Продукти за shotcrete (34)

Fluid Spritz : Неорганичен течен ускорител, за пръскани конгломерати (shotcrete)

Fluid Spritz : Неорганичен течен ускорител, за пръскани конгломерати (shotcrete)

Fluid Spritz Solution of mineral reactives (sodium silicate) to be used for the acceleration of setting of sprayed masonry and projected concretes, in the reinforcement of rocks outdoors and/or in a gallery, in laying self-sustaining and waterproofing claddings of tunnels, channels, vaults, basins, underground structures, etc., for use with specific equipment for hydrated mixtures (mixtures in which the silicate is sprayed on the shotcrete output nozzle). Fluid Spritz is a wide diffusion accelerant characterised by ease of use, dosage variability according to the specific construction needs: reduction in the number of coating layers to be applied, reduction of patch layer laying time, reduction of rebound swarfs, option to operate even in cold weather. Production of mortars and grouts sprayed with specific equipment (pumps for shotcrete machines) for hydrated mixtures in the reinforcement of rocks outdoors and/or in a gallery, in laying claddings, also with a load-bearing function, in galleries, on piles, sheet piles, diaphragms, channels, vaults, pondage, etc. In waterproofing underground structures. It can be used in structural sheets, for the safety of buildings affected by earthquakes. Fluid Spritz must be previously introduced into a tank of suitable capacity to be added directly to the spray nozzle. It is always advisable to carry out preliminary tests to determine the most appropriate percentage product addition. Packaging: 1350 kg tank UM: €/kg
Durus EasyShot влакно за бетон - Влакно за шприцбетон

Durus EasyShot влакно за бетон - Влакно за шприцбетон

Durus S500 is proving increasingly popular with designers, contractors and project owners. This synthetic macro-fibre has shown to be a valid alternative to conventional steel fibre reinforcement. With no need to change existing designs, a concrete mix using steel fibres can be replaced by a mix containing Durus S500 macro fibres. The workability will remain unchanged and often even be improved. Typical applications include the production of concrete tunnel segments and other precast concrete elements. The use of Durus S500 instead of steel fibres eliminates any risk of injuries to manufacturing operatives during dosing, de-moulding and handling of precast elements. Compliance with health & safety requirements during the production process and on the construction site are thus greatly improved.
Станция за пръскане

Станция за пръскане

•Estación de pulverizado modular neumática compuesta por uno o varios pulverizadores que podemos incorporar en diferentes partes de la línea de producción según su finalidad. •Por ejemplo: oPulverizado de aceite sobre las bandejas vacías previo al dosificado para conseguir mayor facilidad de desmoldado. oPulverizado de gelatina sobre croissants, posterior al inyectado y previo a la dosificación de topping. oPulverizado de alcohol sobre magdalenas previo a su envasado para su mejor conservación. oPulverizado de jarabes o aromas.
BPM-750 - Машина за пръскане на суха бетонна смес

BPM-750 - Машина за пръскане на суха бетонна смес

BPM-750 concrete spraying machines and systems designed by DENMAK MAKINA are a must-have in your equipment pool due to their low price and low processing cost and ease of use. Due to its rotor structure, it is possible to use any commonly shotcrete material. By its advanced rotor geometry, hardened steel plates and special composite rubber plates it has less air and electricity consumption on operation than its competitors. Its specific oiling system lengthens the life of rubber discs by reducing mechanical wears and optimizes the operating costs. Double sealed water and dust resistant electrical panel provides safety to the operator, which is very crucial at worksite environments. Due to the ease of spare part replacement,it doesn’t require any qualified personnel or doesn’t need any calibration or adjustment to be done afterwards. It can be used in low ceilinged and narrow spaces because of its compact design.
ASE EVP18 Самонивелиращ се Под - Гунитираща Машина и Помпа за Самонивелираща Влажна Замазка

ASE EVP18 Самонивелиращ се Под - Гунитираща Машина и Помпа за Самонивелираща Влажна Замазка

Certificado CE. Maquina electrica y diesel. Unidad de bombeo 2L8. Capacidad de bombeo:18m3/h. 16mm granulado. Distancia:100m,200m.Altura:40m, 50m. CE Certificate. Pump for self levelling floor screeds, ready wet mortars 16mm granule, distance 100m, 200m, height 40m, 50m. autonivelante, bomba autonivelante, bomba de mortero, equipo gunitar, equipo gunite, gunitadora, lanzadora concreto, maquina autonivelante, maquina gunitar, maquina gunite, mortero autonivelante


