Капсули Priorin за укрепване на косата
How does Priorin works
The ingredients that make up PRIORIN are quite diverse, with such natural substances like: an infusion of birdseed in water (millet), unsaturated lipids, and Vitamins B1 and B12 in very small quantities, all fighting against the impairments which can form in the hair. Additionally, Priorin contains L-Cystine – an amino acid, which is recognized as one of the chief structuring elements of the crucial keratin protein, built into the hair follicle.
Two other components of Priorin are wheat germ oil and millet. Germ oil is a fatty polyunsaturated acid that assists in cell growth. This oil travels to the root of the hair to reconstruct dead or damaged cells of the hair root. Millet is whole grain that contains nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B6, and Folate
The innovative combination of active ingredients delivers targeted support to the hair roots, resulting in improved hair structure, delayed ageing and enhanced hair growth.
• Provides hair root with nutrients that contribute to a better hair growth and prevents hair depleted.
• Strengthens the hair root
• Promotes hair growth
• Supports the hair structure