Продукти за water seed sa (17)

Семена от кориандър

Семена от кориандър

Coriander seeds are a globally cherished spice, second only to pepper in terms of usage. These seeds are grown and processed worldwide, with Egypt being a major producer. Coriander seeds offer a warm, husky, and aromatic flavor that is most commonly used in ground form. They are a cornerstone of Indian cuisine, adding a touch of sweetness and spiciness to dishes. In Indonesian cooking, coriander is used in tempeh recipes and bean dishes. The seeds elevate cabbage, corn, chutneys, and relishes, and are also used for vegetable pickling, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.
Масло от черен кимион "nigella sativa" - Растително масло

Масло от черен кимион "nigella sativa" - Растително масло

The history of black cumin seed oil dates back to ancient Egyptian civilization, where it was used as a natural remedy to treat various ailments. It is also mentioned in the Bible as a healing plant. Black cumin seed oil is a pale yellow liquid obtained from the seeds of the nigella sativa plant. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. Additionally, it is used in the cosmetic industry for its benefits to skin and hair. To obtain black cumin seed oil, a cold-pressing process is carried out on the nigella sativa seeds. This method preserves all the properties of the oil and ensures its quality. The botanical name of black cumin is nigella sativa, and its INCI is Nigella Sativa Seed Oil. Its CAS number is 90064-32-7.
Чили семена

Чили семена

Capsicum annuum Origin:China
Зърнени храни, маслодайни семена, бобови

Зърнени храни, маслодайни семена, бобови

We offer various BIO grains (spelt, wheat, barley, Durum), oil seeds (linseeds, sunflower seeds), legumes (lentils, beans, peas), conventional oil seeds, legumes! Please ask by sending information that interests you and we will send you a list of products available to us!
Био Ленени Семена 3 Kg

Био Ленени Семена 3 Kg

I Semi di Lino scuri BIO sono ricchi di proprietà nutritive non a caso sono noti per essere i semi della salute. In cucina i semi di lino possono essere utilizzati in svariati modi. Trattandosi di semi del tutto insapori sono ideali per essere aggiunti ad altri piatti come ad esempio per arricchire insalate o come ingrediente base per burger vegetali o crocchette. Ottimi anche da inserire all'interno di impasti dolci o salati o anche per rendere più sfizioso il muesli o lo yogurt bianco. In molti non sanno che i semi di lino possono sostituire le uova basta semplicemente mescolare un cucchiaio di semi di lino macinati a tre cucchiai di acqua. Il composto ottenuto potrà sostituire un uovo all'interno di biscotti o torte. I semi di lino possono essere utilizzati in cucina sia interi che ridotti in farina per facilitarne l'assimilazione delle proprietà. Tritati o macinati saranno più semplici da assimilare dal nostro organismo. Sono anche naturalmente privi di glutine.
Слънчогледови семена 1кг Чанта

Слънчогледови семена 1кг Чанта

Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage Lieferkapazität: 24.000Kg / monatlich Mindestbestellmenge: 1Krt. x 10 x 1Kg Anfrage per E-Mail senden Telefonnummer anzeigen 1Krt. x 10 x 1Kg
Внос и износ на сусамови семена - Внос и износ на хранителни продукти

Внос и износ на сусамови семена - Внос и износ на хранителни продукти

Nous exportons la plupart de nos produits en Chine. L'année passée, nous avons effectué une exportation de 1100 tonnes sur la Chine.
Цели Бели Сусамови Семена - ПАРАГУАЙ - 25 кг - Биологичен*

Цели Бели Сусамови Семена - ПАРАГУАЙ - 25 кг - Биологичен*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - VIJAYA vous propose une graine de sésame blanc complet, facile à incorporer dans vos préparations salées ou sucrées, pour la fabrication de vos pains spéciaux ou pour les pâtisseries orientales... Reference:16901
Семена от кимион за продажба - Купете семена от кимион онлайн

Семена от кимион за продажба - Купете семена от кимион онлайн

Cumin is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native to the Irano-Turanian Region. Its seeds – each one contained within a fruit, which is dried – are used in the cuisines of many cultures in both whole and ground form.
Шафран - Маслодайни семена

