Продукти за eu gmp глава 1 (11)

Производствени разходи (1 тон пара) - Биомаслени котли

Производствени разходи (1 тон пара) - Биомаслени котли

Production Costs (1 ton Steam) - Biomass Boilers
Био Арония Капсули

Био Арония Капсули

Lohnherstellung von Bio Aronia Kapseln (vegane HPMC Kapseln)
Дегресор G1 - Дегресори

Дегресор G1 - Дегресори

Our pre-treatment degreaser is the ideal solution for removing stains from fabrics. Thanks to its advanced formula, this product is able to act effectively on a wide range of stains, such as grease, oil, wine, coffee stains and more. Our pre-treatment degreaser is easy to use, it can be diluted and used by spraying it directly on the stain, leaving it to act for a few minutes before putting it in the washing machine or dosing it directly during washing. The stain will disappear without leaving any traces.
Яйчни продукти, течен яйце, яйчен прах, белтък от пилешко яйце - прах от цяло яйце, термоустойчив жълтък, пилешки яйца, органични

Яйчни продукти, течен яйце, яйчен прах, белтък от пилешко яйце - прах от цяло яйце, термоустойчив жълтък, пилешки яйца, органични

Der fetthaltige Teil des Ei´s bietet vielfältige Funktionalitäten. Gene beraten wir Sie Emulgierfähigkeit und Viskosität um nur einzelne funktionelle Eigenschaften des Eigelbs zu nennen. Gerne helfen wir Ihnen die für Sie perfekte Qualität zu finden. Kartons / Säcke: 25 kg
96SMF Кристален Филтър

96SMF Кристален Филтър

96SMF and 98SMF, SMD 6 x 3.5mm, ultra-low profile, Monolithic Crystal Filter
POM - Полиацетал

POM - Полиацетал

Due to high surface hardness and low surface abrasiveness, it is characterized by good slip and good resistance to friction, does not dissolve and does not swell in all used solvents, in fuels and mineral oils. It is most often used for the production of precision machine parts, such as gears, worm gears, bushes, etc
PMMA Арка / Пластмасова Арка / Арка за Тръбопровод / Пневматична Тръбна Арка - Решения за Автоматизация на Транспорта

PMMA Арка / Пластмасова Арка / Арка за Тръбопровод / Пневматична Тръбна Арка - Решения за Автоматизация на Транспорта

Ein Hingucker - durch die glasklaren Fahrrohre und Fahrrohrbogen gleiten die Büchsen für jedermann sichtbar. Gerade im Messebau bietet der Werkstoff Polymethylmethacrylat viele Möglichkeiten für ein edles Design. Nicht nur formschön sondern auch halogenfrei, bietet PMMA neben den optischen Vorteilen auch höchste Ansprüche in Brandschutzfragen. Abmessung::90 mm, 110 mm, 160 mm, 200 mm Grad::90° Radius::300, 550, 650, 750, 800, 1000 Material::Polymethylmethacrylat PMMA (XT) Farbe::glasklar UV-Durchlässigkeit::ja Rauchgasmenge::sehr gering Lebensmitteltauglich::ja Weitere Abmessungen::auf Anfrage


LED Anzeige zur Visualisierung der Emissionsersparnis an CO2 durch eine bestehende Biogasanlage. Das Layout der Scheibenfolierung erfolgt nach Kundenvorgabe. Die aktuellen Werte werden per ModBus-Protokoll vollautomatisch aus dem Leitrechner der Anlage abgerufen und dargestellt. Anwendungsbereich:outdoor Schrifthöhe:175mm max. Leseentfernung:ca. 70-80m LED Farbe:Rot Ansteuerung:Ethernet / ModBus
Търговия на едро с етерични масла - Франция

Търговия на едро с етерични масла - Франция

DES PRODUITS BIO, NON BIO OU EN CONVERSION Nous sommes spécialisés dans la production et la vente en gros d'huiles essentielles. Notre entreprise fournit les industries pharmaceutiques, alimentaires et cosmétiques. Ils sont bio, non bio ou en conversion. Pour toutes commandes, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous pouvons livrer dans toute la France. Réactifs, nous veillons à ce que vos commandes vous parviennent dans les délais convenus. Toute une variété d’huiles essentielles est mise à votre disposition (huiles essentielles de marjolaine à coquilles, de menthe poivrée, de lavande fine, de patchouli…). Découvrez et choisissez parmi notre gamme d’huiles essentielles. Il y en a pour tous les besoins. Nous sommes à votre écoute et nous vous conseillons sur le produit adapté à vos besoins. Nous proposons des tarifs attractifs. Étant aussi producteurs, nous pouvons vous fournir la quantité que vous souhaitez.
Амино-Дитиофосфат / Тиофосфорна Киселина, Съдържаща Азот ≥ 90% - Дитиофосфат

Амино-Дитиофосфат / Тиофосфорна Киселина, Съдържаща Азот ≥ 90% - Дитиофосфат

Product Overview Chemical appearance Amino Dithiophosphate or Thiophosphoric Acid containing nitrogen comes in powder form which has a white to light yellow appearance. It has no strong distinct smell and can be dissolved in alcohol. It also has a density of 0.8 to 0.85. Chemical application and strength Amino Dithiophosphate or Thiophosphoric Acid containing nitrogen is a very good collector agent of various non-ferrous sulfide minerals like lead, silver, copper, and zinc (activated) sulfide ores. It can be used in the activation process of pyrite flotation. A very strong collector agent compared to other Dithiophosphates. Commonly used in the flotation process of copper and lead minerals under the presence of iron and sphalerite sulfide. Popularly used because of its ability to raise the recovery ratio in the silver and gold flotation process. It is also very selective during the collection processs. CAS Number:3338 – 24 – 7 HS Code:292019
Pa - Полиамид

Pa - Полиамид

Belongs to the most popular thermoplastics with constructional application. It owes its popularity to special properties, such as high mechanical strength, excellent sliding properties, high impact resistance, good chemical resistance, damping ability and machinability (turning, milling, cutting)