Продукти за detox сок (44)

Edari probiotikoa: органична лимонова напитка с пробиотични култури 500 мл

Edari probiotikoa: органична лимонова напитка с пробиотични култури 500 мл

Mikroorganismo bizidun edariak dira, gozoak eta osasungarriak. Kultura probiotikoak hartzituz egiten dira, edari freskagarria, apur bat karbonatatua, kaloria eta azukre gutxikoa lortuz. Edari bakoitzak azukrearen %2 baino gutxiago dauka Jogurt baten ezaugarriak bifiduarekin eta freskagarri isotoniko batekin, azido laktikotik edo gehitu ohi diren azukre eta edulkoratzaileetatik eratorritako nutrizio-arazorik gabe. Hainbat zapore ditugu, hala nola, limoia -jengibrea, hibiskoa eta bezeroek eskatzen dituzten beste zapore batzuk prestatu ditzakegu, hala nola kokoa, mangoa,... Edari probiotiko hauek kanaberako azukrea eta datila almibarretan uretan jarriz egiten dira, kultura probiotikoek kontsumitzen dituztenak. Limoi kontzentralari esker da zaporea. Apur bat gasifikatua (ekoizpenean modu naturalean sortzen den gasa, hartziduraren ondorioz). Bizidun edariak, pasteurizatu gabeak, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus eta Bifidobacteria anduiak ditu. Edarietako batek antioxidatzaile naturalak ditu (oliba-polifenolak) oliba zukua gehitzean.
Рибен колаген в капсули 60 капсули

Рибен колаген в капсули 60 капсули

Fish collagen in capsules is a product obtained from white tołpyga leather - freshwater fish, feeding on plankton and fine vegetable food. This fish is caught from controlled water reservoirs under veterinary control. It is constantly ensured by the minimum of water pollution with heavy metals. Kolagen is a long -chain amino acid and the most abundant protein in the human body. It is a large part of the skin, hair and nails. It is used in the case of joint pain and osteoarthritis, in movement organs such as tendons. It affects cartilage regeneration, wound healing, strengthens the skin, hair and nails. Capsules - 340 mg </strong> & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> 2-4 capsules per day (in the morning or evening) sipping with a lot of water. The recommended time to take the preparation is 3 months. The product cannot be used by people allergic to any of its ingredients. Remember that only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body and maintaining good




Pulizia dolce con uno shampoo dai componenti seboequilibranti con un pH affine alla pelle. Oltre il 95% di ingredienti di origine naturale. Formato: 250 ml e 1000ml. Dalla ricerca Rebitalia, la soluzione quando il cuoio capelluto si presenta grasso e umido dopo poco tempo dal lavaggio, consigliamo di intervenire con un trattamento efficace di pulizia e sebo regolazione a base di bardana, alfa idrossiacidi e oli essenziali. Ingredienti:aqua – water, sodium coceth sulfate, disodium lauryl


RoxFox® Product protection with rosemary Sausage products, salad dressings, delicatessen or convenience foods - whatever it is, consumers appreciate fresh, visually perfect food. Optimise your product quality and freshness with RoxFox® products. At the same time, secure your colour stability and opt for maximum product protection. RoxFox® is available in water-soluble or oil-soluble variants, and also in E number free variant "N". N for natural RoxFox® products W-N and O-N each have a harmonious flavour profile, while also offering antioxidant potential. Apart from indication of spice or spice extract, no further declaration is necessary when using RoxFox® W-N and RoxFox® O-N. Thus, there is no need to declare an E number under the German Food Additives Regulation (ZZulV). RoxFox® benefits: Optimisation of product quality Optimum colour stabilisation Optimum active substance distribution Use in brine applications Use in products high in oils and fats Prevents fat auto-oxidation
Преобиотици и ензими

Преобиотици и ензими

Prebiotics & Enzymes est un complément alimentaire fabriqué en France. Il contient 4 enzymes et 2 prébiotiques, des extraits de camomille et d’hibiscus. Une étude clinique atteste de l’efficacité de la poudre de kiwi choisie sur le bien-être et le confort digestif. Ce complément alimentaire réduit les inconforts digestifs, améliore la digestion et favorise le développement d'une flore intestinale favorable. Prebiotics & Enzymes se présente sous la forme d'une poudre soluble à l’arôme naturel pomme-hibiscus.
BOTOX 100IU - Купете BOTOX онлайн