Bomba fabricada en España, marca ARNABAT, ha sido diseñada para proyectar gunita por vía húmeda o para transportar hormigón hasta una granulometría de 20/25 mm. Características: Elevada productividad a unos costes muy reducidos. - Altísimas prestaciones en trabajos difíciles. - Permite al operador trabajar fácilmente y con seguridad. - Gracias a su diseño permite limpiar la máquina fácilmente. - Diseñada con todas las normas de seguridad CE. - Fácil de transportar. Arnabat ofrece una gama de accesorios y recambios para que las bombas funcionen correctamente. Un correcto mantenimiento y el uso de piezas originales garantizan un máximo rendimiento y seguridad.
Рефрактерен шприцбетон - Рефрактерен шприцбетон за термални станции и отоплителни инсталации

Рефрактерен шприцбетон - Рефрактерен шприцбетон за термални станции и отоплителни инсталации

Refractory shotcrete concrete is used in thermal power plants and heating plants: fireboxes and recirculation channel B29 frames and covers of openings, chimneys, insulation. In metallurgy is used for making furnace lining parts, liquid metal baths, casting systems, and casting pots It can be used also in various household stoves ( fireplaces, chimneys, fireboxes) Application:Thermal power plants and heating plants Packaging:Extra strong plastic bags Storage:Keep in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA - Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA с температура на приложение до 1500°C

Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA - Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA с температура на приложение до 1500°C

CBG DP-TA - dichter Spritzbeton mit hoher Schleiffestigkeit für Kalt- und Heißreparaturen von thermischen Anlagen mit einer maximalen Anwendungstemperatur von bis zu 1500°C. Er kann als Spritzbeton und Reparaturmasse für andere Geräte nach Absprache mit dem Hersteller verwendet werden. — hohe Schleiffestigkeit — hohe Haftungskraft mit der zu applizierenden Oberfläche — enthält keine Stoffe, die allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Beständig gegen Metallschmelzen, saure und alkalische Schlacken. Die Wassertemperatur beim Mischen der Betonmischung darf +35° nicht überschreiten. Liefer- und Lagerbedingungen: — Verpackt in 25-kg-Säcken oder Big-Bags, andere Verpackungen nach Absprache möglich. — Lagerfähigkeit in einem trockenen Raum: max. 12 Monate ab Herstellungsdatum. Typ:Torkretbeton Zusammensetzung:Korund Mullit, Spinell Bindung:Chemisch-hydraulisch Temperatur der Anwendung:bis zu 1 500°C Dichte:2550 kg/m³ Maximale Korngröße:4 mm Wasserverbrauch,abhängig von der Art des Torkretverfahrens und der Torkretanlage:6,0-12,0 l/100 kg Chemische Zusammensetzung:Al2O3 - 82,5 % ; SiO2 - 18,5 % ; Fe2O3 - 2,5 % ; CaO - 5,0%
LPS-ASM-100 Пневматична Машина за Бетониране - МАШИНА ЗА БЕТОНИРАНЕ

LPS-ASM-100 Пневматична Машина за Бетониране - МАШИНА ЗА БЕТОНИРАНЕ

The LPS-ASM-100 is an essential machine in your equipment fleet designed specifically for lightweight concrete spraying jobs, boasting a fully pneumatic system. It offers low acquisition and operational costs along with practical usage. With its ergonomic and economic advantages in both infrastructure and superstructure construction, it stands as one of the most preferred machines in the rapidly evolving industry. Particularly in mining structures, it eliminates potential risks of fire and explosions resulting from gas compression using its pneumatic system. Its compact design enables operation in low-ceiling enclosed spaces and narrow areas.
Тип влакно FE / FED - Тип влакно FE / FED

Тип влакно FE / FED - Тип влакно FE / FED

Der Fasertyp eignet sich besonders als Spritzbetonfaser zur Gesteinssicherung sowie für monolithische Tunnelschalen. Stahldrahtfasern haben gegenüber Stahl- matten viele technische und vor allem wirtschaftliche Vorteile. Der gesamte Ar- beitsgang kann in wesentlich kürzerer Zeit durchgeführt werden. Durch die deutliche Prägung hat die FED-Faser einen verbesser- ten Verbund innerhalb der Betonmatrix. Anwendungsbereiche: • Tunnelbau • Spritzbeton • Industriefußböden Abmessungen: ø 0,6mm - 1,0mm Werkstoffe: 1.4016; 1.4301; 1.4401; 1.4828; 1.4841; 1.4845


Премахване на фаски

Премахване на фаски



Sie benötigen eine Toilette in Ihrer Halle? Dann sollten wir uns einmal über Ihre Kanalisation unterhalten.


