Продукти за промотоол (3)

Търсене на доставчици на агропромишлени, млечни, химически и металургични продукти в Украйна

Търсене на доставчици на агропромишлени, млечни, химически и металургични продукти в Украйна

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Транспортен посредник - Транспорт

Транспортен посредник - Транспорт

En tant que commissionnaire de transport, Europe Services Transport prend en charge l'organisation complète de vos opérations de transport. Nous nous occupons de la planification, de la coordination et de l'exécution des livraisons, assurant ainsi une fluidité et une efficacité maximales. Ce service inclut également la gestion des formalités administratives et la conformité réglementaire.
Корпоративно Видео Производство

Корпоративно Видео Производство

Thirty Seconds Milano is an Italian company specializing in Corporate Videos & Film with more than 20 years of experience. It was created by a group of dynamic specialists in the field of video production. The video production of Thirty Seconds Milano goes way beyond the production of the corporate videos: Our creative and professional team produces documentaries as well as TV commercials, short fiction movies and music videos. Just to cite a few of the main services that we offer. From the development of the idea, the professional direction of photography, screenplay, story board and music as well as casting and the reasearch of the perfect location for your film, we take care of everything. CONTACT US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION @ (+39) 0287186040 OR EMAIL: Video@30seconds.it