Продукти за gtg печат (15)



Riguarda la costruzione, la manutenzione o la ristrutturazione, mediante l’impiego di spe- cifici mezzi tecnici speciali, di interventi in sotterraneo che siano necessari per consentire la mobilità su “gomma” e su “ferro”, qualsiasi sia il loro grado di importanza, completi di ogni opera connessa, complementare o accessoria, puntuale o a rete, quali strade di ac- cesso di qualsiasi grado di importanza, svincoli a raso o in sopraelevata, parcheggi a raso, opere di sostegno dei pendii e di tutti gli impianti elettromeccanici, elettrici, telefonici ed elettronici nonché di armamento ferroviario occorrenti per fornire un buon servizio all’u- tente in termini di uso, informazione, sicurezza e assistenza. Comprende in via esemplificativa gallerie naturali, trafori, passaggi sotterranei, tunnel. Codice:OG 4
Тийм коучинг - Подкрепа и Коучинг

Тийм коучинг - Подкрепа и Коучинг

Nous proposons également du coaching d'équipe pour améliorer la collaboration, la communication et la performance collective. Nous aidons les membres de l'équipe à mieux se comprendre, à travailler de manière plus harmonieuse et à atteindre des résultats plus élevés ensemble.
Кранова логистика / Специализирани превози

Кранова логистика / Специализирани превози

Wir führen nicht nur Transporte mit Kranfahrzeugen aus, sondern decken die gesamte Logistikkette ab: Importabwicklung, Lagerung mit Lagerverwaltungssystem, Kommissionierung und Transport. Mehr als 40 Spezialfahrzeuge, davon 34 mit verschiedenen Kranen, disponieren wir zentral ab unserem Kranlogistikzentrum in Winznau SO. Mit unseren leistungsstarken Kranfahrzeugen haben wir die Lösung parat. Unsere gut ausgebildeten Chauffeure platzieren die Ware mittels Kran exakt an gewünschter Stelle. Unsere Kranflotte ist dezentral an verschiedenen Standorten in der Schweiz stationiert. Auch in Ihrer Nähe.


vCPU 1 RAM 1 GB SSD 20 GB IPv4 OpenVPN


Logolu polar mont, soğuk hava koşullarında çalışanlar için tasarlanmış, yüksek sıcaklık yalıtımı sağlayan ve şık bir dış giyim ürünüdür. Özel logolu tasarımı sayesinde, hem kurumsal kimliğinizi yansıtır hem de çalışanlarınıza profesyonel bir görünüm kazandırır. Hafif ama sıcak tutan yapısı, rahat hareket imkanı sunarak uzun süreli kullanımda bile konfor sağlar. Dayanıklı kumaşı ve iş güvenliği standartlarına uygun özellikleri ile logolu polar mont, her türlü iş ortamında tercih edilen bir seçenek olup, markanızın görünürlüğünü artırır.
Разработка на виртуална реалност

Разработка на виртуална реалност

A highly immersive Virtual Reality (VR) experience can transport you literally anywhere! Maybe an amazing 'fantasy' world for a multi-player game, or be submerged in the amazingly clear waters of Tiger Bay to swim up close with sharks, or how about Deep Space having to pass your 'cadet' tests from your own personal interactive spacecraft?


VISTA InfoSec is a global Information Security Consulting firm offering exclusive PCI DSS 4.0 Readiness Assessment services for organizations looking to prepare for the latest payment security standard.
Формация Google Ads

Формация Google Ads

Nous proposons des formations 100 % sur mesure et 100 % prise en charge grâce à votre OPCO. Différentes thématiques disponible.


