Продукти за hdpe гранули (28)

Полипропиленови въздуховоди - PP-SRGL

Полипропиленови въздуховоди - PP-SRGL

Round plastic ventilation pipes are joined by welding (or PVC gluing up to ø250). Manufactured in accordance with DIN 8062 standards for ventilation pipes. PVC pipes of larger diameter than 500mm are made of sheets. Pipes made of PP, PPs, PE and PPELs are extruded. Other wall thicknesses are available on request.
Syntech HAG Stabiland : Полимерна смола за запечатване и стабилизиране на изкопи и тунели

Syntech HAG Stabiland : Полимерна смола за запечатване и стабилизиране на изкопи и тунели

Syntech HAG Stabiland Product consumption depends on the size of the void volume to be filled and on the expansive reaction that is triggered after mixing the two components in relation to the amount of water present. Can 21.5 kg [A] - Can 24.5 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 21.5 kg [A] + 1 Can 24.5 kg [B]
PTFE PFA Хидравлични маркучи - Обработваме PTFE/PFA маркучи

PTFE PFA Хидравлични маркучи - Обработваме PTFE/PFA маркучи

Unsere PTFE / PFA-Schläuche erhalten Sie als Meterware oder als Konfektionsware mit ein oder zwei Edelstahlgeflechten, mit gewellter oder glatter Innenseelen und mit oder ohne Glasseidenverstärkung. Wir liefern die Schläuche sowohl als Einzelanfertigung als auch in Serienfertigung.
Покритие на дръжката: SOFT GRIP

Покритие на дръжката: SOFT GRIP

"very strong adhesion to the sub-material high resistance to UV rays toxicologically harmless with normal use Vibration-inhibiting when used in the machine area Millions of people hold plastic products in their hands every day without being aware of this fact. Regardless of whether they are used on sports equipment, medical equipment or work equipment: What is certain is that the pleasant haptic impression - the ""experience of access"" - is an important purchase criterion for the buyer, along with design and functionality. "
евтин материал със силикон - iglidur® D

евтин материал със силикон - iglidur® D

iglidur® D: low cost material with silicon Low-cost-material with low coefficients of friction and good wear resistance at low loads. iglidur® D is available as cylindrical bearings and plain bearings with flange. Low coefficients of friction at high speeds For low loads Very cost-effective Vibration-damping Lowest humidity absorption


liquid roof coating kit . PACKAGING:5kg, 25kg CONSUMPTION:0.25 kg/m2 COLOUR:graphite
Plugtite™ Индустриален

Plugtite™ Индустриален

Este modelo fue desarrollado específicamente para aplicaciones industriales. Los tapones de goma industriales se pueden utilizar durante el mantenimiento o almacenamiento de maquinaria. El caucho comprimido crea un sellado perfecto para fluidos como hidráulicos y químicos, evitando cualquier fuga. El material no reacciona con productos químicos utilizados frecuentemente en aplicaciones industriales, lo que, combinado con el sellado perfecto, disminuye significativamente la posibilidad de contaminación. Además, está fabricado con un caucho extremadamente duradero que no se agrieta en condiciones extremas. Pueden usarse desde -25°C hasta 90°C, dejando una ventana lo suficientemente amplia para realizar trabajos de mantenimiento en maquinaria.
PTFE Полуготови Продукти (Цели и Празни Тръби, Екструзия)

PTFE Полуготови Продукти (Цели и Празни Тръби, Екструзия)

Wir fertigen PTFE Presslinge, -Extrudat und -Platten. Ausgangspunkt für die optimale und vor allem vielfältige Halbzeugfertigung in unserem Haus ist die eigene Compoundierung. Ausgangspunkt für die optimale und vor allem vielfältige Halbzeugfertigung in unserem Haus ist die eigene Compoundierung. Diese ermöglicht es uns, ideale Füllstoffkombinationen für spezielle Anforderungen zu generieren. Selbst kleine Mengen für Erprobungen und Musterfertigungen lassen sich problemlos herstellen. Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden sind bereits eine Vielzahl von PTFE-Spezialcompounds entwickelt und erfolgreich eingesetzt worden. Die eigene Compoundierung in Verbindung mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Kunststofftechnik bildet somit den Grundstock für die optimale Problemlösung gemeinsam mit dem Kunden. Durchmesser: ab 5 mm Länge: Standard 1000/2000 mm bzw. auf Anfrage
Полуготови изделия от PTFE

