Продукти за oksms номер (50)

Артишок - Гръцки артишок

Артишок - Гръцки артишок

Artichoke - greek artichoke
Alline Procap 180 капсули

Alline Procap 180 капсули

Alline procap contains a unique high quality keratin. Keratin CynaPlus from Alline procap is the result of a patented production process that guarantees almost complete 95% bioavailability and the presence of 18 amino acids. Alline procap combines a natural keratin CynaPlus with a complex of eleven vitamins that provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking two capsules per day. Allin procap contains three minerals that each play an essential role in the hair cycle. These three minerals provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking 2 capsules per day.
Капсули Coenin Q10 PLUS - Капсули и таблетки

Капсули Coenin Q10 PLUS - Капсули и таблетки

Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended for older age groups and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function. Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12. Art. No.:1809
Puori O3 Омега 3 Добавка 120 Капсули

Puori O3 Омега 3 Добавка 120 Капсули

Puori O3 Omega 3 Omega 3 lange keten vetzuren zijn een essentieel onderdeel van ieder dieet omdat het lichaam zelf deze vetzuren niet aanmaakt volgens het voedingscentrum . Omdat ons voedingspatroon de afgelopen decennia drastisch veranderd is, krijgen sommigen er tegenwoordig helaas vaak te weinig van binnen. Puori O3 is getest en gecertificeerd op puurheid en kwaliteit door het onafhankelijke laboratorium IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) en is beloond met 5 van de 5 sterren. Deze onderscheiding garandeert o.a. de puurheid, de minimale concentratie van 74% en de duurzaamheid van het productieproces.
Лимонена трева

Лимонена трева

LEMON BALM – a dietary supplement which facilitates body relaxation and has a positive effect on sleep and well-being.


OPC Plus Kapseln Inhalt: 60 Kapseln 250mg OPC Wirkstoff (Gesamt 625mg) Acerola Vitamin C Zink Traubenkernextrakt, Acerolaextrakt, Zink (keine Trennmittel) 2 Kapseln täglich mit viel Flüssigkeit nehmen. Nach dem Öffnen innerhalb von 3 Monaten aufbrauchen. Das Produkt geschlossen, trocken, lichtgeschützt und bei Raumtemperatur (15 – 25° C) lagern.
Панирани лукови пръстени - Tapas du Chef

Панирани лукови пръстени - Tapas du Chef

Mettre le produit surgélé dans une quantité abondante d'huile très chaude et frire pendant 3/4 minutes. A consommer chaud.. L'usage du micro-ondes n'est pas recommandé.
Oligomax Желязо - Изисквания на жените

Oligomax Желязо - Изисквания на жените

OLiGOMAX Iron is a synergy of naturally-sourced minerals and trace elements: a combination of concentrated sea water with lithothamnium and red algae, a source of trace elements. It contains trace elements selected for their benefits, including Iron. Iron helps to reduce tiredness and plays a role in the normal formation of red blood cells. OLiGOMAX Iron can be recommended in the event of iron requirements, fatigue, and for pregnant and nursing women. Iron :10 mg (71% NVR*)
ChevreArdennes Пресни Лук P - Пресните

ChevreArdennes Пресни Лук P - Пресните

ChèvrArdennes se présente sous plusieurs déclinaisons de goûts remarquables : en croûte fleurie, en rondin frais aux herbes, au miel, aux raisins secs, aux oignons, bruschetta, au citron, lardé. Mais aussi en pavé cendré, en feuilleté de chèvre au miel, au parmesan Parmigiano Reggiano, Bleu Danois, et beaucoup d’autres encore. Les fromages de chèvre conçus selon notre souci de la qualité ne peuvent que valoriser votre réputation de distributeur exigeant dans son choix de fromages frais et exclusifs pour ses clients.
Бира Лук Пържени

Бира Лук Пържени

Ces beignets d’oignons à la bière sont totalement tendances. Ils répondent à une volonté de créer un apéritif savoureux et gourmand autour duquel vous pouvez partager un moment festif et convivial. De plus, ils sont parfaits pour accompagner des repas snacking, comme des burger, des tacos, ou des hot dog. La bière présente dans la pâte donne un goût particulier et original. CONDITIONNEMENT:9 x 600 kg = 5,4 kg
Пигмент, инхибиращ корозията, цинков фосфат - Пигмент, инхибиращ корозията, цинков фосфат Kronphos PZ

Пигмент, инхибиращ корозията, цинков фосфат - Пигмент, инхибиращ корозията, цинков фосфат Kronphos PZ

