Продукти за аргон 10 l (24)

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Quadro 1 L - Италианско масло - студено пресоване

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Quadro 1 L - Италианско масло - студено пресоване

Il Quadro – our filtered extra virgin olive oil: excellent for all seasoning and cooking needs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italian Oil – Cold extracted Calvi “Quadro” Extra Virgin Olive Oil is our filtered extra virgin olive oil, always delicate, as is characteristic of the entire Calvi range. The color is warm yellow, sometimes slightly tinged with green. This product is also available in a 3 liter can. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. code:Q 1
Oliba екстра върджин зехтин с екологични полифеноли 2L

Oliba екстра върджин зехтин с екологични полифеноли 2L

Polifenolak dituen oliba-olio birjina estra bat da, oliba-olio birjina estra konbentzionalak baino 10 aldiz antioxidatzaile gehiago ematen dituena. Gure olioa olibaetatik zuzenean lortu da, prozedura mekaniko eta hotzeko erauzketaren bidez, iragazi gabe eta dekantazio natural zainduarekin goi-mailako polifenolak ez hondatzeko, Arroniz barietateko olibatik eta heltze une zehatzean zuzenean lortzen da. Bere heltze-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, eta prozedura mekanikoen eta hotz ehotzearen bidez. Iragazi gabe eta dekantazio prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez Arroniz barietateari esker, oliba-polifenolek, hala nola hidroxitirosolak eta oleuropeinak, endekapenezko hainbat patologiaren intzidentzia murrizten laguntzen dute. Odoleko lipidoak estres oxidatibotik babestuz. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeina 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg. Gordinik kontsumitu
5-Аминолевулинова киселина хидрохлорид - 5-Аминолевулинова киселина; 5-Аминолевулинова киселина хидрохлорид; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

5-Аминолевулинова киселина хидрохлорид - 5-Аминолевулинова киселина; 5-Аминолевулинова киселина хидрохлорид; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

5-ALA ist ein pharmazeutischer Wirkstoff hergestellt nach cGMP-Richtlinien. Vorteile: * Wettbewerbsfähiger Prozess * Europäischer Hersteller * Registriert und freigegeben in EU und USA 5-Aminolävulinsäure ist eine Aminosäure, die den Ketocarbonsäuren zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird vermehrt in Tumorzellen zu einem rot fluoreszierenden Molekül umgebaut. Diese reichert sich in Tumorzellen etwa 4 Mal mehr an als in gesunden Zellen. Die Substanz ist ein Photosensibilisator, sie kann mit Lichtenergie Sauerstoffradikale bilden. Diese Radikale zerstören die Zelle, weshalb 5-Aminolävulinsäure z.B. bei durch UV-Strahlung verursachten Hautkarzinomen Anwendung findet. Name:5-Aminolävulinsäurehydrochlorid CAS:5451-09-2 Produktinformation:API Indikation:Tumordiagnostik, photodynamische Th.
Гел цвят Шампанско Yerocolors 70g

Гел цвят Шампанско Yerocolors 70g

Gel color Yerocolors Nett weight gram:70 Colour/ flavour:Champagne
Коктейли - Коктейл

Коктейли - Коктейл

Vous voulez un cocktail sur mesure ? Vous êtes un établissement et vous souhaitez un cocktail signature? Vous êtes une distillerie et vous aimeriez vendre un cocktails fait avec vos produits? Ou vous souhaitez profiter de votre cocktail favori pour votre événements? Rien de plus simple, laissez nous faire !
Яйце от пъдпъдък, сварено

Яйце от пъдпъдък, сварено

El huevo cocido de codorniz es un producto gourmet listo para su consumo, perfecto para aperitivos, ensaladas y platos gourmet. Este producto ofrece una experiencia culinaria única, con un sabor delicado y una presentación atractiva que mejora cualquier menú. Gracias al sistema de cocción y pelado empleado, el huevo conserva su aspecto, olor y sabor, garantizando una calidad superior en cada bocado. Disponible en cubos de 170 unidades, el huevo cocido de codorniz es una opción ideal para chefs y cocineros que buscan ingredientes exclusivos y de alta calidad para sus creaciones culinarias. Su versatilidad y facilidad de uso lo convierten en un componente esencial para cualquier establecimiento que desee ofrecer platos innovadores y deliciosos a sus clientes.