Sandstrahlarbeiten als Beschichtungsvorbereitung Sandstahlarbeiten zur optimierten Haftung von Beschichungen im Eigenbetrieb. Sandstahlarbeiten zur Entlackung oder Entrostung durch Partnerbetrieb.


Korfez Foundry produces various types of tube mill parts like shell liner plates, mill head plates, diaphragm plates and exit grates. We can also deliver complete liner systems and diaphragms. Additionally, we offer a complete renewal of your ball mill internals. Korfez Foundry produces various wear and impact resistant parts for your vertical mill, such as roller tire, segmented rollers, table liners and nozzle rings. Besides suitable material selections we offer ceramic composite reinforced components and other special applications to deliver the highest performance with a minimized risk of breakage. Korfez Foundry provides wide range of wear solutions for your hammer mills. Our expertise in wear behavior in grinding systems enables us to offer the most suitable materials and designs for your milling hammers casings, rotors and various accessories.
Разделител на капки

Разделител на капки

ENVIMAC Engineering hat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung mit der Herstellung und dem Einsatz von Tropfenabscheidern, auch bei besonders hohen Anforderungen an die Abscheidewirkung.
Индустриално електричество

Индустриално електричество

Notre entreprise conçoit et réalise des machines industrielles sur mesure, en se concentrant sur le développement durable et le respect de l'environnement. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec nos clients pour comprendre leurs besoins et élaborer des solutions et améliorations personnalisées pour leur production, en privilégiant des technologies respectueuses de l';environnement. Depuis des années, nous sommes passionnés par la création et l'invention de concepts et machines pour l'industrie, en particulier dans l'industrie de l'emballage. Le contexte écologique nous a motivé à tout mettre en oeuvre pour aider les industries à rendre leurs procédés plus respectueux de l'environnement. Installés à Lumbres (62), nos bureaux et ateliers nous permettent de concevoir et réaliser vos machines sur mesures grâce à nos compétences diversifiées.
Каменен валяк

Каменен валяк

Steinwalzen mit Wasserbausteinen werden an besonders belasteten Uferböschungen als Wellenbrecher, Böschungsfusssicherung und dauerhafte Uferbefestigung verwendet. Steinwalzen bestehen aus Wasserbausteinen, die in einen hochreißfesten PE - Netzschlauch eingebunden sind. Mit einem Gewicht von etwa 100 kg/m (30 cm Nenndurchmesser) werden Steinwalzen an hydraulisch stark belasteten Uferabschnitten als Alternative zu leichten Schüttstein - Deckwerken verwendet.


- Concasseurs à Etoiles : Minerais tendre & non abrasif - Concasseur à Pics : Minerais à dureté moyenne et abrasive - Concasseur à Marteaux : Minerais durs mais peu abrasif


Our dry concrete is produced using marble aggregates extracted from our underground quarry, resulting in exclusive properties and a high level of quality to meet the most demanding needs of our clients. - Beton sec H-25 - Béton sec léger - Béton sec autoplaçant H-25 / AR12 - Béton FAST & EASY Compressive strength:25 N/mm2 Abram's cone:6-9cm Maximum size (D):12mm Mixing water:10% (+/-1) Minimum cement content:350 kg/m3 1 m3 of stained concrete:2.200 kg


Wir arbeiten für Sie im Bedarfsfall über Nacht oder an Wochenenden bzw. Feiertagen. Der gesamte Projektablauf, von der Angebotserstellung bis zur Endabnahme, ist für Sie jederzeit transparent.