Le phosphate de zinc de la marque KRONPHOS PZ convient aux peintures, résines, résines époxy, polyuréthanne acides aminés, acrylates et caoutchouc. Faible capacité réfractive Flexibilité des couleurs claires. Bonne résistance à la corrosion. KRONPHOS PZ : Le phosphate de zinc de qualité PZ a fait ses preuves en tant que produit anti-corrosion fiable. La teneur élevée en zinc de 50 % permet une réduction des pigments pour d’excellentes propriétés anti-corrosion dans les peintures et les revêtements. La luminosité de la couleur de 99% indique la pureté du produit et permet l’utilisation de pigments anti-corrosion de la classe PZ dans des formulations plus complexes. Contrairement aux inhibiteurs de corrosion, le revêtement de film a un effet anti-corrosion à long terme. Par exemple : poids brut maximum 13 tonnes:Vitesse de rotation 1500 tr/min
Ензимни препарати: Proteozym® N

Ензимни препарати: Proteozym® N

Proteozym® N als Monoenzympräparat enthält Bromelain (Enzyme aus der Ananas) dazu Zink. Proteozym® N unterstützt eine normale Eiweißsynthese und die Erhaltung von Knochen, Haaren, Nägeln und Haut. Wann und wo Enzyme ? Eine „Kernkompetenz“ der Enzyme liegt in der Regulation, Unterstützung und Beschleu­ni­gung von Ent­zün­dungsreaktionen. Indem die Proteasen und Lipasen am Entzündungs­herd dazu beitragen, Zellfragmente abzubauen und die Mikrozirkulation zu verbessern, wirken sie anti­inflamma­torisch, antiödematös und letztendlich auch analgetisch, also schmerzlindernd. Da die meisten pathophysiologischen Vorgänge, von Hämatomen über Gelenkschmerzen bis Krebs, auf Entzündungen zurückgeführt oder zumindest von entzünd­lich­en Prozessen beglei­tet werden, können Enzyme auch bei einer sehr großen Zahl von Erkran­kun­gen eingesetzt werden.
Органично кокосово масло - МАЗА И МАЗНИНИ

Органично кокосово масло - МАЗА И МАЗНИНИ

Coconut oil has been consumed by people for thousands of years in the tropics, where palm trees grow.Nowadays, it is increasingly becoming the center of attention in Europe, due to its many beneficial properties. What are these?Thanks to the gentle production method, it does not contain catalyst and solvent residues or decomposition products that are harmful to health. Coconut oil is produced from the dried seeds of the coconut usually without the use of chemicals, by mechanical means, by pressing. The oil produced in this way is "virgin" coconut oil, which still has the smell and taste of fresh coconut. Virgin oil is typically purified by a physical process (RBD), the resulting oil is "refined coconut oil" (name in the food and pharmacopoeia). Refined coconut oil is odorless and has a neutral taste.


Омега 3 Премиум Исланд 500 мг капсули № 60 - Омега 3 Премиум Исланд 500 мг капсули № 60, от 1,9 EUR на единица

Омега 3 Премиум Исланд 500 мг капсули № 60 - Омега 3 Премиум Исланд 500 мг капсули № 60, от 1,9 EUR на единица

Omega 3 Premium Fish Oil, 500 mg capsules No. 60 Fish oil, Iceland, contains at least 55% Omega 3 fatty acids: 33% EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 22% DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) PREMIUM Iceland fish oil with an ideal composition of fatty acids and impeccable quality. It is the composition of polyunsaturated acids and purity that affect the beneficial properties of this product.Fish oil is a means of preventing many serious diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Fish oil strengthens the immune system, improves brain function, helps to cope with stress and get rid of depression. This supplement is indispensable for the growth and development of children. * This product may be manufactured under Trade mark of customer. More detail information a.podosinnikov@lactusan.ua
Кокосови стърготини - HoReCa

Кокосови стърготини - HoReCa

In cooking, coconut flakes are used mainly in the confectionery business. It is added to different cakes, sweet rolls and pastries, both as a delicate fragrant filling and as a delicious decoration for the finished product. Coconut flakes are also used in the coating of chocolate treats, food bars, ice cream icing, crackers, crispy cookies, muesli, sweets and many other desserts. Use for Desserts, pastries, cookies, any bakery products, sauces, meat and fish dishes. Taste Delicate, sweet with a coconut smell Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 5,0 Fats (g / 100g)… 50 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)…520
Бромазепам 6 mg Лексотанил 180 Таблетки от Roche