Unseren Kefir kannst du pur genießen oder als Basis für leckere Frucht-Shakes, Dressings und vieles mehr verwenden Wir lieben Kefir nicht nur wegen seines einzigartigen Geschmacks, sondern auch, weil er so gesund ist: In unserem QUARKI Kefir sind 13 lebende Bakterien Kulturen enthalten – eine Wohltat für deinen Magen und Darm! Und nicht zu vergessen, ist unserer Kefir in einer umweltfreundlichen 1 Kilogramm Packung erhältlich.
Натурално Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1000 мл - Стъклена Бутилка Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1 Л

Натурално Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1000 мл - Стъклена Бутилка Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1 Л

It is the olive oil that we have produced under the Taha Kervan brand. It is in the first natural olive oil group. The acid rate is between 0.8% - 2%. Analysis reports are available. It is produced in international quality standards. It is processed in our own squeezing factory and bottling - packaging process is carried out in our filling facility. It is an olive oil that everyone can use easily. It is generally consumed in meals and fried foods. Production date, expiry date and lot number are on the product label. All quality certificates are available. It is a product suitable for export. It is healthy and high quality olive oil obtained from olives grown in Hatay Antakya region. Before purchasing, you can contact us to see our olive grove and production facility. If you want to buy high quality and affordable olive oil, we would like to state that you are in the right place. We only sell wholesale olive oil.
SM G - Средство за отстраняване на котлен камък 10 Kg

SM G - Средство за отстраняване на котлен камък 10 Kg

10 kg descaling agent for our hot cleaners - use only as directed
AOVE Aires 1Литър

AOVE Aires 1Литър

El AOVE Aires 1Litro es un aceite de oliva virgen extra que se presenta en un formato práctico y versátil. Este aceite es conocido por su sabor robusto y su aroma fresco, lo que lo convierte en una elección ideal para aquellos que buscan un toque de autenticidad en sus platos. Perfecto para usar en crudo o en la cocina, este aceite realza el sabor de cualquier receta, desde una simple tostada hasta un sofisticado plato gourmet.
Продажба на етилов алкохол (технически)

Продажба на етилов алкохол (технически)

Продажа этилового спирта (технический) производство Болгария. Предоставляем агентские услуги. ПродажиВ2В.
Течен Въглен

Течен Въглен

Zhidkij ugol is a line of next-generation sorbents on natural apple pectin. Pectin efficiently transports harmful substances out of the body Its sorption capacity is 20 times higher than that of activated charcoal. It is 6 to 10 times better than other sorbents in removing heavy metals. Fortified with a prebiotic to restore the intestinal microbiota. The composition is strengthened with succinic acid and taurine to accelerate detoxification and improve well-being. Easy-to-take dosage form: a pleasant-tasting drink. Quick action: a liquid dosage form acts faster than tablets and capsules. Does not induce constipation. Active Ingredients:pectin, inulin, taurine, succinic acid Presentation:10 sachets of 7 g each
Стар Арманяк Hors d'âge

Стар Арманяк Hors d'âge

Assemblage d’Armagnacs vieillis au moins 10 années en barriques de chêne dans nos Chais situés dans le Gers. Robe : Sombre avec des reflets ambrés et cuivrés – Nous n’ajoutons aucun sucre ou caramel. Nez : Formidable complexité construite autour d’une base d’Armagnacs typés: Prune, Vanille et Fleurs blanches. Notre Hors d’Âge est extrèmement complexe et évolue progressivement en une douzaine d’arômes tous différents les uns des autres, se révélant en autant de délicieuses surprises. Bouche : Incroyablement rond et généreux, très beurré et donnant une impression de légèreté et de douceur. Accords : C’est l’Armagnac qu’il faut déguster pendant 30 minutes pour ressentir toutes ses nuances. En accompagnement de viandes rouges et de plats épicés. Utilisé par les chefs en cuisine. POIDS:1.4 kg BOUTEILLE:Bouteille 150cl, Bouteille 70cl UGS:GHAGE


Flüssige, transparente Imprägnierung auf Silikatbasis zur Verbesserung von mineralischen Oberflächen. Für die Imprägnierung von Beton- oder Estrichflächen, zementgebundener Industrieböden in Lager-, Produktions- und Kühlräumen usw. Eigenschaften:verbesserte Reinigungsfähigkeit erhöhte Dichtigkeit Lieferform:30 kg Kunststoffgebinde


Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra extraído a partir de aceitunas de variedad Picual, excelente por su composición de ácidos grasos y su cantidad de antioxidantes naturales. Su alto contenido en ácido oleico monoinsaturado ayuda a prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares, además, su bajo contenido en ácido Linoleico y su elevado contenido en polifenoles lo convierten en el aceite más estable que existe, es un aceite maduro de gran cuerpo. En boca es equilibrado en amargor y picor, recordando a la tomatera y a la almendra verde.
Био зехтин екстра върджин - бутилка 500ml - Собствено производство - Ранна реколта - Премиум

