Pharmaturca е фармацевтичен склад, упълномощен да изнася от Турция/Истанбул. Основан през 2004 г. и сертифициран от Министерството на здравеопазването на Република Турция, ние сме една от водещите износителски компании. Предоставяме висококачествено медицинско оборудване и фармацевтични продукти, предлагайки широк спектър от стоки на конкурентни цени, заедно с услуги след продажба. Нашата компания...
D-Cure is a medicine to prevent or treat vitamin D deficiencies. The very high concentration of Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) in D-cure ampoules is sufficient to prevent vitamin D deficiency for several weeks.
During the winter or grey periods, our bodies struggle to make vitamin D because of the lack of sunshine. 85% of the population is deficient in vitamin D during this period. Vitamin D deficiency can have many consequences in adults and children:
Bone pain
Muscle pain
Erectile dysfunction
Sleep problem
Weakening of the immune system.
Severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
Biotin, or vitamin B7, produced by the intestinal bacterial flora is a nutrient necessary for proper glucose transformation. For this reason, it is extremely important for people struggling with diabetes. In addition, biotin plays an important role in the synthesis of fatty acids and in the metabolism of leucine, which belongs to the group of exogenous amino acids and also affects the proper development of the body and the condition of the skin. Symptoms of its deficiency include: <ul> <li> drowsiness </li> <li> Apatia </li> <li> irritability </li> <li> Anxiety and depression </li> <li> hair loss < /li> <li> split nails </li> <li> conjunctivitis </li> </ul> Vitamin B7 can be found in meat (pork, beef, poultry), egg yolks, cheese, bran, dark rice, rapeseed and sunflower oil as well as in fruit - bananas, melons, grapefruits, grapes and peaches. Technological processes and thermal treatment cause a partial or total distribution of biotin contained in food products, so it is important to
Before the body can make use of the important Coenzyme Q10, it must be converted into its biologically active form (Ubiquinol). If the body is supplied directly with Ubiquinol, the conversion process will be superfluous. The activated Q10 Ubiquinol is immediately available to the organism.
Each capsule contains 100 mg of Ubiquinol (KANEKA Ubiquinol™, activated chemical form of CoQ10).
Coenzym Q10
Enzymes are key biological catalysts which allow reactions and life processes to take place in the cells in all living organisms. Enzymes require so-called coenzymes - wherein the coenzyme Q10 plays a particularly important role.
Coenzyme Q10 is one of the body's own substances belonging to the group of vitaminoids. It contains substances similar to vitamins and is an important part of our daily nutrition. Q10 is primarily found in the organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys.
Art. No.:1824
PLANTUS CLN contains
Avena sativa
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Linum usitatissimum
Terminalia sp.
Terminalia sp.
Emblica officinalis
PLANTUS CLN contains both soluble and insoluble fiber for cleaning the colon with the plant extracts included. Insoluble fiber is especially good for improvement of elimination and prevention of constipation. Soluble fiber increases helpful bacterias produces naturel antibiotics that remove potentially harmful bacterias such as salmonella, campylobacter and escherichia coli. Soluble fiber also helps connection and transfer of cholestrol through the body. Thus the plant extracts in PLANTUS CLN help recovery of the intestinal flora.
PLANTUS CLN is available as 60 capsules in a glass bottle.
Subutex enthält den Wirkstoff Buprenorphin und wird zur Behandlung von Opioidabhängigkeit eingesetzt. Es handelt sich um eine sublinguale Tablette, die unter die Zunge gelegt wird, wo sie sich auflöst und den Wirkstoff langsam freisetzt. Buprenorphin ist ein partieller Opioid-Agonist, der hilft, Entzugssymptome zu lindern und das Verlangen nach Opioiden zu reduzieren, ohne die intensiven euphorischen Effekte zu verursachen, die mit missbräuchlichen Opioiden verbunden sind.
Die empfohlene Anfangsdosis wird individuell vom Arzt festgelegt, wobei die Behandlung in der Regel unter ärztlicher Aufsicht beginnt. Subutex kann sowohl in der Einleitungs- als auch in der Erhaltungsphase der Behandlung verwendet werden.
Die Anwendung von Subutex sollte im Rahmen eines umfassenden Behandlungsplans erfolgen, der auch psychosoziale Unterstützung und Beratung umfasst.
Zu den häufigsten Nebenwirkungen gehören Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Schwitzen und Schlafstörungen.
