...Чантите от плат, изработени от памук или нетъкан текстил, са издръжливи и здрави. Устойчиво решение за ежедневна употреба. Идеални за екологично съзнателния клиент. Индивидуално печатни в различни размери, цветове и качества.
AmoneyPay soddisfa un’esigenza base di ogni negoziante: poter scegliere la banca d’appoggio più vantaggiosa per i propri incassi. E poterla anche cambiare, in qualsiasi momento, con semplicità.
Ecco AMoneyPay per i negozi, i ristoranti o i supermercati:
Libera la scelta dell’istituto bancario da qualsiasi vincolo di infrastruttura hardware
Monitora i flussi di pagamento tramite il nostro portale web dedicato (AMoneyPortal)
Archivia digitalmente lo scontrino e la firma del tuo cliente (niente più scontrini da conservare)
Visualizza in tempo reale tutti gli scontrini emessi, anche quelli legati ai buoni pasto
Permette di attivare più profili bancari a cui instradare i pagamenti in base all’importo, la fascia oraria o il giorno della settimana
Garantisce continuità operativa, grazie a una replica remota di tutto il sistema, sempre pronta per essere attivata
Polyester films are usually transparent, flexible and have a high mechanical strength.
Polibond is a polyester film with a special transparent matt surface. The chemical primer changes the surface structure of the polyester film and this enables greater adhesion to the surface. The strength of the adhesion can optionally be changed.
Polibond has excellent anchorage values for impregnating agents.
Soucieux d’optimiser la qualité de ses produits, CORNIC-NOVAMER a opté pour l’intégration des opérations de contrôle qualité, conditionnement et stockage.
Cette orientation s’est traduite par : Un labo interne : Effectif 1 personne (9400 contrôles effectués en 2020)
Un service qualité : Effectif 3 personnes
Un atelier de production de 800 M² équipé de matériels de dernière génération, nous donnant une capacité annuelle de 8 millions d’UVC.
Un entrepôt frigorifique d’une capacité de 1800 palettes.
CORNIC-NOVAMER est certifiée IFS Food et IFS Broker High level, mais aussi ASC, MSC et BIO.
Babbi Cremadelizia spreads include several flavours.
Babbi Spreads are perfect on bread slices and ideal for filling or decorating desserts.
All Babbi Spreads are gluten free.
Dreilagiger Schaumverband, versiegelte Kanten
· Bildung eines feuchten Wundmilieus, hohe
Aufnahmekapazität und längere
Verbandwechselintervalle ohne Mazerationsrisiko
· Kein Austreten des aufgenommenen Exsudats bei
Sättigung oder Kompression
· Gewährleistet einen atraumatischen Verbandwechsel
PharmasuperFoam eignet sich für den Einsatz bei unterschiedlichen Wundtypen, wie z.B.:
· Dekubitalgeschwüre, diabetische Fußgeschwüre, Ulcus
Cruris Venosum und Arterielle Geschwüre
· Verbrennungen zweiten Grades
· Offene chirurgische Wunden, Hautrisse und
Größe: 20 x 20
Artikelnummer: 12897515
Most people are known plastic films to protect food in the household. The POLIFIBRA films GmbH manufactures and assembles polyester and laminated films, which are used because of specific character in different industrial manufacturing sectors.
POLIFIBRA provides polyester films with different strongly adhering surfaces.
In our product POLI BOND the surface of the PETP film on or treated on both sides in varying degrees. This can be a very significant improvement in the adhesion of coatings to be achieved.
POLI BOND can in the film thicknesses 19µ - 350µ are delivered.Different printings require different surfaces. In addition to highly transparent or colored opaque base films we offer here at various coatings that allow easy and quick editing.
Seal foils are coated films, the above-defined temperature ranges enable an activation of the coating so as to allow bonding of different products.
POLIFIBRA films offers solutions for different temperature ranges and applications.