Продукти за couscous hellofresh (50)

Дългозърнест бял ориз

Дългозърнест бял ориз

Long-Grain White Rice features longer, slimmer grains that remain fluffy and separate even after cooking. With a lower starch content, this rice type is less likely to stick together, providing a perfect backdrop for other dishes. Its neutral flavor offers a pleasingly chewy 'al dente' texture and a hint of buttery flavor. This Long-Grain White Rice combines both texture and taste, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen. Buy the best rice at EG now to experience the quality and taste of Long-Grain White Rice! Our Long-Grain White Rice is sourced from trusted suppliers, ensuring that you receive a product that meets the highest standards of quality and purity. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, this rice is the perfect addition to your kitchen. Its versatility and flavor make it an essential ingredient for a wide variety of culinary creations. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your cooking with our premium Long-Grain White Rice. Order today and enjoy the taste of quality!


Made with natural ingredients from local suppliers in Greece. - Our bagels have a net weight of 120g. - Mini bagels have a net weight of 60g. All Leo’s bagels are vegan except for 3 flavors: - Cranberry with White Chocolate. - Cheddar Cheese Jalapeño. - Blueberry White Chocolate.
Сусамови семена

Сусамови семена

Sesame seeds are a versatile ingredient available in a range of colors, including white, brown, black, red, and yellow. These seeds are de-corticated to remove the black skin before packaging, with darker seeds offering the most flavor. Sesame seeds have a nutty, fresh burst-in-the-mouth flavor, commonly used as a topping for bread and buns. They are also sprinkled over salads and stir-fries in Asian cuisine. Ground sesame is the main ingredient in Tahini, a staple paste in the Middle East, and is used in seed bars, chicken dishes, and rice dishes.
Горчица на едро

Горчица на едро

La mostaza a granel de Lord Spices Group es un ingrediente esencial para cualquier cocina que busque añadir un sabor picante y vibrante a sus platos. Con más de un siglo de experiencia, ofrecemos mostaza de la más alta calidad, disponible en variedades amarilla, beige, entero, molido y negra. Nuestra mostaza no contiene OMG y proviene de varios orígenes, asegurando su frescura y sabor auténtico. Es ideal para su uso en salsas, aderezos y una variedad de platos gourmet, proporcionando a los chefs y empresas alimentarias un ingrediente confiable y de alta calidad.
обелена елда

обелена елда

Buckwheat hulled (trigo sarraceno descascarillado) se refiere a los granos de trigo sarraceno a los que se les ha eliminado la cáscara exterior, una capa dura que no es comestible. Una vez descascarillados, los granos de trigo sarraceno tienen una textura suave y son de color claro, lo que facilita su cocción y los hace adecuados para una variedad de usos culinarios. El trigo sarraceno descascarillado es rico en nutrientes, incluyendo proteínas, fibra, minerales como magnesio y zinc, y antioxidantes. Además, es naturalmente libre de gluten, lo que lo hace ideal para personas con enfermedad celíaca o intolerancia al gluten. Se puede utilizar en sopas, guisos, ensaladas, o cocerse como un sustituto del arroz o la quinoa, y es una excelente fuente de carbohidratos complejos y nutrientes esenciales.


Description : Le sarrasin (Fagopyrum esculentum), également connu sous le nom de « blé noir », est une plante annuelle originaire d’Asie. Contrairement aux céréales traditionnelles, il ne fait pas partie des graminées, mais des polygonacées. Cela lui donne des caractéristiques nutritionnelles uniques, comme l’absence de gluten. Les grains de sarrasin sont petits, triangulaires, et enveloppés d’une coque brune à noire qui entoure une amande blanche. Nous cultivons notre sarrasin dans des conditions optimales pour garantir une qualité stable et une richesse nutritionnelle élevée. Origine : Ukraine.