Nuestros supositorios, enriquecidos con 75 mg de CBD o CBG por pieza, también contienen terpenos, ácidos grasos omega, flavonoides, fitoesteroles, aminoácidos, glucósidos, vitaminas, alcanos y compuestos nitrogenados que son importantes en la construcción de las células, procesos metabólicos, manteniendo la función de muchos sistemas. Altamente antiinflamatorio y antibacteriano - Los supositorios de CBD / CBG le ayudarán en los momentos más difíciles. Aplicar el producto sobre la piel y en las zonas necesarias.
Разделител за мазнини

Разделител за мазнини

Dauerhaft dichter und chemisch beständiger Fettabscheider aus GFK (Glasfaserverstärkter Kunststoff)
Грутове 6 SFR: Литиева структурна, подсилена, контролирана свиване шоткрит

Грутове 6 SFR: Литиева структурна, подсилена, контролирана свиване шоткрит

Grout 6 SFR Grout 6 SFR is a high-performance, self-levelling castable mortar, reinforced with Readymesh MM-150 steel fibres and 6 mm Readymesh PM-060 polypropylene microfibres. It boasts high flexural strength, excellent adhesion to concrete and steel, and shrinkage compensation. The aggregates have a maximum size of 6 mm. It is ideal for anchoring road joints, restorations, reinforcements, and seismic adjustments, providing ductility for medium-to-high thicknesses (5–20 cm) on structures made of reinforced concrete and masonry. Structural restoration and adjustments, recovery and anchoring of road, motorway, airport joints, and critical area joints in general. Application surfaces should be clean, free of dirt, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., and adequately saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Proper roughening of the surfaces through scarifying, sandblasting, etc., is always necessary to achieve maximum adhesion values to the substrate. Optimal values are obtained with high-pressure hydro-scarification. Remove any exposed rebar that is undergoing disruptive oxidation or is deeply oxidized, cleaning the rust from the exposed rebar (by sandblasting or using abrasive brushes). Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Grout 6 SFR and the remaining water; continue mixing until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is achieved. The mixing water should be about 13%-15% by weight (3.5-4.5 litres per bag). Use casting procedures that ensure the absence of discontinuities and avoid the formation of air pockets. For high anchoring sections, it is advisable to add Ghiaietto 6.10 (please refer to the appropriate technical data sheet for more information). Packaging: 25 kg bag Unit of Measure: €/kg
Fluid spritz AF : Добавка за ускоряване на втвърдяването без алкали за шоткрит

Fluid spritz AF : Добавка за ускоряване на втвърдяването без алкали за шоткрит

Fluid spritz AF Alkali-free mineral reactivity solution to be used to accelerate sprayed concrete and shotcrete, in the consolidation of rocks outdoors and/or in tunnels, in the construction of self-sustaining and waterproofing coatings of tunnels, canals, vaults, basins, underground works, etc., to be used both dry and wet directly in the mix design of the concrete to be sprayed. Fluid Spritz AF is a widely-used accelerant characterised by ease-of-use and variability in dosing according to the specific needs of the worksite, with a reduction in the number of coating layers to be applied and in the time needed to complete the carryovers, with less rebound waste and the option to operate even in cold temperatures. Packaging of sprayed mortars and concrete mixes including with specific equipment (shotcrete pumps, pumping machines) for hydrated mixtures in the consolidation of rocks outdoors and/or in tunnels, in the construction of coatings also with a load-bearing function, in tunnels, on posts, pilings, diaphragms, canals, vaults, basins, dams, and so on. For waterproofing below-ground works. Can be used in collaborative slabs, for the safety of buildings affected by earthquake. Fluid Spritz AF can be used wet directly in the concrete to be sprayed or can be placed ahead of time in a container of suitable capacity to be added directly to the spray lance. It is always advisable to carry out preliminary tests to determine the addition of the most suitable percentage of product. Use 8–10% of Fluid Spritz AF on the weight of cement present in the mixture to exude and according to the application conditions and type of concrete (range of use: between 8–10 kilograms per 100 kilogram of cement in the design mix). Packaging: 25 kg canister UM: €/kg
Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA - Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA с температура на приложение до 1500°C

Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA - Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA с температура на приложение до 1500°C

