Фирма "МС Дървообработване" е специализирано предприятие за производство на иглолистни пелети. "МС" е базирана в град Пловдив и вече почти десет години се стремим към високо ниво на професионализъм. Работим с подбрани и проверени суровини. Използваме модерна технология на производство съчетана с висококвалифициран колектив, за да осигурим надежден и висококачествен биопродукт чиято цел е не само д...
ENERGY TRADE 2009 Ltd. is a Bulgarian company founded in 2009 in town of Vidin. It specializes in the production of two types of installations: 1. Processing of chips from old car tires in oil and carbon. Capacity 15 tons per day. Duration of work 24/7, 300 days a year. 2. Processing of waste of petroleum origin by refining. Capacity 25 tons per day. Duration of work 24/7, 320 days a year. The ins...
Neopet Ltd. company has been on the market for almost 10 years, during this period, the company always strives to provide its partners with the most optimal solutions and performances in the field of energy. The reference list of the company is filled with different size, complexity and type of projects related to energy. In recent years the company has a series of projects behind it, some of them...