Шафран - Маслодайни семена

Safflower – an ancient oil and dye culture. It is used as an oilseed, the oil is used in the production of margarine. Products that are made of safflower dyeing, safflower oil is especially appreciated in cosmetology. It is saturated with linoleic acid (about 80%), which is not synthesized in the body. Linoleic acid gives elasticity to blood vessels, regulates important processes of the body, has a moisturizing effect, high penetrating ability. Safflower oil has a softening, strengthening and nourishing effect on the skin, normalizes cellular functions, improves blood circulation, has an antiinflammatory effect, high waterholding and moistureregulating ability. In addition, safflower oil dye serves as an active conductor of other components of cosmetics in deeper layers of the skin.
Пшеница - Пшеница

Пшеница - Пшеница

WHEAT Wheat is defined as a cultivated grass that is grown mainly for nutritious grains. It grows anywhere from 2 to 4 feet. The scientific name of wheat is "Gramineae" and it belongs to the genus "Tritium". We offer whole grain wheat, which is hygienically processed. Customers can get wheat from us at competitive prices. Therefore, we are considered as one of the most reputed suppliers based in India.
Сусамови семена - Масло от семена

Сусамови семена - Масло от семена

Purity: 99.95% Oil content: 46-55%% Moisture: <8% Admixture: 0.05% Aflatoxin B1: 0.5 ppb Total Aflatoxin: 0.54 ppb Salmonella: NIL
Обелени слънчогледови семена - Семена

Обелени слънчогледови семена - Семена

Riches en fibres et source de protéines, ces graines de tournesol sont parfaites sur vos pains et pâtisseries, pour agrémenter vos salades, farces, omelettes ! Nous sommes très fiers de collaborer avec une coopérative du sud de la France pour cette variété de graines ! Ces dernières proviennent d'Anjou et d'Occitanie. Sachet de 200 grs. Référence:EPI008 En stock:32 Energie:489 kcal / 2044 KJ Fibres:28.3 g Protéine:22.4 g
EPV Органични Семена от Слънчоглед от Франция - Нашите Семена

EPV Органични Семена от Слънчоглед от Франция - Нашите Семена

Graine De Tournesol EPV Bio De France - Nos graines Ean13:3770010599562 Référence:GraineTournesolBioFrance1
Солени и печени семена от слънчоглед - в пакети по 400 грама или 100 грама

Солени и печени семена от слънчоглед - в пакети по 400 грама или 100 грама

We buy several qualities and have Spanish and Turkish sunflower seeds. Vegan snacks.
Био семена от слънчоглед 3 кг

Био семена от слънчоглед 3 кг

I semi di girasole biologici sono i frutti secchi della pianta un prodotto che può essere utilizzato in numerose ricette in cucina sia semplici che elaborate. I semi di girasole sono ottimi da sgranocchiare al naturale per uno spuntino veloce ed energetico privo di grassi salutare e genuino. I semi di girasole possono essere di diversi colori propone la varietà bianca dall’aroma intenso e dal gusto pieno e deciso. Ai semi di girasole non è stato aggiunto sale additivi o conservati per mantenere inalterato il sapore e le proprietà organolettiche di questa deliziosa frutta secca. I semi sono ricchi di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come le vitamine del gruppo B, l’acido linoleico, i sali minerali, ferro, cobalto, manganese zinco, rame e l'acido folico. I semi di girasole bio sono molto utilizzati per arricchire gli impasti di pane biscotti e pizza e possono essere aggiunti alle insalate o tostati con l'aggiunta di un pizzico di sale.
Спелта - Зърнени храни

Спелта - Зърнени храни

It is a grain crop. Ripening, resistant to many fungal diseases, unpretentious. The ear is closed from dirt, does not lose the accumulated moisture, is protected from pests. It contains a lot of protein, few calories and most amino acids, which are irreplaceable. It contains other vitamins and various macro and micronutrients. Many different dishes can be cooked from it bread, porridge, soups, crackers, sauces and creams, side dishes for fish, meat, and desserts.