CBG DP-TA - dichter Spritzbeton mit hoher Schleiffestigkeit für Kalt- und Heißreparaturen von thermischen Anlagen mit einer maximalen Anwendungstemperatur von bis zu 1500°C. Er kann als Spritzbeton und Reparaturmasse für andere Geräte nach Absprache mit dem Hersteller verwendet werden. — hohe Schleiffestigkeit — hohe Haftungskraft mit der zu applizierenden Oberfläche — enthält keine Stoffe, die allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Beständig gegen Metallschmelzen, saure und alkalische Schlacken. Die Wassertemperatur beim Mischen der Betonmischung darf +35° nicht überschreiten. Liefer- und Lagerbedingungen: — Verpackt in 25-kg-Säcken oder Big-Bags, andere Verpackungen nach Absprache möglich. — Lagerfähigkeit in einem trockenen Raum: max. 12 Monate ab Herstellungsdatum. Typ:Torkretbeton Zusammensetzung:Korund Mullit, Spinell Bindung:Chemisch-hydraulisch Temperatur der Anwendung:bis zu 1 500°C Dichte:2550 kg/m³ Maximale Korngröße:4 mm Wasserverbrauch,abhängig von der Art des Torkretverfahrens und der Torkretanlage:6,0-12,0 l/100 kg Chemische Zusammensetzung:Al2O3 - 82,5 % ; SiO2 - 18,5 % ; Fe2O3 - 2,5 % ; CaO - 5,0%
Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA - Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA с температура на приложение до 1500°C

Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA - Плътен търкален бетон CBG-DP-TA с температура на приложение до 1500°C

CBG DP-TA - dichter Spritzbeton mit hoher Schleiffestigkeit für Kalt- und Heißreparaturen von thermischen Anlagen mit einer maximalen Anwendungstemperatur von bis zu 1500°C. Er kann als Spritzbeton und Reparaturmasse für andere Geräte nach Absprache mit dem Hersteller verwendet werden. — hohe Schleiffestigkeit — hohe Haftungskraft mit der zu applizierenden Oberfläche — enthält keine Stoffe, die allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Beständig gegen Metallschmelzen, saure und alkalische Schlacken. Die Wassertemperatur beim Mischen der Betonmischung darf +35° nicht überschreiten. Liefer- und Lagerbedingungen: — Verpackt in 25-kg-Säcken oder Big-Bags, andere Verpackungen nach Absprache möglich. — Lagerfähigkeit in einem trockenen Raum: max. 12 Monate ab Herstellungsdatum. Typ:Torkretbeton Zusammensetzung:Korund Mullit, Spinell Bindung:Chemisch-hydraulisch Temperatur der Anwendung:bis zu 1 500°C Dichte:2550 kg/m³ Maximale Korngröße:4 mm Wasserverbrauch,abhängig von der Art des Torkretverfahrens und der Torkretanlage:6,0-12,0 l/100 kg Chemische Zusammensetzung:Al2O3 - 82,5 % ; SiO2 - 18,5 % ; Fe2O3 - 2,5 % ; CaO - 5,0%


BPM-700 concrete spraying machines and systems designed by DENMAK MAKINA are a must-have in your equipment pool due to their low price and low processing cost and ease of use. Due to its rotor structure, it is possible to use any commonly shotcrete material. By its advanced rotor geometry, hardened steel plates and special composite rubber plates it has less air and electricity consumption on operation than its competitors. Its specific oiling system lengthens the life of rubber discs by reducing mechanical wears and optimizes the operating costs. Double sealed water and dust resistant electrical panel provides safety to the operator, which is very crucial at worksite environments. Due to the ease of spare part replacement,it doesn’t require any qualified personnel or doesn’t need any calibration or adjustment to be done afterwards. It can be used in low ceilinged and narrow spaces because of compact design.


"The LPS-DSC-200 is tailored for use in lightweight concrete spraying jobs, representing an essential addition to your machinery fleet due to its low purchase and operating costs, as well as practical usability. Thanks to its rotor structure that accommodates all commonly used shotcrete concrete, the machine can spray aggregates up to 20mm in size, including gravel, crushed stone, and coarse sand. This machine is ideal for a wide range of applications in shotcrete work, offering practicality and cost-effectiveness in your operations."


The LPS-DSC-100 is designed for use in lightweight concrete spraying jobs, offering low initial and operating costs along with practical usability, making it an indispensable addition to your machinery fleet. Its rotor structure is capable of handling all types of commonly used shotcrete concrete, allowing the spraying of aggregates up to 12mm in size, including gravel, crushed stone, and coarse sand. The machine is suitable for a wide range of applications in shotcrete work, providing practical usage and cost-effectiveness in your operations."