Продукти за hp черни тонери (3)

Метални и Керамични Покрития

Метални и Керамични Покрития

Thermische Spritzverfahren Lichtbogenspritzen Atmosphärisches Plasmaspritzen Pulverflammspritzen Drahtflammspritzen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Flammspritzen (HVOF) Nachbehandlung von Spritzschichten Versiegeln Ofensintern Drehen/Schleifen/Läppen/Honen Qualitätssicherung von Spritzschichten Prüfen und Messen der Bauteile Prüfen auf Rissfreiheit Messen der Oberflächenhärte Messen der Oberflächenrauheit Erstellen eines metallographischen Schliffes
Заявления за детски надбавки

Заявления за детски надбавки

Wnioski o child benefit We offer assistance in formal matters related to the preparation of an application for Kindergeld - one of the documents that we often meet as a sworn translation agency. Kindergeld is a child benefit for children in Germany. It is awarded by the German Family Benefit Fund (Familienkasse) not only for children staying in Germany, but also for children living in Poland: until they turn 25 (if they are still attending school or studying). A positive consideration of the application for Kindergeld can also be obtained for the adopted children and for the children of the spouse, as long as they belong to the common household of the applicant.