Vente interdite aux mineurs. L’achat de graines est autorisé en tant que souvenir, collection, et préservation de la biodiversité. L’usage domestique, alimentaire ou agricole, ainsi que la germination et la culture sont illégales et passibles de poursuites. Bloom Farm Groupe et les revendeurs ne pourraient être tenus responsables d’une utilisation par des tiers ne respectant pas la législation nationale en vigueur. Caractéristiques produit: (Ice Cream Cak S1 citronelle x Ice Cream Cake Samadhi cut)


Сварено месо от миди

Сварено месо от миди

Cooked mussels meat
Среден кус-кус

Среден кус-кус

sachet 5 kg
Вегански Алтернативи

Вегански Алтернативи

Fleischersatz, Käseersatz, Instant-Gerichte, Backmischungen, uvm


Spargel in verschiedene Schnitten Spargel (Aspargus officinalis L.) ist eine ausdauernde, mehrjährige Kulturpflanze, deren weiße bzw. grünen Sprossen (Stangen) als Gemüse verwendet werden. Wir bieten folgendes Sortiment: weiß/grün unterschiedliche Längen und Durchmesser Stangen Abschnitte ohne Spitzen (center cuts) Abschnitte mit Spitzen (tips & cuts) Spitzen
Хлебни трохи

Хлебни трохи

Außerdem erhalten Sie bei uns hervorragende extrudierte Paniermehle, die wir geschmacklich, optisch und in der Granulation anpassen.
Семена от сминдух

Семена от сминдух

Trigonella foenum-graecum Origin:India
Златно ленено брашно

Златно ленено брашно

Farine déshuilée de lin doré.
Растителни влакна

Растителни влакна

SARL SOLUTIONS vous propose une sélection de revêtements muraux ELITIS,OMEXCO ,EIJFFINGER . En fibres végétales et de style contemporain, ils sublimeront votre intérieur.
подправен бисквит

подправен бисквит

spiced Bisquit
Счукана пшеница

Счукана пшеница

Blé concassé
Сусамови семена

Сусамови семена

Соево брашно

Соево брашно

Items Requested in standard Result Appearance Light yellow to light brown Conforms Crude protein 46% min 46.15% Crude Fat 1.0% min 1.10% Crude Fiber 3.0% max 2.20% Moisture 10 % max 8.22% Calcium 0.20% Phosphorus 0.65% Total amino acid 4.50% Total Digestible Nutrients 73% min 78.00%
Нарязани Бадеми

Нарязани Бадеми

Aparência e Textura Cor branca/bege, formato de palito; Textura delicada e ligeiramente crocante. Utilização Ideal para barras de cereais e complementos proteicos, chocolates e pastelaria, saladas, coberturas de iogurte e aveia, cereais e granola.
мек пшеница

мек пшеница

Soft white wheat exhibits high break and straight-grade flour yields, at low ash and low starch damage. Their flours have low water absorption and low water-, carbonate-, and sucrose-solvent retention capacities.
Бял Елда

Бял Елда

Otrzymywana z obłuskanych naturalnych nasion gryki zwyczajnej kasza gryczana biała wyróżnia się delikatnym smakiem i bogactwem wartości odżywczych. Ziarno nie jest poddane odróbce termicznej. Wraz ze spożyciem produktu uzupełniamy dietę o drogocenne substancje prozdrowotne, w tym antyoksydanty, magnez, wapń, żelazo i krzem. Stanowiąca źródło błonnika kasza gryczana biała sprawdzi się jako sycący dodatek do obiadu, szczególnie do dań głównych jako substytut ryżu, ziemniaków lub makaronu.
Зърнени храни

Зърнени храни

Blé Riz Seigle Orge Maïs Arachides etc …
Семена от люцерна

Семена от люцерна

ALFALFA SEEDS Botanical Name: Medicago sativa Net Weight:25 – 50 Kg / BAG new crops purity : 99.9 % -


Quality Standard Crude protein 50% min, Ash 30% max, Moisture 10% max, Ash 32% max, Fat 12% max, Packing As Customers require, Exported standard 50kg or 25kg per woven bag or bigger bag (we can print the bag as your design). Crude Fat:10%Max Crude Ash:18%Max Moisture:10%Max Salt and Sand:5%Max Packing:25kg / Bag
Омлетни Кубчета

Омлетни Кубчета

The perfect solution for incorporating egg into your products without the inconvenience of preparing it. This product is ideal for transforming a salad, enhancing mixed vegetables or making a dish more fun for kids. Made from eggs laid in France.
Ленено семе

Ленено семе

Our products meet EU regulations for foodstuffs. We hold IFS FOOD certification as well as veterinary certification. By investing in an innovative technological line for cleaning, sorting, and packing grains, we have obtained a guarantee of product quality and the ability to offer goods with 98% to 99% purity.


We export millet seeds. Delivery is possible on a self-delivery basis, or by our delivery to the buyer, by road and rail. By agreement, various packaging options are possible: bags of 20, 25, 40 kg, big bags of 1000 kg, euro pallets.
Цвете на страстта

Цвете на страстта