BOTOX 100IU - Купете BOTOX онлайн

BOTOX 100IU is a prescription medicine used to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe lines. Buy BOTOX online from us. Botox 100 Units is a trusted, FDA-approved injectable product designed to temporarily reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines.
Мравчена киселина 94%

Мравчена киселина 94%

Мляко за почистване на лице

Мляко за почистване на лице

enrichi à l’extrait d’Aubépine, à l’eau de Bleuet et à l’huile d’Olive extra-vierge Nous avons étudié la formulation de nos cosmétiques pour les rendre remarquables et répondre aux besoins de nos clients qui souhaitent allier beauté et naturel. Chaque élément est étudié, choisi avec soin pour atteindre un équilibre parfait entre ses propriétés curatives naturelles et ses parfums. Ces élixirs de beauté allient efficacité et bien-être. En plus de nourrir la peau en profondeur, ils dévoilent son éclat naturel.


EXOXE® is an innovative product containing over 6 billion microparticles of exosomes, the powerful extracellular vesicles. Exosomes promote skin rejuvenation and tissue revitalization, thanks to their penetrative properties, without the need for injections. EXOXE® represents an evolution beyond conventional exosome products, epitomizing utmost quality. SKU:EXOX-0000 Brand:EXOXE™ Concentration:Lyophilized Powder: Hydrolyzed Collagen (886,000PPM), Collagen (100,000PPM) Sodium Hyaluronate Indication:Treats dry, flabby, damaged skin Combats skin changes, acne scars, atrophic scars, stretch marks The Pack Includes:5 x 50mg Vial PURE EXO - Lyophilized Powder 5 x 5ml Vial Sterilized HA Solution Results' Duration:Results may last up to 12 months. The effect and duration of action is conditional Articles:What are Exosome Treatments? Manufacturer:Regenbogen Co., Ltd.
ШАМПОАН ПРОТИВ ПАДАНЕ НА КОСА - Д-р Чернев - специални продукти

ШАМПОАН ПРОТИВ ПАДАНЕ НА КОСА - Д-р Чернев - специални продукти

Stimulates hair growth Strengthens and strengthens hair structure Thickens hair For new hair growth ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Quinine – accelerates microcirculation, stimulates the growth of healthy and strong hair, restores vital properties Caffeine – stimulates follicles, improves blood circulation, stops hair loss Argan oil – strengthens hair, restores moisture, improves hair elasticity Nettle extract – reduces inflammation of the scalp / cause of chronic hair loss / , eliminates free radicals D-panthenol – improves hair structure / thick and resistant / , deeply moisturizes, gives shine Almond oil – maintains the water balance of the skin, nourishes, regenerates, refreshes, helps hair growth A special natural anti-hair loss shampoo that reduces hair loss and stimulates hair growth. Euterpa anti-hair loss shampoo strengthens and strengthens the hair, protects the scalp, while at the same time giving volume, density and shine to the hair. It is developed against thinning. Code:3800201866040 WEIGHT:0.233 kg
Тонизиращ Шампоан с Гръцко Йогурт и Кралска Желе - 200ml

Тонизиращ Шампоан с Гръцко Йогурт и Кралска Желе - 200ml

"Dieser organische tonische Shampoo -Joghurt verfügt über Wirkstoffe aus Joghurt wie Laktose und Proteinen.Dies gewährleistet eine tiefe Feuchtigkeit des Haares, was sicherstellt, dass der Haarstrang dicker und stärker wird.Die Zugabe von königlichem Gelee sorgt für die Wiederherstellung von trockenen und/oder beschädigten Haaren. Die speziell entwickelte Zusammensetzung mit milden Reinigungsmitteln ist reich an Konditionierungsmitteln und natürlicher Hyaluronsäure.Der griechische Joghurt -Tonic Shampoo nährt und stellt die natürliche Weichheit des Haares wieder her.Darüber hinaus schützt es vor geteilten Enden und Schäden, die unter anderem die Haare stylen. Griechischer Joghurt enthält Vitamine und Mineralien wie Vitamin B, Calcium und Zink.Diese Nährstoffe tragen zu einer gesünderen und strahlenden Haut bei.Feuchtigkeitsspendende Inhaltsstoffe aus dem Joghurt wie Proteinen und Fetten sorgen für die Feuchtigkeit für das Haar und stärken den Haarstrang."
Тоник за Нормална Кожа 400ml