Presentación:Envase de 60 tabletas
Composición:(Citrato Magnesio 600 mg): Citrato de Magnesio, incrementador de volumen
Modo de empleo:3 tabletas al día
Ultravist 370mg I/ml Injection is known as a contrast agent. It is injected into the body before an X-ray test or CT scan to enhance the visibility of internal body structures like blood vessels and non-bony structures.
Oddway International is proud to offer Nindanib Nintedanib 150 mg at a reasonable price. As a leading global pharmaceutical wholesaler, Oddway International is dedicated to providing high-quality medications at competitive prices, ensuring that everyone has access to affordable treatment worldwide. They source Nindanib Nintedanib 150 mg from reputable manufacturers to guarantee high efficacy and safety.
Order Nintedanib 150 mg from Oddway International and save on Nintedanib cost. Place your order via
Here are the product specifications:
Brand Name: Nindanib 150mg
Composition: Nintedanib 150mg
Manufactured By: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
Form: Capsule
Packing: Pack of 10 Capsules
Ventajas de Viagra para mujeres:
- no excita pero ayuda excitarse durante la estimulaciòn sexual;
- refuerza la circulación sanguínea de los órganos de pelvis pequeña;
- normaliza la lubricación vaginal natural;
- elimina la sequedad de la vagina;
- no es un afrodsiaco pero sube / refuerza / aumenta la libido;
- refuerza la sensibilidad de la zonas ìntimas;
- es muy efectiva en las mujeres después de histerectomía y durante menopausia;
- ayuda a conseguir orgasmo y sube las sensaciones orgàsmicas;
- permite recibir las sensaciones orgásmicas más duraderas.
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Contains per ml: Amoxycillin (as trihydrate) 100 mg
by e.g. penicillinase-producing staphylococci and some Gram-negative strains
Amoxycillin long-acting is a broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic penicillin, active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The range of effect includes Streptococci, not penicillinase-producing Staphylococci, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Brucella spp., Haemophilus spp., Pasteurella spp., Salmonella spp., Moraxella spp., E. coli, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Fusiformis, Bordetella spp., Diplococci, Micrococci and Sphaerophorus necrophorus. Amoxycillin has many advantages; it is non-toxic, has good intestinal resorption, is stable in acidic conditions and is bactericidal. The drug is destroyed
#Amoxicillin_ Injection
#antibiotic_ Veterinary
#Medicine _veterinary
#Animal_ amoxicillin_ trihydrate_ GMP
#amoxicillin_ raw_ pharmaceutical_ veterinary
#amoxycillin_ raw_ pharmaceutica
Le Curcuma est une plante tropicale vivace à courte tige et à rhizomes. Ses racines sont de couleur jaune ou orangée et ses fleurs rose vif. Son feuillage fait de larges feuilles est réparti de part et d'autre de la tige. Les fleurs du curcuma sont stériles et ce sont les rhizomes qui peuvent permettre la reproduction de la plante.
Conseil d'utilisation
2 à 4 gélules/jour à avaler avec un grand verre d'eau
à prendre en supplémentation d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée.
Précautions à prendre
Déconseillé aux enfants ,femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.
Ne pas dépasser la dose recommandée.
Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants, à l'abri de la chaleur et de l'humidité.
Comme avec tout supplément nutritionnel, consultez un professionnel de santé avant de le consommer en cas de prise concomitante d'anticoagulants.
Pour 4 gélules 2000 mg Curcuma
Magnesium - Hochdosiert & Rein | Magnesiumpräparate
- Natürliche Magnesiumverbindungen, für eine besonders gute Aufnahme im Körper.
- Zur Unterstützung des Energiestoffwechsels, der Muskel- und Nervenfunktion.
- Analysierter und geprüfter Rohstoff in Markenqualität.
- Reinsubstanzen - ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
- Als Kapseln, Pulver oder Magnesiumöl.
Coenzyme Q10
1 - Naturellement stocké
2 - Maintien d’un taux d’ubiquinol dans l’organisme
3 - Production d’énergie cellulaire
Issu de la fermentation des levures, l’Ubiquinol Q10 est identique à celui retrouvé dans nos cellules. Son taux diminue avec l’âge à cause du stress, de l’activité physique intense, du tabac ou encore d’une alimentation déséquilibrée.
Peu de temps encore, la coenzyme Q10 n’était disponible en complémentation que sous la forme Ubiquinone. Pour pouvoir l’absorber et la stocker, l’organisme devait convertir I’Ubiquinone en Ubiquinol.