Полуготови изделия от PTFE



* It is applied in 2 cm thickness. * 1 package of product is 20 kg. 1.6-1.8 kg of product is required for 1 m2 area. * You can easily reach an application area of ​​12 m2 by using a 20 kg Multiyap and a 6 mm notched trowel. * By providing waterproofing, even if the joint fillings between the tiles deteriorate, water does not leak to the lower floor. * There is no need to make water isolation in bathroom applications. * Since it is a hydrophobic product, a single product provides both water isolation and a strong tile ceramic application with superior performance. * It is quite light. It reduces labor and transportation costs. * It is flexible and the working time is extended. * It has strong adhesion feature.
PEEK Полимер Термо-пласт Полиестеретеркетон - Инженерна пластмаса

PEEK Полимер Термо-пласт Полиестеретеркетон - Инженерна пластмаса

PEEK (Polyetherether ketone) fejrer over 40 år som højtydende polymerforståelse i mange brancher. Fra biler, søfart, elektronik, luftfart til endda atomindustrien.Den fortsatte arbejdstemperaturtolerance er op til + 250 °C, så den passer til forskellige projektkrav. kjemikalie:Utmerket kjemikalie bestandighet fuktopptak:Svært lavt fuktopptak slite:Ikke lett å ha på og slite slid: Ekstrem slid og frikstionsevner resistens:Meget høj kemikalie- og hydrolyseresistens slagstyrke:Høj slagstyrke
PTFE Суха Смазка – Тип 261 - Смазване и Защита

PTFE Суха Смазка – Тип 261 - Смазване и Защита

Die Type 261 ist ein reines, ölfreies, modifiziertes PTFE-Pulver, welches mit einem schnell und vollständig verdunstenden Lösemittel auf die zu schmierenden Stellen aufgetragen wird und dort einen trockenen, haftenden Schmierfilm bildet. Die Type 261 fleckt nicht, ist unsichtbar und – wichtig für die Holz- und Möbelindustrie – durchbeizbar.
Полиетиленови тръби PE 32 / PE 100

Полиетиленови тръби PE 32 / PE 100

For drinking water applications
PTFE Полуфабрикати - Стандартни или специфични полуфабрикати от чист PTFE или с пълнител

PTFE Полуфабрикати - Стандартни или специфични полуфабрикати от чист PTFE или с пълнител

Standard- oder spezifische Halbzeuge aus PTFE virginal oder mit Füllstoff als Platten, gepresste oder RAM-extrudierte Rohre und Stäbe.
2-компонентен течен метал HUPfastMetal

2-компонентен течен метал HUPfastMetal

• Reparatur von Stahl und Gussteilen • Ausbessern von Fehlbohrungen • Schnell aushärtend Anwendung HUPfastmetall: Ausbessern von Rissen, Fehlbohrungen, Löchern etc. Geeignet für hochfeste Verklebungen von Metall und Metalllegierungen (Stahl, Akluminium). Klebefläche reinigen, Verschluss öffnen und Mischdüse aufschrauben. Die ersten 2 g entsorgen, da diese noch nicht 1:1 gemischt sind. Danach den Klebstoff auftragen und Teile zusammenfügen. Mischdüse entfernen und entsorgen. Verschluss aufsetzen. Angebrochene Kartuschen kühl lagern und möglichst schnell verarbeiten (kann auch ohne Mischdüse verarbeitet werden). Eigenschaften: Temperaturbeständig: -50°C bis +120°C, Topfzeit ca. 5 - 10 Minuten. Nach ca. 30 Minuten kann eine mechanische Bearbeitung der reparierten Stelle erfolgen.
PVC Колонни Тръби Лека Серия

PVC Колонни Тръби Лека Серия

Pvc Column Pipes Light Series
Епоксидни смоли за вакуумна инфузия с GL одобрение / Серия HP-E3000GL