Тоник за Нормална Кожа 400ml

Es verfügt über eine wirksame Formel mit Kräuterextrakten. Es entfernt mühelos Schmutz und Make-up-Rückstände, die sich im Laufe des Tages auf der Haut angesammelt haben. Dank der Wirkung des enthaltenen Lavendelblütenextrakts auf das Kreislaufsystem trägt es dazu bei, die Menge an Sauerstoff zu erhöhen, die in die Haut eindringt, wodurch die Haut jünger, strahlender und glatter aussieht. ml:400
Смути от домати и целина с колаген - LEOVIT DETOX, Пакет 20 г

Смути от домати и целина с колаген - LEOVIT DETOX, Пакет 20 г

LEOVIT DETOX Tomato and celery smoothie with collagen is a unique healthy food product. It contains tomato, celery, beets, apples, inulin, pectin, basil, detox spices and chia seeds, linseeds, collagen for beauty. Detoxification of the body is a vital procedure. Specialized preventive nutrition for body detoxification contains components that affect all stages of the metabolism of toxins, promote binding and their speedy elimination from the cell, and then from the body (ensuring the process of neutralization and elimination of toxins). Numerous clinical studies of LEOVIT DETOX products have shown the possibility of their daily constant use with a stable positive effect. The amount of food consumed between courses of the nutrition program depends on the level of contamination of the body with exo- or endotoxins. Proper nutrition for a reasonable price! Our smoothie is allowed in fasting!
Капсули от Червен Детелина с Донг Куай - Хранителна Добавка

Капсули от Червен Детелина с Донг Куай - Хранителна Добавка

Beim natürlichen Auf und Ab der Wechseljahre. Isoflavone sind bestimmte sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe, für die der einheimische Rotklee (Trifolium pratense) eine hochwertige Quelle ist. Sinnvoll ergänzt werden die Eigenschaften des Rotklees mit der chinesischen Engelwurz Dong Quai. Die pflanzliche Alternative bei normalen, aber lästigen Schwankungen der Wechseljahre Zutaten pro Kapsel: Rotklee - Extrakt (240 mg), Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (Kapselhülle), Dong-Quai-Pulver (40mg),Füllstoff: Maltodextrin, Vitamin B6 (2mg), Trennmittel: Magnesiumstearat.(V/V) Dosierung: 3 x täglich 1 Kapsel
Комбуча от Daily Dose

Комбуча от Daily Dose

Hey, laisse-moi te parler d’un truc qui va te mettre sur orbite, c’est notre Kombucha by Daily Dose ! C’est une boisson à base de thé fermenté qui te fera oublier les breuvages ordinaires. Le secret, c’est l’ajout d’un SCOBY (culture symbiotique de bactéries et de levures si tu veux tout savoir) et de thé infusé sucré, qui déclenche un processus de fermentation magique pour créer un nectar pétillant et vertueux qui te rappellera le goût du cidre. Hé ouais ! Le Kombucha by Daily Dose, c’est une bombe de bienfaits pour ta santé, bébé. Chaque dose est naturellement riche en nutriments pour te booster : enzymes actives, acides organiques, polyphénols antioxydants. Ça va aider ta digestion, renforcer ton système immunitaire et te donner la pêche. Alors, viens goûter à ce nectar de Kombucha qui va te faire décoller, et prépare-toi à vivre une expérience de ouf qui va changer ta vie, poto !


