce moment d’attente afin que vos patients repartent avec le sourire.
имейли на зъбни протезисти - База данни с имейли на зъбни протезисти

имейли на зъбни протезисти - База данни с имейли на зъбни протезисти

annuaire d'emails prothèsites dentaires en France et en europe. Annuaire-JCB : Fournisseur, depuis 30 ans, de bases de données emails et adresses du médical, paramédical et entreprises, mises à jour en permanence. conseil-emailing.com annuaire:email prothesiste
Обща и консервативна стоматология - Дентална естетика

Обща и консервативна стоматология - Дентална естетика

La odontología general y conservadora consiste en los tratamientos odontológicos que se realizan para mantener el estado natural de los dientes mediante técnicas preventivas, o bien cuando ha habido un problema de caries y de destrucción dentaria. Empastes, Obturaciones simples o complejas, Reconstrucciones, Pernos. La odontología general restauradora también utiliza adhesivos y restauraciones de porcelana. Los puentes adheridos conservadores se utilizan para reemplazar uno o más dientes. En estética dental, las opciones de tratamiento incluyen, pero no se limitan a, blanqueamiento dental y piezas para mejorar tanto la apariencia como la función. El desgaste o la pérdida de la superficie de los dientes es un problema importante en pacientes de todas las edades. Un paciente que asiste a un tratamiento de naturaleza reparadora puede presentarse por una variedad de razones. El éxito se basa en una cuidadosa toma de antecedentes junto con una progresión lógica al diagnóstico del problema
Уеб дизайн за зъболекари

Уеб дизайн за зъболекари

Diseño web para dentistas
Медизер Мудс Серия Meltblown Медицинска Маска с Дентален Шаблон

Медизер Мудс Серия Meltblown Медицинска Маска с Дентален Шаблон

3-ply disposable COVID surgical face masks made in the Turkey. Buy medical mask - Patterned medical mask made from 3 layers of durable, breathable high quality 100% cotton with soft stretching elastic ear loops. Each of our face masks are carefully handcrafted. The masks used in several industries are being produced in hygienic environments and provided to the World. All our products have the Certificates required by European Standards.Each mask also features an adaptable nose clip, which molds to the shape of the nose for extra comfort during longterm wear. Thoroughly clean your hands with soap and water before putting on your mouth and nose cover.
Зъболекарски кърпи - Зъболекарски престилки Има 50 или 80 броя в руло.

Зъболекарски кърпи - Зъболекарски престилки Има 50 или 80 броя в руло.

Dental Patient Aprons There are 50 or 80 pieces in a roll. Each Apron is perforated and easily separated. Because it is laminated, it is liquid-proof. Specially designed for neck binding. It is easily connected and, after being used, easily severed without having to solve, the patient is taken without moving. You can easily and practically use it as a disposable adult patient Apron


Rontgen is een essentieel hulpmiddel in de tandheelkunde dat helpt bij het diagnosticeren van tandheelkundige aandoeningen. Deze technologie stelt tandartsen in staat om gedetailleerde beelden van de tanden en kaakstructuren te verkrijgen, wat cruciaal is voor het plannen van behandelingen. Het gebruik van moderne röntgentechnologie kan de efficiëntie van diagnostische processen verbeteren en de tevredenheid van patiënten verhogen. Tandartsen moeten goed opgeleid zijn in het gebruik van röntgenapparatuur om de beste resultaten te behalen. Het kiezen van de juiste röntgentechnologie is cruciaal voor het succes van tandheelkundige behandelingen.


Dentistry, also known as dental medicine and oral medicine, is the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth. It consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the mouth, most commonly focused on dentition as well as the oral mucosa.
Зъбна тава

Зъбна тава

We offer 4 types of gutters: The orthodontic gutter corrects a malposition of the teeth. They are to be worn day and night, except during meals and hygiene. The teeth whitening gutter with a carbamide peroxide gel lightens yellowed teeth with age and removes stains caused by food dyes or nicotine. This home-made tooth whitening technique helps to restore the natural colour of the teeth without altering the enamel. The custom-made sport gutter to adapt to its user in order to protect his teeth from blows and shocks. Finally the OAM gutter (mandibular advanced orthosis), designed like all our custom gutters will allow you to avoid snoring. This dental appliance looks like the mouthguard used by some athletes. It is worn at night in the mouth throughout sleep.
Clinicapoint Турция Услуга за грижа за зъбите

Clinicapoint Турция Услуга за грижа за зъбите

Clinicapoint makes finding trusted dental clinics easy, offering options for dental implants, veneers, crowns, and smile transformations