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VetterTec Комплексни Системи

VetterTec Комплексни Системи

Basierend auf dem VetterTec Anlagenportfolio bieten wir maßgeschneiderte und durchgängige Entwässerungs-, Trocknungs-, Verdampfungs- und Granulationssysteme an. Neben der Produktion unserer Maschinen, Anlagen und Ausrüstungen, sind wir außerdem Komplettanbieter für ganze Systeme und Fertigungslinien. Üblicherweise bestehen Systeme aus der Kombination von Schneckenpresse, Trockner und Verdampfer, oder nur aus Trockner und Verdampfer. Systeme werden kundenspezifisch angefertigt, um einen maximalen Nutzen im Hinblick auf Produktqualität, Energieersparnis und Gesamtausbeute zu erzielen. Heute legen diese Systeme den Maßstab für einen minimierten Energieverbrauch und die bestmögliche Einbindung in den Produktionsablauf des Kunden, die Wiederverwendung der Energie und die damit verbundene Reduzierung des CO2 Ausstoßes eingeschlossen.
Таванска противопожарна врата EI 60 - противопожарна врата

Таванска противопожарна врата EI 60 - противопожарна врата

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - All-round EPDM lip seal - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboard Tested for fire resistance from underneath (room side) NF EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018 Fire dampers EI 60 are designed to be installed in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 60. They provide effective protection against the progression of fire from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms.
Метални и Керамични Покрития

Метални и Керамични Покрития

Thermische Spritzverfahren Lichtbogenspritzen Atmosphärisches Plasmaspritzen Pulverflammspritzen Drahtflammspritzen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Flammspritzen (HVOF) Nachbehandlung von Spritzschichten Versiegeln Ofensintern Drehen/Schleifen/Läppen/Honen Qualitätssicherung von Spritzschichten Prüfen und Messen der Bauteile Prüfen auf Rissfreiheit Messen der Oberflächenhärte Messen der Oberflächenrauheit Erstellen eines metallographischen Schliffes
Таванска противопожарна врата 120 MN - противопожарна врата

Таванска противопожарна врата 120 MN - противопожарна врата

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - All-round EPDM lip seal - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboards Tested for fire resistance from underneath (room side) NF EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018 Fire dampers EI 120 are designed to be installed in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 120. They provide effective protection against the progression of fire from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms.
Таванска противопожарна врата 60 МИН - противопожарна врата

Таванска противопожарна врата 60 МИН - противопожарна врата

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - Intumescent gas, smoke and flame tight seal in case of fire - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboards - Quick and easy installation The 60-minute ceiling fire dampers are designed for installation in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 60. They provide effective protection against fire progression from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms. The safety catching arms ensure that the lid is intercepted every time the hatch is opened. The lid is easy to remove and replace.