Продукти за edbull карта (20)

Пробиотична напитка: водна напитка с пробиотични култури органичен лимонов вкус 500

Пробиотична напитка: водна напитка с пробиотични култури органичен лимонов вкус 500

Mikroorganismo bizidun edariak dira, gozoak eta osasungarriak. Kultura probiotikoak hartzituz egiten dira, edari freskagarria, apur bat karbonatatua, kaloria eta azukre gutxikoa lortuz. Edari bakoitzak azukrearen %2 baino gutxiago dauka Jogurt baten ezaugarriak bifiduarekin eta freskagarri isotoniko batekin, azido laktikotik edo gehitu ohi diren azukre eta edulkoratzaileetatik eratorritako nutrizio-arazorik gabe. Hainbat zapore ditugu, hala nola, limoia -jengibrea, hibiskoa eta bezeroek eskatzen dituzten beste zapore batzuk prestatu ditzakegu, hala nola kokoa, mangoa,... Edari probiotiko hauek kanaberako azukrea eta datila almibarretan uretan jarriz egiten dira, kultura probiotikoek kontsumitzen dituztenak. Limoi kontzentralari esker da zaporea. Apur bat gasifikatua (ekoizpenean modu naturalean sortzen den gasa, hartziduraren ondorioz). Bizidun edariak, pasteurizatu gabeak, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus eta Bifidobacteria anduiak ditu. Edarietako batek
Нов болус: enertop

Нов болус: enertop

Enertop is a bolus filled with sodium propionate that converses into glucose. This way your cows get an instant shot of energy when needed!
EDAGUM ® SM Хуминово Фуражно Добавка

EDAGUM ® SM Хуминово Фуражно Добавка

EDAGUM®SМ Feed additive is destined for increase the efficiency and safety of agricultural animals, including poultry, strengthening of their immunity and metabolism. Ingredients humic and fulvic acids > 20 g/l, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc. Not explosive and flameproof Ingredients:humic and fulvic acids > 20 g/l, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc Substance hazard category:4 (low-hazardous substance) Storage period:5 years Technical specifications:9283-002-52420467-2009 State registration number:PVR-2-11.8/02328 Packaged in:0.25; 0.5; 1; 5; 10; 20; 100; 200; and 1000 liter bottles
3D Лъв

3D Лъв

Crée ton lion en 3 diensions Difficulté : moyenne Âge : Dès 8 ans Expédition sous 24 heures (hors week end)
Epibal - Улеснява храносмилането

Epibal - Улеснява храносмилането

Les problèmes de digestions provoquent : aigreurs d'estomac et lourdeurs. Les légumes, la viande, l'alcool, sont générateurs d'aigreurs, de flatulences et dérangements. Ces problèmes continueront, même quand vous ne mangerez plus ce qui les a provoqués. Pour faciliter la digestion, Epibal prend en charge 3 phénomènes: difficulté à digérer, remontées acides, sensations de lourdeurs . Composition 100 % naturelle. Fenouil, Canelier, Origan, Lithothamne.
init EDI

init EDI

100% digitale Bestellabwicklung, ohne Programmierung, mit init EDI Alle Formate. Alle Kanäle. Egal welche Daten Sie mit Geschäftspartnern austauschen möchten, init EDI ist kompatibel mit allen gängigen Schnittstellen und beherrscht alle erdenklichen Formate. Zuverlässiges Error-Handling. Langes Suchen nach einer Fehlerquelle hat ein Ende. Mit init EDI wird Ihnen die Fehlerquelle direkt in einer Mail aufgezeigt. Das erspart langes Suchen und Sie kommen direkt ins Doing. Reibungslose Integration in Ihr ERP-System. Mit Hilfe unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung im EDI-Bereich sorgen wir für einen einwandfreien und reibungslosen Transport aller notwendigen Daten in Ihr ERP-System. Egal ob über klassischen oder modernen EDI-Transport, wir beherrschen beide Welten. Runs: 0,49 €/Run Starter | 0,19 €/Run Business Distribution: Cloud / On-Premise Workflows: unbegrenzt Grundgebühr: 99 € mtl. Starter | 499 € mtl. Business
Ergybiol - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