Епоксидни смоли за вакуумна инфузия с GL одобрение / Серия HP-E3000GL

Die Serie HP-E3000GL besitzt eine Zulassung vom Germanischen Lloyd für den Bau von Booten und Windkraftanlagen und ist individuell mit verschiedenen Härtern auslieferbar.
Fiore-Grain Силиконово Външно Стенна Покритие (309) - Начало » Продукти » Група Продукти за Вътрешни Стени

Fiore-Grain Силиконово Външно Стенна Покритие (309) - Начало » Продукти » Група Продукти за Вътрешни Стени

Acrylic copolymer is an emulsion-based, silicone-folded, textured, thick-grained exterior wall coating material. It adheres very well to surfaces, does not crack and flake, and does not fade. It ensures that the moisture on the wall is expelled with its ability to breathe with its waterproof properties.
Калциев хипохлорит 70%

Калциев хипохлорит 70%

What is calcium hypochlorite? Calcium hypochlorite is a white solid that contains 65% available chlorine and dissolves easily in water. It is very stable and can be stored for an extended period of time. It is a corrosive material with a strong odor. Other names is Hypochlorous acid calcium salt, bleaching powder, calcium oxychloride and chloride of lime. What is calcium hypochlorite used for? Its and Sodium are used primarily as oxidizing and bleaching agents or disinfectants. They are components of commercial bleaches, cleaning solutions, and disinfectants for drinking water and waste water purification systems and swimming pools. It is an inorganic compound added in granular or tablet form added to water to kill germs that can make people sick. When used correctly, this compound destroys germs that can cause numerous health problems.
Силициев нитрид (Si3N4)

Силициев нитрид (Si3N4)

Silicon nitride is one of the hardest ceramics but also one of the most resistant. Si3N4 is mainly used in severe environments which combine extreme temperatures with abrasive and/or corrosive medium. Silicon nitride can be of different grades : sintered, hot pressed or reaction bonded. Selection of materials Microcertec offers two high-purity Si3N4 grades that are particularly suited for hostile environments : sintered silicon nitride hot pressed silicon nitride Both Si3N4 materials are mainly designed to be used in thermal-mechanical or corrosion-resistance applications because they show an outstanding behaviour to resist to wear, thermal shocks and corrosion (liquids and gases). Moreover, these pure Si3N4 grades offer a low thermal expansion. Properties Sintered silicon nitride and HP Si3N4 have the following properties : low density excellent thermal shock resistance excellent wear resistance excellent corrosion resistance (liquids and gas) low coefficient of thermal...
PTFE маншони / Маншони от PTFE

PTFE маншони / Маншони от PTFE

PTFE-Faltenbälge liefern wir vorwiegend für medizinische und chemische Einsatzgebiete mit runden und spitzen Falten
Горски мед

Горски мед

La miel de Bosque no es producidas por las abejas a partir del néctar de flores, sino de un mielato que exudan las encinas, alcornoques y robles. Su color es mucho más oscuro que el resto de las mieles, su olor es tostado y su sabor es menos dulce que el resto de mieles, con toques salados. Se envasa artesanalmente en formatos para comercio retail o en formatos de mayor capacidades para la industria.
SUTOP CIFT TAM ELASTIK Двоен компонент напълно еластичен материал за водна изолация

SUTOP CIFT TAM ELASTIK Двоен компонент напълно еластичен материал за водна изолация

SUTOP CIFT TAM ELASTIK Cement and Acrylic-Based Double Component Full Elastic Water Insulation Material APPLICATION FIELD Used in wet areas such as bathrooms, WCs, kitchens, balconies, etc. and for insulation of water tanks, pools and terraces. Applied on surfaces such as concrete, plaster and screed.
Syntech Poliurea Top Coating : Защитно покритие на основата на алифатна полиуретанова смола

Syntech Poliurea Top Coating : Защитно покритие на основата на алифатна полиуретанова смола