It is flavored with pomegranate extract obtained from natural plants. It strengthens the muscle and joint tissue It nourishes the body with collagen type-1 and type-3, and ensures the continuity of collagen. It strengthens the immune system and increases body resistance. Thanks to the minerals and proteins contained in BY B. Collagen, it gives your skin shine and smoothness and gives vitality all day long. It is formulated in the highest limits as a daily intake dose.
Антиоксидантен комплекс OXXY+/капсули 400mg #60 - Средиземноморски полифенолен концентрат Oxxynea®

Антиоксидантен комплекс OXXY+/капсули 400mg #60 - Средиземноморски полифенолен концентрат Oxxynea®

Oxxy+ is an innovative supplement developed based on the Mediterranean diet, which when taken daily satisfies the recommendations for 5 meals of fruits and vegetables. Storage: Concentrate of 11 fruits: (50-60%) red and white grapes, blueberries, grapefruit, papaya, pineapple, strawberry, apple, apricot, cherry, orange, black currant. Concentrate of 11 vegetables: (30-40%) green tea, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, white cabbage, onions, garlic, wheat germ, asparagus, olives, cucumber High level of antioxidant activity (ORAC) >5 000 ммоль TE/g
Biofiton Възстановяване на Бъбреците - 100% Натурален Билков Добавка - Phyto Sport

Biofiton Възстановяване на Бъбреците - 100% Натурален Билков Добавка - Phyto Sport

120 fitotabletek wspomaga funkcjonowanie nerek, poprawia usuwanie produktów przemiany materii 2 w 1 >>> ZIOŁA plus unikalna KRIOTECHNOLOGIA zapewniają trwałe ZDROWIE i SIŁĘ Zioła wchodzące w skład Biofiton Kidney Recovery są tradycyjnie wykorzystywane w celu normalizacji funkcji nerek oraz usuwania produktów przemiany materii. Biofiton Kidney Recovery jest produktem polecanym do stosowania zarówno podczas regularnych treningów, jak i w trakcie oraz po zakończeniu przygotowań do zawodów sportowych w celu: – OCZYSZCZENIA NEREK po przyjmowaniu syntetycznych dodatków i po antybiotykoterapii (rdest ptasi, skrzyp polny); – UŁATWIENIA ODDAWANIA MOCZU (rdest ptasi, skrzyp polny, czarny bez, koper); – ŁAGODZENIA PODRAŻNIEŃ I NORMALIZACJI FUNKCJI NEREK osłabionych z powodu stosowania suplementów dla sportowców oraz ścisłej, restrykcyjnej diety (borówka brusznica, rumianek, uczep, mięta).
Хлорела на прах

Хлорела на прах

Chlorella has a powerful alkalizing effect. It’s a strong antioxidant, as well as an excellent source of vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:24 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 56g, fats - 13.5g, carbohydrates - 17g Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):320 kcal (1385 kJ) Ingridients:Chlorella microalga Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten-free:Yes
Лимонена трева

Лимонена трева

LEMON BALM – a dietary supplement which facilitates body relaxation and has a positive effect on sleep and well-being.


• 11 vitamins + 8 minerals. • Based on the age-specific requirements of the body in useful substances. • Provides nutriment and support to joints, extends the active life period. • Suitable for daily intake during the ARVI season, diets and other nutritional restrictions, as well as during recovery from diseases and overstrain. Recommendations for use: For adults, take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals.
Черен Детокс - Добре Битие

Черен Детокс - Добре Битие

15 à 20% des Français souffrent de troubles fonctionnels intestinaux* (fatigue et lenteur digestive, distension et douleurs abdominales, problèmes de transit,…). *Source SNFGE Société Nationale Française de Gastro entérologie Souvent comparés à un deuxième cerveau, les intestins sont au cœur de notre bienêtre physique et psychique. BLACK DÉTOX, une formule BIO à base d’Ail noir fermenté, source d’antioxydants, de Cumin noir qui contribue au confort digestif et de (1)Psyllium noir qui favorise la fonction intestinale. Propriétés des ingrédients Le Psyllium noir (Plantago indica L.) favorise la fonction intestinale par les mucilages (fibres solubles) qu’il contient et qui exercent une action mécanique bénéfique sur le tractus intestinal. Cultivé en France, le Psyllium noir contient moins de mucilage que le Psyllium blond (10 à 12% pour le noir versus 30% pour le blond) facilitant l’évacuation des selles et régulant le transit. Poudre de Psyllium noir BIO:300 mg Extrait d’Ail noir BIO:250 mg Extrait sec de Cumin noir BIO:100 mg
Ергидесмодиум - Елиминация - Детокс

