Продукти за ОлиенÖl (26)



Complément alimentaire pour contribuer à réguler l’activité hormonale. Alchémille, Mélisse ipowder®, fer, vitamines C et B6 Etui de 2 blisters de 15 comprimés amande bicouches La mélisse est issue de la technologie ipowder®, un procédé d'extraction permettant d'obtenir des infusés végétaux concentrés garantis sans solvant et sans ajout de support. Hypro-ri®Fe est une forme de fer constituée de sulfate de fer associé à des acides aminés issus d’un hydrolysat de protéines de riz. La vitamine B6 contribue à réguler l’activité hormonale


ΑLUMINIUM Cosmochrome is a decorating paint for metallic and wooden surfaces, especially for fridges, heaters, frames, garden furniture. It is resistant to fire, it does not get burnt or damaged. PACKAGE:1/1 KG, 1/2 KG, 1/5 KG, 3 KG


Kälte- und Wärmeträgerflüssigkeit auf Basis Monoethylenglykol für technische Anwendungen
Полиране на каросерията

Полиране на каросерията

Polorenocar Detailing est un centre esthétique automobile crée en 2020. Anciennement carrossier, le gérant, ce passionné d’automobile a spécialisé son entreprise dans le detailing pour voitures de luxe, technique visant à sublimer l’extérieur et l’intérieur du véhicule grâce à des techniques de nettoyage professionnelles qui agissent en profondeur sur la carrosserie. Une rénovation complète et précise de votre voiture/moto pour lui redonner de l’éclat et la brillance d’un véhicule tout juste sorti de concession, résistant de façon durable.


5 kg & 11 kg Flaschen in rot oder grau


L-Ornithin/L-Ornithine: Aminosäure für Entgiftung, Schlaf und Leistungsfähigkeit. Beliebt in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln.


Voor het ontstoppen van afvoerbuizen. Krachtige ontvetter. CATEGORY:Sanitair Amount:1 L, 5 L, 30 L




XcelOil è una linea avanzata di lubrificanti progettata specificamente per veicoli industriali e commerciali, che garantisce prestazioni eccezionali e una protezione affidabile in condizioni di utilizzo intensivo. Formulata con tecnologie all'avanguardia, XcelOil riduce al minimo l'usura dei componenti del motore, migliorando l'efficienza e la longevità del veicolo. Grazie alle sue proprietà di elevata resistenza termica e chimica, questa gamma di oli è ideale per mezzi pesanti, autobus, tir e macchine da lavoro, operando in ambienti difficili e carichi estremi. XcelOil contribuisce a ottimizzare il consumo di carburante, riducendo così le emissioni e i costi operativi. Compatibile con motori diesel e a benzina, soddisfa o supera gli standard internazionali di settore, assicurando un funzionamento fluido anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Le flotte commerciali possono contare su una manutenzione ridotta e su intervalli di cambio olio estesi, garantendo prestazioni TOP!


BOPP Полипропилен

BOPP Полипропилен

Thickness range: 12-75 µm Biaxially oriented PP Optics: transparent, opaque, white, matt, glossy, metallisation on request e.g.: TI-Films, Treofan, Propafilm® Application: Food Industry, Electrical Industry, Release, Graphic Arts Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry & Healthcare, Engineering Use, Lamination, Packing Pre-treatment (surface):sealable, different pre-treatments
MOHAIR - Shefon

MOHAIR - Shefon



Atopitec spray AntiIching Spray with soothing and moisturizing properties developed for dry, atopic, sensitive skin. Carefully selected active ingredients (Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Bisabolol, Hydrolyzed Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum, Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum) bring instant relief from the itching, calm your skin and soothe irritations. Licorice Root Extract rebuilds the natural protective barrier of the epidermis reduces redness Chamomile Extract soothes irritations antiseptic and antiinflammatory properties Panthenol intensively moisturizes promotes skin regeneration Organic Hemp Oil relieves itching prevents skin dryness and recurrent dehydration volume 100ml direction Spray on the skin from a distance of 15 cm. Wait until completely absorbed. Always use when needed. Also recommended for mosquito bites and sunburns. Dermatologically tested.


It is a protein toxin secreted by food poisoning bacteria (Clostridium botulinum). It is divided into seven serotypes (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) according to serotypes, of which only type A and type B were developed as medicines. It inhibits acetylcholine secretion and blocks the transmission of nerve signals that control muscle movement. When injected into muscle tissue, muscle relaxation/paralysis appears after 3 days and lasts for 3 to 8 months. Product Features Dosage Form: Freeze-dried powder Complex Size: 900kDa Product Specification lostrium botulinum toxin type A Unit: 100 units Product Use Temporary improvement of moderate to severe eyebrow wrinkles related to eyebrow wrinkle or eyelid muscle activity Brand Name :Genetox Origin:South Korea
Ечемичено зърно

