“Papino Cosmetics” is a fast-developing Bulgarian company with more than 10 years of experience in the field of development, supply and production of high-quality cosmetic products for hair and body. We produce all you need for a healthy hair, from stylizing hairsprays to serums, masks, shampoos and balms.
We have a production facility with the necessary equipment and a large team of qualified experts and professionals with many years of experience, proven in the creation of products through continuous scientific research, precise selection and control of raw materials with established quality in the market, which is a guarantee of reliability and efficiency. Our team of professionals includes technologists, laboratory engineers, technologists, legal counsel, marketing department and many others. They help us meet all the requirements of both European legislation and our customers.
We constantly strive to improve the offer of individual services according to the views and requirements of each client. We provide the opportunity to create your own line of products under a private label (Private Label). Our goal is to preserve your unique ideas and help you become one of our successful partners. We are different in that we develop products entirely according to your requirements and follow your philosophy as our own. We guarantee the preservation of your trade secrets and do not develop third-party products based on your ideas. Long-term partnership is our philosophy.
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