Syntech Poliurea Top Coating A protective, pigmented, two-component formulation based on aliphatic polyurethane resins, ideal as a protective and aesthetic coating on waterproofing with SYNTECH POLIUREA SPRAY. Characterised by high levels of elasticity and elevated protection, even in aggressive atmospheres. Available on request in shades from the RAL colour range. Surface coating pigmented for colouring polyurethane claddings, and their protection from UV rays (which in the absence of the top coating would alter the colour over time). After suitable priming with SYNTECH POLYUREA PRIMER, it can also be applied as a simple coloured aliphatic protective coating. Polyurea support Vacuum and blow the surfaces to eliminate any dust that may have accumulated in the 24-48 hours following the installation of SYNTECH POLIUREA SPRAY Support in concrete, mortar, brick, tiles The support on which the polyurea system must be laid must be suitable for withstanding the stresses resulting from the intended use, such as static or dynamic loads, impacts, thermo-hygrometric dilations, vibrations, etc. As regards the characteristics of the substrate (maximum humidity, cohesion, strength class, flatness, etc.) and the preparation of the surface that will accommodate the resin system, we recommend the requirements set out in chapter 5 of the UNI 10966 standard ("RESIN SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL - INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND APPLICATION "). In any case, carefully clean and degrease the surfaces, removing any kind of dirt, paint residues or incoherent parts. The humidity of the support must be <= 3%. Evaluate the most convenient type of mechanical preparation (shot peening, sandblasting, hydro-washing, etc.). The surfaces must also be free from discontinuity, and possibly leveled and regularized with products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. In case of presence (even suspected) of humidity deriving from capillary rising from the substrate, it is recommended to apply in advance the epoxy resin for "wet substrates" Syntech Pavidamp. Tiled floors, or floors covered with pre-existing resin, must be subjected to mechanical roughening carried out with shot blasting, milling, bush hammering, etc., until the total elimination of the waterproof crust and the opacification of the surfaces. Remove dust after abrasion. It is recommended to use Primer from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range. On particularly absorbent substrates, to avoid the formation of craters / blowholes on the surface of the freshly sprayed product, it is recommended to use primers from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range, always contacting the Azichem technical staff for clarification on the most suitable type to use. Apply several layers of primer until the porosity is saturated and providing a light dusting with clean and dry quartz sand (0.4-0.7 mm). Never dust off the primer. Provide suitable elastic sealing systems to cover joints, fittings, cracks or fissures subject to significant movements. Pour component B with component A into a single container, taking care to remove all the material from the packaging. Mix thoroughly with a mixer at low revs, until a lump-free mixture is obtained. Apply with a roller or brush on the surfaces of SYNTECH POLYUREA SPRAY, within 24-48 hours of spreading the latter. A thorough sanding of the supports is recommended for any repairs and/or finishes. From 0.15 to 0.25 kg of SYNTYECH POLIUREA TOP COATING for each square metre of surface to be covered. Can 6.7 kg [A] - Can 3.3 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 6.7 kg [A] + 1 Can 3.3 kg [B]
Syntech HAG Acryl: Акрилна инжекционна смола с ниска вискозитет за запечатване на пукнатини

Syntech HAG Acryl: Акрилна инжекционна смола с ниска вискозитет за запечатване на пукнатини