Ечемичено зърно

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Biyorem OilSorb

Biyorem OilSorb

KULLANIM ALANLARI Biyorem Oilsorb ile sert zeminlerde petrol, yağ ve dizel döküntülerini absorbe etmek için tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca hayvansal, bitkisel, mineral ve sentetik yağlar ile yağ bazlı boyaları absorbe etmek için de kullanılır. ✓ Trafik kazası sonrası yola yayılan yağ ve petrol temizliği ✓ Makine ikmal (İş makinesi, araç bakım atölyeleri) ✓ Sanayi tesisleri ✓ Belediyeler ✓ Petrol istasyonları ✓ Limanlar ✓ Havaalanları ✓ Hayvan Barınakları ✓ Mezbahalar UYGULAMA YÖNTEMİ Döküntü alanı üzerine ve etrafına ürün serpilir ve zemin kuruyana kadar ileri geri hareketlerle süpürülür. Sonra hiçbir artık kalmayacak şekilde tüm absorban zeminden süpürülerek alınır. İkinci kez deterjan veya çözücüyle yıkamaya gerek kalmaz. Tek adımda film tabakası bırakmadan kuru temizlik sağlar.


DDPA vous propose des kits de climatisation et pièces détachées de clim HYGLOO pour vos tracteurs et engins TP.
Инжекционно формоване

Инжекционно формоване

In the injection moulding process TPE pellets are fed into the machine through a hopper and then into a heated barrel. The heat from the barrel turns the material into a liquid resin which is then injected into a closed mould under high pressure. After allowing the molten polymer to cool, the finished part can be removed from the mould. Injection moulding is a high-volume, high tooling cost process, the advanced properties of our TPE compounds deliver short cycle times allowing parts to be produced at a rapid rate. The information below is intended as a general overview, settings may vary depending on the specific grade selected. Please CONTACT US for detailed processing information Settings Equipment Conventional injection moulding machine Compression set At least 2:1. Special screws with short sections and higher compression ratios (3:1 to 4:1) may be good at low screw speeds Shrinkage Between 1.0% and 2.5% depending on the grade, type of application and location of the gate. Moul
Индустриални Средства

Индустриални Средства

Soucieux d’optimiser la qualité de ses produits, CORNIC-NOVAMER a opté pour l’intégration des opérations de contrôle qualité, conditionnement et stockage. Cette orientation s’est traduite par : Un labo interne : Effectif 1 personne (9400 contrôles effectués en 2020) Un service qualité : Effectif 3 personnes Un atelier de production de 800 M² équipé de matériels de dernière génération, nous donnant une capacité annuelle de 8 millions d’UVC. Un entrepôt frigorifique d’une capacité de 1800 palettes. CORNIC-NOVAMER est certifiée IFS Food et IFS Broker High level, mais aussi ASC, MSC et BIO.
Глицерол - Масло

Глицерол - Масло

Glycerol has emollient, lubricating, moisturizing and hygroscopic properties that contribute to the absorption of water in the skin and hair, promoting hydration and softness. It creates a protective film and protects the capillary mass, preventing water from being lost easily when the hair is exposed to very dry environments as well as other adverse factors for hair health.


Керамично Обработване на Каросерията

Керамично Обработване на Каросерията

Sublimez votre voiture en la confiant aux mains expertes du gérant. Le centre esthétique automobile créé en 2020 par ce passionné de belle mécanique est spécialisé dans la protection de carrosserie : pose de films PPF, traitement céramique et la rénovation complète de véhicule : nettoyage en profondeur intérieur et extérieur, réparation de cuir, polish, vernis, lustrage. En partenariat avec des marques prestigieuses et utilisant des produits de qualité supérieure, il redonne un aspect neuf à votre carrosserie tout en la protégeant efficacement contre les agressions extérieures pour préserver l'éclat et la brillance de la peinture en toutes circonstances.


L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine: Schlüsselaminosäure für Muskelwachstum, Energie und Reparatur. Beliebt in Sporternährung und Fitnessprodukten. L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine, eine verzweigtkettige Aminosäure (BCAA), spielt eine entscheidende Rolle im Muskelstoffwechsel und -wachstum. Sie fördert die Energieproduktion während intensiver körperlicher Aktivität und unterstützt die Muskelreparatur. L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine wird oft von Sportlern und Fitnessbegeisterten eingenommen, um die Ausdauer zu steigern und Muskelabbau zu verhindern. Es hilft auch bei der Regulierung des Blutzuckerspiegels und der Förderung einer stabilen Stickoxidproduktion. Diese Aminosäure ist in verschiedenen Formen erhältlich, darunter Pulver und Kapseln, und wird von Menschen genutzt, die ihre sportliche Leistung steigern oder ihre Muskelgesundheit verbessern möchten. L-Isoleucin/L-Isoleucine bietet eine breite Palette von potenziellen Vorteilen für Fitness und Wohlbefinden.
Цветно PPF фолио

Цветно PPF фолио

Film de protection de couleur permettant de changer la couleur d'un véhicule tout en aillant la protection du film PPF (auto cicatrisation, brillance, protection UV, protection film routier...
Бял кристален захар

Бял кристален захар

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%
Моп от полипропилен

Моп от полипропилен

Thickness range: 25-300 µm monoaxial oriented PP Optics:transparent, white Application:Electrical Industry, Label