L’Ubiquinol Q10 est prêt à être assimilé et utilisé dans les cellules dès son ingestion.
Ubiquinol Q10 s’adresse à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent maintenir leur taux d’ubiquinol naturellement stocké.
L-Valin gehört zu den acht essentiellen Aminosäuren, welche Dein Körper selber nicht herstellen kann. L-Valin stärkt die Nervenbahnen und dient der Ernährung Deiner Muskeln. Besonders Sportler haben durch die körperliche Aktivität einen erhöhten Tagesbedarf. Aber auch bei der Degeneration der Muskelzellen oder motorischen Störungen wird L-Valin eingesetzt. Im medizinischen Bereich ist L-Valin Bestandteil von Infusionslösungen oder künstlicher Ernährung.
Anwendung: L-Valin ist gut in Wasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten löslich. Einfach einrühren und Dein Essen oder Getränk genießen.
Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan
The natural body forming complex. Weight management for overweight – optimises glucose metabolism.
Do you have the following problems? A couple of kilos too much – overweight
Regular weight gain
Sugar or fat metabolism problems
Diabetes mellitus Type 2
Do you often feel thirsty?
Do you always feel fatigued?
Recommended dose 1 to 2 capsules every day with water.
Content: 60 Vegi capsules
Curbs ravenous appetite. Essential for a healthy diet. Figur 21 Gluco Stop – the formula with bitter melon, nopal and cinnamon extract. 21 vital substances that promote and obtain healthy blood sugar levels naturally. Figure 21 Gluco Stop is an effective and natural formula for obesity, diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Accompanying nutritional therapies with natural plant substances, such as Figur 21 Gluco Stop Complex, have been studied extensively in recent years. The natural ingredients may support the desire for an improved sugar metabolism.
Glycerol has emollient, lubricating, moisturizing and hygroscopic properties that contribute to the absorption of water in the skin and hair, promoting hydration and softness. It creates a protective film and protects the capillary mass, preventing water from being lost easily when the hair is exposed to very dry environments as well as other adverse factors for hair health.
Indisches Basilikum – Tulsi bedeutet: "Die Unvergleichliche". Im Ayurveda wird die tägliche Einnahme von Tulsi als Lebenselexier empfohlen. Sie soll Herz und Geist öffnen, spendet Energien der Liebe und Hingabe, stärkt den Glauben und das Mitgefühl und sorgt für Klarheit. Tulsi soll außerdem eine Schutzfunktion haben, indem es die Energiekörper reinigt.
Tulsi - Indiens heilige Pflanze
Die "Königin der Kräuter" wächst in Indien als heilige Pflanze im Garten eines jeden Tempels und Hauses. Tulsi ist somit in Indien eine der wichtigsten spirituellen Pflanzen. Im Ayurveda ist Tulsi bereits seit Jahrtausenden als Adaptogen bekannt und gehört zu den großen Rasayanas. Für Hindus ist Tulsi heilig. Tulsi wird morgens und abends angebetet. Es heißt, die Göttin Tulasidevi sei in diese Heilpflanze geschlüpft, um den Menschen zu dienen und sie zu schützen.
Ayurvedische Eigenschaften: Ausgleichend für Kapha und Vata
Größe und Darreichungsform: 60 Kapseln
Juvaderm Ultra 4 is an injectable implant for lip augmentation and cheekbone augmentation as well as filling deep depressions of the skin with deep dermis injection. Great for correcting deeper facial lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth. This product contains lidocaine for a more comfortable injection. Characteristics Juvederm® Ultra 4 is a sterile, pyrogen-free physiological solution of cross-linked hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. Juvederm utilizes the advanced technology 1D matrix for greater durability (up to 3 years) and optimal capacity volume. Benefits of Juvederm Ultra 4 - Can be used to fill any deep depressions of the skin with deep dermis injection. - Lip and Nose enhancement - Cheekbone augmentation - Deep nasolabial folds - Chin modeling - Deep facial and wrinkle correction Packages - 2 x 24 x 0.3ml syringes containing 24mg/ml hyaluronic acid and 1% lidocaine 0.3% - 2 x 27G ½'' needles How long is it effective? Juvederm Ultra 4 results can last up to 12 month
What is Durolane 1×3 ml?