Special Business Services (S.A.S.): Comprehensive Security Solutions for a Changing World In an increasingly complex world, security is an absolute priority for individuals and businesses. Special Business Services (S.A.S.) is the ideal solution for uncompromising protection, offering customized security services ranging from surveillance to personal protection, crisis management, and strategic consulting. Discover how S.A.S. addresses global security challenges, protecting people, assets, and data with tailored solutions. Uncompromising Security: A Necessity of the Modern World In the current context, security is a crucial issue. Threats such as terrorism, violent crime, and political instability require a proactive and cutting-edge approach to security. S.A.S. specializes in identifying, preventing, and responding to threats, with services designed to protect people, assets, and information everywhere. Security Services in Italy and Abroad S.A.S. operates globally, extending its presence beyond Italian borders to offer security services in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. These services include: - Surveillance and personal protection - Private investigations and security consulting - Training on procedures and security measures Our teams boast extensive experience in the most critical areas of these continents, where security requires specific and advanced skills. Experience and Professionalism of the S.A.S. Team The professionals at S.A.S. are highly qualified, many with backgrounds in law enforcement and the armed forces. Their experience ranges from crisis management to advanced surveillance and personal protection. This wealth of expertise enables them to plan and implement effective security solutions, always in compliance with local regulations and client needs.
Предимство - Започнете да правите умни бизнеси. Започнете с Предимство.

Предимство - Започнете да правите умни бизнеси. Започнете с Предимство.

Advantage is developed to assist you in responding to market changes faster. It enables you to respond with your product’s unique benefits and strengths in comparison to your competition by the use of Opportunity, Account, or Product battle cards.
CRM - Подзаглавие 1

CRM - Подзаглавие 1

Vous avez des besoins de gestion de relation client? Intuitif et rapide d'utilisation, le CRM ODOO vous permettra de gérer chacun des aspects de vos rapports clietèle!
Дизайн на софтуер - Вашият партньор в

Дизайн на софтуер - Вашият партньор в

ONE GDPR propose des logiciels clés en main: - Carbon contract management: Vous ne trouvez plus un contrat  ? Vous ne savez plus quand votre contrat doit être renouvelé ? Vous ne trouvez plus une clause précise qui se trouve dans un de vos nombreux contrats ? Carbon Contract est la plateforme indispensable pour votre entreprise ! - Solution ONE GDPR : Vous souhaitez disposer d’une plateforme pour la protection des données personnelles, sécurité et gouvernance  ? Vous souhaitez découvrir toutes les lois sur une même plateforme ? - ONE Cookies Vous avez un très beau site internet mais vous ne savez pas comment rendre votre bannière cookies conforme au RGPD ? Vous ne savez pas non plus comment écrire votre politique de cookies ? Nous pouvons vous aider grâce à notre logiciel ! - ONE ANALYTICS Vous souhaitez disposer d’un outil de référence d’analyse d’audience pour votre site web conforme à 100% au RGPD ? Contactez-nous sans plus tarder!
Предсъдебни услуги - Предсъдебни услуги

Предсъдебни услуги - Предсъдебни услуги

Diese Plattform errechnet Verschuldungen, Vertragstrafen, benachrichtigt den Schuldner über die erste gebildete Verschuldung durch Stimmenroboter, SMS, falls Schuldner den Anruf nicht beantwortet, E-Mail, durch Messangers. Die Plattform wickelt diesen Prozess automatisch ab, anhand einer Einstellung am Beginn der Arbeit. Falls Schuldner sich weigert, die Verschuldung zu tilgen, leitet das System ihn zum Modul „Gerichtsverfahren“ zur Vorbereitung von Unterlagen und Verklagen beim Gericht weiter. Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit: 45 mal schneller als Wettbewerber:Verkürzung der Verschuldung dank Prozessautomatisierung Um 34% Anwendung von künstlicher Intelligenz, Neuronennetz für automatisierten Rumruf und Unterlagenerstell:Vereinfachtes Arbeitsverfahren Automatisiertes Berichtserstattungssystem :Automatisierter Verschuldungserrechnung Automatisierte Errechnung von Vertragsstrafen:Arbeit mit allen Verschuldungsarten
Формация Имобилиер

Формация Имобилиер

Nous proposons des formations 100 % sur mesure et 100 % prise en charge grâce à votre OPCO. Différentes thématiques disponible. Loi Alur.


Corporate investigations have become an essential part of the current economic landscape, as they offer a unique opportunity for companies to gain valuable insights into the internal and external dynamics that can influence their success. These investigations provide an in-depth view of how companies operate, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and protect themselves from potential risks. Our investigators play a crucial role in corporate investigations. These experienced professionals are capable of gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and analyzing data to obtain accurate and reliable information. Investigators are trained to identify potential risks and threats, as well as to provide recommendations on how to mitigate such risks. Their expertise and competence make them key players in safeguarding businesses.