Ergybiol - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

ERGYBIOL, a general-use OLiGOMAX for the whole family combining all trace elements, thus contributing to the wellbeing of the body and of all of our cellular reactions. ERGYBIOL is a food supplement which combines all trace elements from sea water and from lithothamnion, a mineral-rich algae, as well as selected trace elements, contributing to the general wellbeing of the body. Copper supports the proper functioning of the immune system, selenium helps protect cells against oxidative stress and chromium supports the normal metabolism of macronutrients. Copper:0,2 mg (20 % NRV*) Selenium: 25 μg (45 % NRV*) Chromium:18 μg (45 % NRV*) Molybdenum :18 μg (36 % NRV*)
Течен Въглен

Течен Въглен

Zhidkij ugol is a line of next-generation sorbents on natural apple pectin. Pectin efficiently transports harmful substances out of the body Its sorption capacity is 20 times higher than that of activated charcoal. It is 6 to 10 times better than other sorbents in removing heavy metals. Fortified with a prebiotic to restore the intestinal microbiota. The composition is strengthened with succinic acid and taurine to accelerate detoxification and improve well-being. Easy-to-take dosage form: a pleasant-tasting drink. Quick action: a liquid dosage form acts faster than tablets and capsules. Does not induce constipation. Active Ingredients:pectin, inulin, taurine, succinic acid Presentation:10 sachets of 7 g each
Лимонена трева

Лимонена трева

LEMON BALM – a dietary supplement which facilitates body relaxation and has a positive effect on sleep and well-being.
Leucillin 50ml - Антисептични, антивирусни, противогъбични капки за очи и уши

Leucillin 50ml - Антисептични, антивирусни, противогъбични капки за очи и уши

Leucillin is a clever antiseptic solution that kills 99.99999% of bacteria, virus & fungal spores on contact, including MRSA, E. coli & SARS-C0V-2. Leucillin works and is safe on all animals including birds and reptiles. It is skin pH neutral, non-toxic, non- stinging and safe if licked or ingested. It is completely safe to use all over your pet including eyes, ears and sensitive skin. Leucillin keeps your pets’ skin clean & clear, keeping your pet itch free. Leucillin contains the active ingredient Hypochlorous (HOCl) which is also naturally produced by the white blood cells. Leucillin works in harmony with your pet’s own immune system, is independently tested & recognised by globally approved standards. Leucillin does not contain any steroids, antibiotics, alcohols or any nasty chemicals.
TESA Асортимент

TESA Асортимент

Großen Sortiment an Klebebändern in Markenqualität von TESA , z.B. 64014, 4124 , 4024, 4120, 4137
CelluBoost - Натурален хранителен добавка

CelluBoost - Натурален хранителен добавка

Extrait de spiruline fraiche française, concentré en phycocyanine. Naturel végétal et végan ! Propriétés antioxydantes antivirales et anti-inflammatoires, booste le système immunitaire, antistress oxydatif, boost naturellement l'EPO pour les sportifs, soutient en période de ménopause, apports nutritionnels de qualité, apport d'énergie en quantité.
CENTOBOR - Хранителна добавка

CENTOBOR - Хранителна добавка

KENDİNİZ VE SEVDİKLERİNİZ İÇİN • Antiviral, Antibakteriyel, • Antifungal ve yüksek antioksidant etkisiyle, • Vücut direncini artırmaya, • Yaşlanmayı geciktirmeye, • Hormonları dengelemeye yardımcı olduğu gibi içerisinde bulunan çinko, magnezyum ve kalsiyum mineralleri ile mineral eksikliğini gidermeye YARDIMCI OLUR.
Енергийна болус Enertop

Енергийна болус Enertop

Our energy bolus Enertop is a fast-acting cattle supplement designed to provide cattle with fast energy against a negative energy balance around calving or whenever needed.
Ergytonyl - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

Ergytonyl - Виталност - Интелектуално Представяне

ERGYTONYL contains a trio of invigorating plants. Eleutherococcus aids adaptogenic activity and optimises mental and physical abilities in the event of a passing fatigue. ginseng promotes vigilance and memory, helping maintain good cognitive performance and supports vitality. Yerba mate has stimulant properties which support the body's resistance to physical and mental fatigue. Trace elements, including zinc which supports cognitive function, and magnesium which contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, complete the formulation. ERGYTONYL can be recommended to combat physical and/or mental fatigue, stress, overwork and during periods of intense work or during examinations. Ginseng:1430 mg* Eleutherococcus:1104 mg* Yerba Mate:552 mg* Magnesium:56 mg (15 % NRV**) Zinc:3 mg (30 % NRV**)
Ергидесмодиум - Елиминация - Детокс

