NEJO BG is a company with extensive experience in the manufacturing of products for the food industry. The company specializes in the design and manufacturing of machinery and equipment for the baking industry. The company helps resolve emerging technical and technological difficulties through continuous communication with the clients. NEJO BG believes that keeping in touch with its customers both during and after the warranty period is one of the contributing factors to the company’s growing market share in recent years. NEJO BG was founded in 1991 in the city of Momchilgrad. The main business activity of the company is the manufacture of machinery and equipment for the baking industry. NEJO BG has its own manufacturing facility with high-performance machines, which ensure flexible and high quality production. NEJO BG’s policy is the correct attitude towards its customers. This includes making the necessary efforts to provide fast and quality service. The company considers the emerging difficulties of its clients as its own and helps in resolving them together. NEJO BG believes that this is the only way to lay the foundations for long-lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships. Our products include: - Electrical deck ovens - Dough dividers - Dough mixers - Dough forming machines - Divider-rounders - Dough rounders - Bread slicing machines - Flour sifting and aeration machines - Dough proofers
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