Durolane 60mg is a thick, transparent gel made up of highly-purified sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid). Sodium hyaluronate is found throughout the body, but specifically in joint tissue and the fluid that surrounds it. In the knee joint, this naturally occurring linear polymer works as a lubricant and shock absorber.
The content of sodium hyaluronate, as well as its ability to lubricate and cushion, may be diminished in joints damaged by osteoarthritis. A single injection of Durolane 60mg directly into the joint may improve lubrication and cushioning, thus reducing pain associated with movement.
Blue -green microalga spirulina nourishes and tones, helps fight deficiencies, and at the same time thanks to the high content of chlorophyll cleansing. Its ingredients are well absorbed. Next to the protein in spirulina there is a wealth of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, GLA and other nutrients. It is a rich source of easily absorbable protein, which accounts for about 70% of its weight. The protein contained in Spirulina is digested in up to 85%. It contains large amounts: vitamins D, K and B vitamins. It is also a good source: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Thanks to the content of iodine, spirulina can help in the therapy of thyroid disease caused by its deficiency. Spirulina cleanses the liver and kidneys of toxins, improves blood quality, promotes the development of the proper intestinal bacterial flora and has the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeast. The decisive blue color is rarely found among food products.
Fish collagen in capsules is a product obtained from white tołpyga leather - freshwater fish, feeding on plankton and fine vegetable food. This fish is caught from controlled water reservoirs under veterinary control. It is constantly ensured by the minimum of water pollution with heavy metals. Kolagen is a long -chain amino acid and the most abundant protein in the human body. It is a large part of the skin, hair and nails. It is used in the case of joint pain and osteoarthritis, in movement organs such as tendons. It affects cartilage regeneration, wound healing, strengthens the skin, hair and nails. Capsules - 340 mg </strong> & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> 2-4 capsules per day (in the morning or evening) sipping with a lot of water. The recommended time to take the preparation is 3 months. The product cannot be used by people allergic to any of its ingredients. Remember that only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body and maintaining good
Folic acid and iodide are important for healthy physical and mental development. Amongst other things, folic acid contributes towards the growth of a mother's tissue during pregnancy and towards normal amino acid synthesis and haematopoiesis. Iodide supports a normal energy metabolism and the cognitive functions, i.e. all those processes in the brain which concern thinking, feeling, perception etc. Because Germany is a country low in folic acid and iodide, in particular those women wishing to have children, pregnant and breast-feeding women should supplement their nutrition with folic acid and iodide.
Each tablet contains 0.4 mg (= 400 µg) folic acid and 0.2 mg (= 200 µg) iodine.
Art. No.:1441
Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended for older age groups and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function.
Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12.
Art. No.:1809
Produkt przeznaczony jest do pielęgnacji skóry twarzy i włosów. To gęsta, bezbarwna, żelowata ciecz; unikatowe połączenie składników zapewnia kompleksowe, uzupełniające się działanie. Nie podrażnia skóry.3% roztwór kwasu hialuronowego w postaci żelu to aktywne serum odmładzająco-wygładzająco-regenerujące do twarzy ciała i włosów. Unikatowa kombinacja trzech rodzajów cząsteczek, wykazuje zdolność przenikania w głąb skóry, dzięki czemu pielęgnacja jest gruntowna i długotrwała.Niesamowite działanie:<ul> <li>Nawilża skórę średnio o 16%</li> <li>Wygładza skórę średnio o 27%</li> <li>Ujędrnia skórę średnio o 5%</li> <li>Produkt zmniejsza długość zmarszczek średnio o 5% i ich głębokość średnio o 4%</li></ul>Działanie zostało potwierdzone dermatologicznie. <strong>Skład: </strong>woda destylowana 96%, kwas hialuronowy wielkocząsteczkowy 1,5%, kwas hialuronowy drobnocząsteczkowy 1,5%, substancje konserwujące 1%: glukonolakton, kwas benzoesowy <strong>Stosowanie</strong>Produkt do piel
The trace element selenium is essential for many important functions within the human body. Amongst other things, selenium contributes towards maintaining healthy hair and nails, a normal thyroid and immune system function and protection of the cells. The body particularly needs selenium at times of high physical strain and stress, in old age and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because plant-based foods from our latitudes generally contain little selenium, we recommend, in particular for vegetarians and vegans, a nutritional supplement with selenium, towards which our vegan tablets without animal-based ingredients make an important contribution
Each tablet contains 200 µg pure selenium.
Art. No.:188