Продукти за mac mini m2 pro (2)

Allen NGT 4+

Allen NGT 4+

Modell Allen NGT 4+ maximale Druckbildgröße getacktet 107 x 90 mm maximale Druckbildgröße kontinuierlich 107 x 1000 mm Modell:Allen NGT 4+ maximale Druckbildgröße getacktet:107 x 90 mm maximale Druckbildgröße kontinuierlich:107 x 1000 mm
Измервателно и тестово оборудване - PWM 21

Измервателно и тестово оборудване - PWM 21

Inspection and testing devices from HEIDENHAIN HEIDENHAIN encoders provide all of the information needed for commissioning, monitoring, and diagnostics. For the analysis of these encoders, HEIDENHAIN offers the appropriate PWM inspection devices and PWT testing units. The PWM inspection devices, which are universally deployable, feature calibration capability and low measuring tolerances. Testing devices such as the PWT 101 provide fewer functions, have wider tolerances, and cannot be calibrated