...Lavender Mist is created by steam distillation of our lavender flowers collected from our lavender fields in Northeastern Bulgaria. It has a soothing and antiseptic effect, helps soothe skin irritations, burns, insect bites. Lavender water is used as a tonic to cleanse and refresh the skin. It has an antiseptic effect, reduces inflammation, helps heal wounds, reduces scarring and excessive sebum production.
...Gentle, refreshing cleansing face foam, enriched with organic Rosa Damascena FlowerWater and Hyaluronic acid for daily use. Gently cleanses deeply without drying or irritating the skin. Preserves its natural PH balance. Maintains the face's natural moisture levels.
...Органичният хидролат от лайка се получава чрез парна дестилация на Chamomila recutita. Това е вид тревисто растение, родом от Европа и умерените райони на Азия. Екологичният хидролат от лайка е перфектен продукт за употреба в натуралната козметика благодарение на успокояващите и revitalizиращи свойства върху кожата и укрепващи косата. Той е 100% органичен и натурален продукт, без консерванти или добавки.
CAS: 84082-60-0
EINECS: 282-006-5...
...essential oils, hydrolates (flower waters), cold pressed oils, absolutes, concretes, capsules.
Today, the company is proud of the image of a reliable and loyal partner, one of the main Bulgarian exporters. We trade with countries all over Europe, England, Australia, USA, Japan, China, Singapore, New Zealand and more.
Some of the most popular, with healing properties proven over the centuries, are: Rose...