Ергидесмодиум - Елиминация - Детокс

ERGYDESMODIUM contains desmodium, which promotes good liver function. Trace elements complete this formula rich in selenium, which help to protect the cells against oxidative stress. Free of alcohol, sugar, sweetener and artificial flavourings. ERGYDESMODIUM is suited to the promotion of liver function Sea water exposed to the sun's rays produces concentrated sea water. Desalinated then combined with lithothamnium French extract (red algae), obtained via an exclusive patented process, and plant extracts and specific trace elements, it is a component of all our phytominerals. Desmodium:600 mg* Selenium:16 μg (30 % NRV**) Molybdenum:7.5 μg (15 % NRV**)


ERGYTONYL est composé d’un trio de plantes toniques. L’éleuthérocoque contribue à une activité adaptogène et à optimiser les capacités mentales et physiques en cas de fatigue passagère. ; le ginseng soutient la vigilance et la mémoire, aide au maintien de bonnes performances cognitives et favorise la vitalité. Des oligoéléments dont le zinc, soutien de la fonction cognitive, et le magnésium, qui contribue à réduire la fatigue, complètent la formule. Quand est-il conseillé ? ERGYTONYL pourra être conseillé en cas de fatigue physique et/ou psychique, stress, surmenage ou lors de travail intense, période d’examens L'expertise Nutergia Sans alcool, sans édulcorant. La mer, une concentration de minéraux et d’oligoéléments. L’eau de mer exposée aux rayons solaires donne un concentré d’eau de mer. Désodé puis associé à un extrait français de lithothamne obtenu par un procédé exclusif au brevet déposé, et à des extraits de plantes et des oligoéléments spécifiques. Ginseng:1430 mg* Eleuthérocoque:1104 mg* Maté:552 mg* Magnésium:56 mg,15 % Zinc:3 mg,30 %


ERGYMUNYL est composé d'échinacée, plantain et romarin, qui sont traditionnellement reconnus pour contribuer à la défense de l'organisme, et d'un extrait de pépins de pamplemousse. Plantain, échinacée, achillée et olivier ont une action au niveau des voies respiratoires. Le cuivre et le zinc soutiennent le système immunitaire. Quand est-il conseillé ? ERGYMUNYL pourra être conseillé lors des périodes à risque (hiver, saisons polliniques…) pour soutenir les défenses naturelles dès les premiers signes. L'expertise Nutergia Sans alcool, sans sucre, sans édulcorant, sans arôme artificiel. La mer, une concentration de minéraux et d’oligoéléments. L’eau de mer exposée aux rayons solaires donne un concentré d’eau de mer. Désodé puis associé à un extrait français de lithothamne (algue rouge) obtenu par un procédé exclusif au brevet Echinacée:1400 mg* AchilléE:1240 mg* Pamplemousse:1200 mg* Plantain:917 mg* Romarin:800 mg* 0livier:400 mg* Zinc:3 mg Manganèse:0,6 mg Cuivre:0,3 mg
Течен Въглен за Деца - Течен Въглен

Течен Въглен за Деца - Течен Въглен

Zhidkij ugol is a line of next-generation sorbents on natural apple pectin. The dual action of ingredients pectin transports harmful substances out of the body, inulin restores the intestinal microbiota. Proven effectiveness: 3 clinical studies, over 500 participants. Easy-to-take dosage form: the pleasant-tasting drink is easy to administer to children. Quick action: a liquid dosage form acts faster than tablets. As has been proven: it does not induce constipation. Active Ingredients:pectin, inulin, fennel seed extract Presentation:10 sachets of 7 g each
Течен Въглен (Палки) - Течен Въглен

Течен Въглен (Палки) - Течен Въглен

Zhidkij ugol is a line of next-generation sorbents on natural apple pectin. Pectin efficiently transports harmful substances out of the body Its sorption capacity is 20 times higher than that of activated charcoal. It is 6 to 10 times better than other sorbents in removing heavy metals. Fortified with a prebiotic to restore the intestinal microbiota. The composition is strengthened with succinic acid and taurine to accelerate detoxification and improve well-being. Easy-to-take dosage form: a pleasant-tasting drink. Quick action: a liquid dosage form acts faster than tablets and capsules. Does not induce constipation. Active Ingredients:pectin, inulin, taurine, succinic acid. Presentation:9 sticks of 10 ml each.