Ергидесмодиум - Елиминация - Детокс

ERGYDESMODIUM contains desmodium, which promotes good liver function. Trace elements complete this formula rich in selenium, which help to protect the cells against oxidative stress. Free of alcohol, sugar, sweetener and artificial flavourings. ERGYDESMODIUM is suited to the promotion of liver function Sea water exposed to the sun's rays produces concentrated sea water. Desalinated then combined with lithothamnium French extract (red algae), obtained via an exclusive patented process, and plant extracts and specific trace elements, it is a component of all our phytominerals. Desmodium:600 mg* Selenium:16 μg (30 % NRV**) Molybdenum:7.5 μg (15 % NRV**)
Здраве на работното място

Здраве на работното място

Pourquoi, comment ? Dynamiser votre entreprise sur des enjeux croisés de santé positive, de cohésion d'équipe et de performance. Apporter à vos équipes les moyens de diminuer le stress en faveur de la qualité de vie et du bien-être au travail. Favoriser des comportements adaptés en matière d'alimentation, de sommeil et de gestion du stress permettant à chacun de développer son plein potentiel. Nous proposons des solutions ludiques, dédramatisants 3 thèmes majeurs de la santé : dans une démarche éducative positive, coopérative en petit groupe inclusif mobilisant l'intelligence collective. Sérotonine Plus Cabinet d'Expertise vous accompagne au sein de l'entreprise pour une réflexion croisée et la mise en place d'ateliers, débats, conférences, interactifs, sur les problématiques de stress, d'alimentation et de sommeil. Je suis à l'écoute de votre projet. Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez nous joindre au ou par email.


Kälte- und Wärmeträgerflüssigkeit auf Basis Monoethylenglykol für technische Anwendungen
Tozobron - Сироп

Tozobron - Сироп

The formulation of Tozobron is particularly recommended for soothing cough symptoms. Green Anise – It has a stimulating effect on bronchial secretions. Balsam of Tolu – It is recommended for Bronchitis, Asthma, Pulmonary emphysema and irritant coughs. The balm is highly antiseptic. It is commonly ingested for its anticatarral and expectorant properties, helping with bronchitis. Polygala – It is used to help with regular breathing. The root exerts a stimulating action on the bronchial mucosa, leading to the elimination of expectoration from coughing and relieving breathing difficulties. Thyme – Known for its expectorating properties. Tilia – It has antiinflammatory, antispasmodic and vasodilator properties. It has excellent antispasmodic properties. It is recommended for bronchial phlegm, bronchitis, asthma, flu and bad coughs in children. Pine – It is used to treat asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory infections. It exerts a purifying and refreshing effect
Гел за мускулна релаксация с CBD - Всички продукти

Гел за мускулна релаксация с CBD - Всички продукти

Ingrédients Aloe Vera, huile de limnanthes, cristaux de menthol, huile de camphre, oléorésine de fruit de capsicum, huile de basilic, huile de poivre noir, huile de camomille, huile de cannelle, huile de citronnelle, CBD broad spectrum Dans quels cas utiliser notre Gel Invincible ? Ce gel a été pensé dans un premier temps pour les sportifs, avec cet objectif de soulager les muscles et favoriser la récupération musculaire. Réalisé avec du menthol et du camphre, le gel permet de détendre les muscles et apporte un effet relaxant à la zone traitée. Contenant 1000 mg de CBD broad spectrum, le Gel Invincible aura également un effet antiinflammatoire et antalgique localisé, vous pouvez donc l’utiliser également en cas de douleurs ou de blocages musculaires de type lombalgie ou torticoli. Type de Cosmétiques:Gels
Бял кристален захар

Бял кристален захар

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%