Био зехтин екстра върджин - бутилка 500ml - Собствено производство - Ранна реколта - Премиум

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Ecológico Premium Variedad Picual Cosecha propia Producción Limitada
Ацетонов почистващ препарат - Почистващ препарат

Ацетонов почистващ препарат - Почистващ препарат

Zum Reinigen und Entfetten. Aceton-Waschmittel An dieser Stelle finden Sie das Technische Merkblatt zu diesem Produkt. Um auch die jeweiligen Sicherheitsdatenblätter zu erhalten, ist ein Log-in notwendig.
Овесено брашно 350г

Овесено брашно 350г

Oat flour is a good choice for baking. The most popular dishes are oatmeal cookies and pancakes. Nutritionists believe that oats are healthier than other grains. When oat flour is added to bakery products, they become more fluffy and crumbly, so this flour can serve as a substitute for wheat flour. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:350 g
Екстра върджин зехтин 1л - Плодов нов сертифициран EVO зехтин

Екстра върджин зехтин 1л - Плодов нов сертифициран EVO зехтин

Olio extra vergine Fruttato Novello, prodotto Siciliano, certificato CT001. Offerto con la bottiglia speciale “Quadra Marasca”. Il Fruttato Novello è prodotto con olive “Nocellara Etnea” coltivate nei terreni di proprietà dell’azienda Cuscunà, che si occupa anche della raccolta a mano ed estrazione a freddo. Il prodotto finale è eccellente e garantito. Inoltre siamo l’unica azienda che offre l’opportunità di adottare un ulivo!
Нар Сос - Наршраб

Нар Сос - Наршраб

The pomegranate contains a whole vitamin and mineral complex. Pomegranate sauce has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and increases hemoglobin levels. Net Weight:250 gr. Gross Weight:280 gr. Shelf Life:24 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 1.3 g, fats - 0.8 g, carbohydrates - 54 g, fiber - 4 g Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):259 kcal / 1084 kJ Minerals mg per 100 g:Fe 2,4 K 13467 Ca 884 Ingridients:Pomegranate juice concentrate, glucose, citric acid, caramel. Organic:No Raw:No Gluten free:Yes
Органично екстра върджин зехтин Reuza 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Biancolilla и Taggiasca

Органично екстра върджин зехтин Reuza 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Biancolilla и Taggiasca

The Reuza Extra Virgin is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars, with rather different effects: the Biancolilla olive and the Taggiasca olive. Extra virgin olive oil · 100% Italian oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Biancolilla olive and Taggiasca olive · Sweet and aromatic, an excellent condiment for salads and crudites, Reuza is a highly selected product: it combines the aromatic notes of the Biancolilla olive with the sweetness of the Taggiasca olive. The result is surprising and very pleasant. The name “Reuza”, Rose in Ligurian dialect, refers to a perfumed oil, just like a flower. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:REU .75
Гарагардо екологично лагер 330 мл

Гарагардо екологично лагер 330 мл

Gure olibondoen artean hazitako garagarrez egindako artisau garagardoak dira, malta, lupuluarekin eta oliba-zukuarekin (oliba-zukuaren uretan disolbagarria den zatiarekin egindakoa).
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Arzentu 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Пернзана и Тагиаска

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Arzentu 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Пернзана и Тагиаска

The Arzentu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars: Oliva Peranzana and Oliva Taggiasca Extra Virgin Olive Oil · 100% Italian Oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Peranzana olive and Taggiasca olive · Excellent condiment for the most delicate dishes Arzentu is a highly selected, gentle and fragrant product that combines the distinctive characteristics of the Taggiasca olive and the Peranzana olive: they are both cultivars that produce very fruity oils: the very sweet Taggiasco, the Peranzana Extra with spicy notes a little more pronounced. The combination is very pleasant. The name “Arzenrtu” Argento in Ligurian dialect refers to a noble product, but with a vibrant note, in its name and flavour. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:ARG .75
Пропофол - Пропофол; 2078-54-8; API

Пропофол - Пропофол; 2078-54-8; API

Propofol belongs to the group of phenol derivatives. The active substance is a short-acting anesthetic. It is used for the initiation and maintenance of intravenous anesthesia. Name:Propofol CAS Number:2078-54-8 Indication:Anesthesia, sedation