Продукти за करतба (19)

медена храст

медена храст

honeyflavor, without caffein
Куркума на прах HT 2%

Куркума на прах HT 2%

A yellow orange powder bringing the bright colour of turmeric with a minimum of 1,7 % of curcumine with good bacteriological criteria. Known for its earthy flavor, it’s ideal for curries, sauces, and healthy foods.


La planta Hedera, comúnmente conocida como hiedra, es un género de plantas trepadoras y rastreras que pertenecen a la familia Araliaceae. Son apreciadas por su atractivo follaje verde y su capacidad para trepar y cubrir superficies, como paredes, cercas y árboles. Las hojas de la hiedra son perennes y suelen ser de forma lobulada o palmada. Vienen en diferentes tonos de verde, dependiendo de la especie y variedad. Su principal característica es su habilidad para trepar y adherirse a las superficies mediante raíces adventicias que se desarrollan a lo largo de los tallos. Las flores de la hiedra son pequeñas y generalmente no muy notables. Producen bayas toxicas de color negro o morado oscuro después de la floración (no ingerir). Hay muchas especies y variedades de hiedra, cada una con sus propias características. Prefiere la luz indirecta, aunque puede tolerar condiciones de luz baja.


copper rangehood


Ambrogio Cod:TRG054 Diametro:18 cm
Производство на форми

Производство на форми

AOPB est autonome pour la fabrication des moules : - moules classiques, - moules 3 plaques, - moules à dévissage, - moules à canaux chauds, - moules de surmoulage d'inserts, - moules à versions.
Пипер Мазаморт

Пипер Мазаморт

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Ечемичено зърно

Ечемичено зърно

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Ръката на Будда

Ръката на Будда

La sociedad AMS European se instaló en 2004 en París, capital gastronómica, específicamente en la zona de Rungis, el mercado más grande del mundo. La excelencia es ahora y siempre la preocupación primordial de nuestro equipo, al servicio de nuestros clientes. Bienvenidos al mundo de las delicias gustativas !
Ароматни билки

Ароматни билки

Spicefit Des mélanges d'herbes et d'épices du monde entier pour donner à vos plats un goût unique.


Kurkuma, wissenschaftlich bekannt als Curcuma longa, ist eine mehrjährige Pflanze aus der Familie der Ingwergewächse (Zingiberaceae). Ihre Heimat ist der indische Subkontinent und Südostasien. Die Pflanze wird bis zu 1 Meter hoch und hat längliche Blätter und gelbe Blüten. Es sind jedoch die Rhizome der Kurkuma, die wegen ihrer kulinarischen und medizinischen Eigenschaften am meisten geschätzt werden. Aufgrund seiner zahlreichen gesundheitlichen Vorteile wird Kurkuma seit Jahrhunderten in der traditionellen ayurvedischen und chinesischen Medizin verwendet. Es enthält eine Verbindung namens Curcumin, die für seine leuchtend gelbe Farbe und starke antioxidative und entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften verantwortlich ist.


Benefici: Honeybush è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Fabaceae e proviene dagli arbusti sudafricani. Ha un sapore dolce molto delicato e delizioso. Il tè è stato usato per curare molteplici disturbi dall'inizio del XIX secolo. La maggior parte dei suoi potenziali benefici per la salute sono legati al suo effetto antiossidante.Usi: la pianta essiccata Honeybush è più popolare per la macerazione del tè. Versare 2 cucchiaini per tazza (250 ml) in acqua bollente e cuocere a vapore per 3-5 minuti a seconda delle preferenze di gusto. Una tazza calda di questo tè può diventare parte della tua routine notturna oppure puoi versarla in un bicchiere pieno di ghiaccio per preparare un tè freddo. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso




Carthamus Straight from the Mediterranean, Europe, and USA, this colorant, extracted from carthamus tinctorius, also known as safflower, is completely natural and continues our clean label commitment. Carthamus Extract provides shades of yellow to orangish yellow when used alone, or can provide a variety of red shades when blended with Paprika or Anthocyanins and Green when combined with Spirulina. Such is the versatility of Carthamus Applications: Carthamus is the perfect choice for your confectionery, beverage, bakery, dairy, or meat application
Вестник Щутгарт

Вестник Щутгарт

Beratung im Verlagswesen
Мандора Мандарина

Мандора Мандарина

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From İzmir, Adana, Bodrum Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Бял кристален захар

Бял кристален захар

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%
Унгарски Пипер

Унгарски Пипер

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Зутано Авокадо

Зутано Авокадо

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Mersin Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us