Бромазепам 6 mg Лексотанил 180 Таблетки от Roche

Bromazepam 6 mg Lexotanil Tabletten – Behandlung - Angst- und Spannungszuständen - Lexotanil ist ein Medikament, das den Wirkstoff Bromazepam enthält und zur kurz- und mittelfristigen Behandlung von Angst- und Spannungszuständen eingesetzt wird. Bromazepam gehört zur Gruppe der Benzodiazepine, die beruhigend, angstlösend und muskelentspannend wirken, indem sie die Wirkung des Neurotransmitters Gamma-Aminobuttersäure (GABA) im zentralen Nervensystem verstärken. Die Tabletten sind in einer Stärke von 6 mg erhältlich und werden oral eingenommen. Sie helfen, Symptome wie innere Unruhe, Nervosität, Spannungszustände und Angstgefühle zu lindern. Die Dosierung wird individuell angepasst, abhängig von der Schwere der Symptome und der Reaktion des Patienten auf die Behandlung. Lexotanil sollte nur für kurze Zeiträume verwendet werden, da Benzodiazepine zur Abhängigkeit führen können. Langfristige Anwendung kann zu Toleranzentwicklung und Entzugssymptomen führen.
Коензим Q10 – 30 мг 30 капсули - СПЕЦИАЛНИ ДОБАВКИ

Коензим Q10 – 30 мг 30 капсули - СПЕЦИАЛНИ ДОБАВКИ

COMPLEMENTO ALIMENTICIO A BASE DE COENZIMA Q-10 Presentación:Envase de 30 cápsulas Composición:Agente de carga (Fosfato cálcico), Coenzima Q10 (Ubiquinona), Maltodextrina, Antiaglomerantes Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 cápsula al día, con la comida
Перла Бяла Хамелеон 2g - Kandurin

Перла Бяла Хамелеон 2g - Kandurin

Mother Of Pearl White Chameleon 2g - Kandurin
Яйца Uniovo Клас L

Яйца Uniovo Клас L

Ovos saborosos, que revelam a qualidade e empenho depositados nestes! A forma ideal para começar o dia de maneira saudável e nutritiva. Uniovo, oviamente bom!
Хрупкави Кремообразни Чедър с Халапеньо

Хрупкави Кремообразни Чедър с Халапеньо

Un fromage doux avec une délicate touche d'épices


Food supplement for hypercholesterolemia, high blood triglycerides, hypertension. Recovers the immune system of individuals with cancer. It favors the health of the system Nervous and strengthens the immune system. Help to prevent inflammatory diseases like the disease of Crohn's, and autoimmune diseases like lupus. Relieves premenstrual syndrome. Improves skin dryness and peeling. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1983 Produced in a E.U. certificated laboratory. ISO 9001. Quality management certification.
Омепразол Крем - Омепразол

Омепразол Крем - Омепразол

Allergic Dermatitis, Neurodermitis,


• 13 vitamins + 9 minerals. • Strengthening the body's defenses. • Increased bioavailability of components due to Bioperine®. • It will be useful in the season of colds, with diets or unbalanced nutrition. Recommendations for use: For adults, take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. Content of active ingredients per 2 tablets: Vitamins: Vitamin В1 – 1.9 mg (136 %) Vitamin В2 – 1.8 mg (113 %) Vitamin В3 – 20 mg (111 %) Vitamin В5 – 5.4 mg (90 %) Vitamin В6 – 2 mg (100 %) Vitamin B9 – 400 mcg (200 %) Vitamin B12 – 3 mcg (300 %) Vitamin A – 400 mcg (50 %) Vitamin E – 10 mg (100 %) Vitamin D3 – 5 mcg (100 %) Vitamin C – 90 mg (150 %). Vitamin K1 – 120 mcg (100 %). Biotin (vitamin H) – 50 mcg (100 %). Minerals Calcium – 150 mg (15 %) Magnesium – 60 mg (15 %) Iron – 14 mg (100 %) Zinc – 12 mg (80 %) Manganese – 2 mg (100 %) Copper – 1 mg (100 %) Iodine – 150 mcg (100 %) Selenium – 70 mcg (100 %) Chromium – 50 mcg (100 %)


Манделова киселина 15%

Манделова киселина 15%

Multifunctional chemical peeling based on 15% mandelic acid. It exfoliates the epidermis, stimulating it to intensive regeneration. It evens out the color, supports collagen production, smoothes fine wrinkles and has an anti-aging effect firming the skin. Irreplaceable in the care of problematic skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, prevents the formation of acne, effectively narrows enlarged pores. It does not cause photosensitization and can be used all year round. In summer, you should use a cream with a UV filter after its application. Available Packages:Set of 3 positions ( Mandelic Acid 15%): Degreasing + acid peels + nutralization Country of Origin:POLAND - AVA
E411: Туркмен 40 пилешки кюфтета 2600г (4 бр. в кутия) - Всички наши продукти

E411: Туркмен 40 пилешки кюфтета 2600г (4 бр. в кутия) - Всички наши продукти

E411 : Turkmen 40 fricadelles de poulet 2600gr (4pc par colis) - Tous nos produits Code barre:4031759401783 Réf:E411