Syntech HAG Acryl Syntech HAG Acryl is a four-component resin that reacts to form an elastic and durable gel. The properties of Syntech HAG Acryl are: • Good general chemical resistance. • Does not contain acrylamide, methacrylamide, formaldehyde or solvents. • Not inflammable. • Excellent adhesion on mineral building materials such as concrete, cement and bricks. • The reaction speed can be adjusted from a few seconds to several minutes. • When the injected cracks dry out due to temperature or groundwater level fluctuations the gel does not crack easily. • The hardened gel has excellent durability in wet-dry cycles. Syntech HAG Acryl components are supplied ready to use. Create 2 mixes in separate plastic buckets. Prepare only the quantity to be used each time. Solution 1: Syntech HAG Acryl component A (25 kg resin) mixed with Syntech HAG Acryl component B (2.5 kg catalyst). Solution 2: Syntech HAG Acryl component C (2 packs of 0.625 kg) mixed with clean tap water. Attention: The amount of water must be equal in volume to solution 1. When mixing resin, always use a wooden or stainless steel spatula. The reaction time depends on the temperature of the material, the structure of the building and the possible amount of water present. Higher temperature will speed up the reaction time and lower temperature will slow it down. It is advisable to carry out an on-site test, before injection, to observe and define the reaction time. To change the reaction time, only adjust the amount of Syntech HAG Acryl component C. The amount of the other components remains the same. Use a two-component stainless steel pump (manual, electric or pneumatic). Check that the pump and equipment are clean and that there is no residue from previous injection work. The two mixtures are fed into the pump separately, but are mixed homogeneously at a volumetric ratio of 1:1 in the pump's mixing head, before being injected through the pump nozzle. Check the quality of the concrete, as injection involves pressure. Sealing and waterproofing of cracks and cavities in walls, floors, concrete constructions, underground structures, etc. It can be used in constructions that are not permanently in contact with water (fluctuating groundwater level). Injection of very fine cracks. Determine the type and size of packers based on your pump and injection type. If reinforcing steel is present, try to locate it and plan the drilling pattern so that the reinforcement is not drilled. Drill holes at an angle of approximately 45° or less and in the direction of the crack. Make sure the hole goes through the crack. The distance of the drilled holes depends on the width of the crack. Place the packer in the hole. Prepare the pump to start the injection. The injection pressure varies depending on the structure and size of the crack. Start the injection at the lowest point of the crack. Continue injecting until resin flows out of adjacent packer(s). This is necessary to achieve uniform distribution of the material. Stop pumping, unplug and move on to the next packer. Continue the procedure until the crack is completely filled. After the material has cured, the packers can be removed. Holes drilled can be covered with Repar Tix Speedy HP quick-setting mortar. Clean and rinse the pump equipment with water whenever there is a stoppage longer than 15 minutes and, after completing the injection, rinse with a sufficient amount of water. Make sure the pump is clean and stop only when clean water comes out of the pump. The consumption of the product depends on the size of the empty volume to be filled. Can 25 kg [A] - Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] - Canister 0.625 kg [C] - Canister 0.625 kg [D] - Kit: 1 Can 25 kg [A] + 1 Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [C] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [D]


1- Su yalıtımı sağlayarak fayanslar arasındaki derz dolgular bozulsa bile alt kata su kaçırmaz, bina sakinlerini tamir masraflarından korur. Banyo uygulamalarında ayrıca su izolasyonu yapmaya gerek yoktur. Süper Hidrofobik bir ürün olduğu için tek bir ürün ile hem su izolasyonu sağlanmış olur hemde üstün performansa sahip güçlü bir fayans seramik uygulaması yapılmış olur. 2- Oldukça hafiftir. 3- 20 kg lık Multiyap Süper ile 6 mm taraklı mala kullanılarak 12 m2 lik uygulama alanına rahatlıkla ulaşabilirsiniz. 4- Hafifliği sayesinde inşaatlarda işçilik ve nakliye maliyetlerini düşürerek büyük oranda tasarruf sağlar. 5- Esnektir ve çalışma süresi uzatılmıştır. 6- Kuvvetli yapıştırma özelliğine sahiptir.
PEEK Полимер Полиестеретеркетон Термопласт - Техническа Пластмаса

PEEK Полимер Полиестеретеркетон Термопласт - Техническа Пластмаса

PEEK materiaal (chemisch bekend als polyetheretherketone) wordt door PEEKChina gefabriceerd in diverse maten als halffabrikaat voor verspaning en is geëxtrudeerd in plaat, staf en holstaf met ARKPEEK polymeer. PEEK is een unieke semi-kristallijne, technische thermoplast die ook uitstekende chemische compatibiliteit biedt. Onderdelen die zijn gefabriceerd van kunststof PEEK kunnen functioneren bij hoge temperaturen tot aan 260°C en heeft een smeltpunt rond de 341°C. PEEK kunststof wordt vaak gebruikt in omgevingen met heet water of stoom met behoud van fysische eigenschappen zoals buig- en treksterkte op een hoge waarde. Polyetheretherketone wordt vaak gezien als een van de technische thermoplast die een hoge prijs afdwingt, maar ervaren gebruikers zijn de toegevoegde waarde ervan gaan inzien die PEEK-materialen brengen door de mogelijkheid te bieden onderdelen te produceren die lichter en sterker zijn en langer kunnen overleven in zware omgevingen. Long-term warmte bestendigheid:260°C Short-term warmte bestendigheid:300°C Glas transitiepunt:150°C
PVC тръби за кладенци и екрани 300 м дълбочина

PVC тръби за кладенци и екрани 300 м дълбочина

Pvc Well Casing & Screen Pipes 300 m Depth