The company was founded in 2018 and is based near the second-largest city in Bulgaria.
Since its inception, the company has specialized in the purchase, processing, and wholesale distribution of herbs. Over the past five years, we have achieved remarkable growth and become a preferred partner for some of the largest herb buyers and tea producers in Bulgaria and abroad.
Our commitment to integrity, exceptional quality, and unwavering loyalty are fundamental principles that make us an incredibly reliable partner. This approach assists us in forming enduring and successful partnerships that transcend the boundaries of business.
The fruits of rosehip enhance the regeneration (restoration) of the tissues, the synthesis of hormones, and vascular permeability. Fruits and seeds po...
Dried wild rose seeds (Rosa Canina) are used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, but are also employed in the food industry as natural ing...
Dried raspberry leaves are a herb that contains many valuable active substances. Regular use of the tea helps fight fever and has a diaphoretic effect...
The black elder (Sambucus nigra) is a tree-like species with black fruits. This herb has been known to mankind and used for centuries because of its m...
The chamomile flower is a gentle floral herb that has a variety of benefits for the skin and body. It naturally contains vitamins and nutrients that h...
Strawberry leaves are the green, leafy parts of the strawberry plant. They are edible and can be used to make tea, juice, or tinctures. They have a sl...
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