...Компания, създадена от франкофонен екип, Vos-impressions.com работи изключително за френския пазар на печатни продукти. Благодарение на нашето ефективно индустриално оборудване (офсетова и цифрова печатница), предлагаме печатни продукти на ненадминати цени. Работим 7 дни в седмицата, за да предоставим решения "на ключ" (печата-обработка-транспорт) на нашите френски клиенти. Нашият асортимент от...
The main activity of RICHARD TRADE Ltd. is an international freight forwarding company which operates across Europe. We have our own fleet as well as a package of transport companies with over 200 cars. We strive to provide customized solutions and offer you a complete range of hihg-quality, comprehensive, efficient logistics services at competitive prices. Delivery door to door- for customers who...
Success has many faces !!!!! With HDM SPEDITSIYA get good service at a good price, no matter what load and to which destination. Security is most important for us, for our success is built on that as it is a large amount of orders received, they must be met. We are part of Wolters Klumer Transport Servis, giving you safe access through us to a wide range of European and offers free cargo vehicles.