Продукти за icf домове (8)

iPhone 16 Pro 128GB Черен EU Спецификация, Напълно НОВ

iPhone 16 Pro 128GB Черен EU Спецификация, Напълно НОВ

iPhone 16 Pro 128GB Black EU Spec, Brand NEW, EU Warranty, Germany Warehouse, Fast Delivery, Trustable Partner, Over 10 years experience
IVECO Резервни Части

IVECO Резервни Части

Dibenedetto è un distributore leader nel settore dei ricambi per veicoli IVECO, rinomato per la sua affidabilità e competenza. Con anni di esperienza alle spalle, l'azienda si è affermata come un punto di riferimento per chi cerca componenti di alta qualità per veicoli commerciali e industriali IVECO. Il vasto assortimento di ricambi, che include motori, trasmissioni, sospensioni e molto altro, permette a Dibenedetto di soddisfare le esigenze sia dei professionisti del settore che dei singoli clienti. Grazie a un team di esperti tecnici, Dibenedetto offre consulenza specializzata per individuare rapidamente i pezzi di ricambio giusti, garantendo tempi di consegna rapidi e un servizio post-vendita eccellente. L'azienda si distingue per l'attenzione al cliente e la capacità di offrire soluzioni personalizzate, sempre allineate agli standard qualitativi richiesti da IVECO.
EU-CEG - EU-CEG TPD за тютюневи изделия

EU-CEG - EU-CEG TPD за тютюневи изделия

EU-CEG TPD for Tobacco Products - European Health Registry. European Health Registry for New Tobacco Products EU-CEG. It is required for selling in Europe your new and novel tobacco products. Delta Baco is one authorized European party to do so broadly in the European Union. He makes unlimited health registry records for their DELTA BACO represented companies, a difficult and costly service for foreign tobacco companies willing to sell in a market of more than 450 millions of people. If you want to sell by us, just we realize for 300 € unlimited EU-CEG product presentations' registries. If you have your own foreign sales infrastructure you could only require the EU-CEG. The European Health Registry for New Tobacco Products EU-CEG service do not include the lab analysis and certifications that some tobacco products with additives could require. DELTA BACO mantains relationship with international labs if it is required, and could make an offer apart.
Решения за куфари

Решения за куфари

teXXmo bietet maßgesschneiderte Kofferlösungen für Ihre Tablet PCs und Zubehör.


ECM - Die Premiumklasse für Espressomaschinen und Mühlen


Specifications Aluminium extruded body with electrostatic powder coated Electrostatic powder coated aluminium die cast end caps Mid Power LED light source LED (L80/B10) + DRIVER life time more than 50.000 Hours Tempered (clear and frosted) glass cover with IK10 grade High efficient PMMA, Opal, semi-transparent or transparent diffuser option Input Voltage: 198-264V AC, 176-280V DC, 50-60 Hz Operating Temperature (Ta): -400C / +700C Applications Zone 2 - Zone 22 applications Industrial Facilities Oil Rafineries Gas Stations Petrochemical Facilities
Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

co oferujemy: - dowiemy się, jaki jest popyt na twój produkt na Ukrainie - oceny głównych konkurentów - damy wskazówki dotyczące promocji produktów - pomożemy w prawnym i księgowym towarzystwie - stworzymy reklama firmy, która przyciągnie maksymalnie klientów Również możemy znaleźć dostawcą produktów na Ukrainie, z najlepszymi warunkami * Zdobyć rozpoznawalność i zwiększyć prestiż Twojej marki na terenie całej rynku ukraińskim * Chcesz sprzedawać swoje produkty lub usługi na Ukrainie? Pomożemy! w eksportowaniu towarów na Ukrainę * Mamy dobre kontakty z firmą na Ukrainie. Dołącz do nas Zapoznaj się z nasza oferta już i staniemy się dystrybutorem marki dziś . Zapewniamy atrakcyjne warunki handlowe oraz przejrzyste i proste zasady. Wsparcie na każdym etapie współpracy, od marketingu do obsługi posprzedażowej.
ИТ и Сигурност Услуги

ИТ и Сигурност Услуги

Willkommen bei der SL Service GmbH Dinkelsbühl - Ihr kompetenter Partner wenn es um IT- und Sicherheits-Dienstleistungen geht.