Продукти за cleanmymac x (5)

Syntech HAG Cleaner : Почистващо средство за специфични интервенции с водоактивни смоли

Syntech HAG Cleaner : Почистващо средство за специфични интервенции с водоактивни смоли

Syntech HAG Cleaner Cleaning agent specific for the necessary equipment during operations of injections to stop the infiltration of water in the buildings. Oily rinsing detergent, low toxicity, high solvent capacity for non-hardened polyurethanes, to clean and lubricate the internal pumping hydraulic circuits of both manual and electric pumps. It replaces acetone, methylene chloride and other detergents commonly used. Cleaning the equipment for water-reactive polyurethane injections in the masonry. Removal of the non-hardened polyurethane residues. Upon completion of the operations of injection of water-reactive polyurethane-based masonry products, it is necessary to perform a careful cleaning of pumping equipment before their resting. To this end, first circulate Nitro thinner in the hydraulic circuits of the pump for a few minutes, in order to rapidly dissolve the hardened polyurethane residues. After cleaning the pumping circuits, circulate the specific detergent oil lubricant SYNTECH H.A.G. CLEANER, undiluted, for a few minutes, in the same circuits. A small amount of product must be left inside the pumping circuits in order to keep them lubricated during the resting period of the pump. The estimated consumption will be approximately 2 litres for every clean pump per working day. Product to buy as needed. Can 10 kg


Ultra-concentrated detergent with a fresh Aloe Vera and Cucumber fragrance for hand washing all types of dishes. Biodegradable product. FEATURES Formulated with biodegradable and water-soluble surfactants, with a high concentration of active material. Neutral product, with good degreasing, dispersing and foaming power, leaves dishes clean and shiny. Does not attack the skin of the hands nor is it corrosive. FIELDS OF APPLICATION Due to its formulation, the product is recommended for manual washing of all kitchen utensils (plates, pots, pans, glasses, cutlery, boxes, containers, among others). HOW TO USE Lav Sensitive can be diluted in the washing water, or used directly on a damp sponge. Recommended dosage: 2.5 ml of product per litre of water. If necessary, adjust the dosage until a generous amount of foam is obtained. Wash the utensils, scrubbing with a sponge. Then rinse thoroughly with water. Attention: It is not suitable for use in dishwashers. REF:CL3129.2
QUICKAEX - обезмасляващ препарат

QUICKAEX - обезмасляващ препарат

Nettoyant dégraissant polyvalent toutes surfaces Prêt à l’emploi – Economique et pratique – Sans étiquetage Solution nettoyante rapide et efficace. Enlève la graisse, l´huile, la crasse et les taches tenaces de toutes surfaces lavables, y compris en milieu alimentaire… Fenêtres alu, PVC, mobilier de jardin en PVC, composite, résine tressée, textilène… Réf:Q708 Conditionnement:Bidon de 5 L – Carton de 4 Ex:QUICKAEX PRO
Homéoclean - Органични Продукти

Homéoclean - Органични Продукти

Savon potassique 100% naturel d’origine végétale. Il est composé de potasse et de manganèse, d’huiles végétales nobles, d’extraits et d’essences de plantes, en particulier de Saponaire. Il se présente sous forme liquide. Il active les processus métaboliques et enzymatiques par son apport en manganèse, accompagne les traitements contre les maladies cryptogamiques et les insectes. Apporte une meilleure resistance au lessivage. Effet barrière en modifiant l’environnement inmédiat. Teneurs garanties en éléments fertilisants (valeurs exprimées sur produit brut): Manganèse (Mn): 0.01% (100 mg/L) Des cultures Modalités d’application Doses Toutes cultures En accompagnement des traitements 0,5 à 2% maximum Toutes cultures action normale (préventif) Seul ou avec tests préalables (voir recommandations) 2 à 5 litres à diluer dans 100 litres d’eau (2 à 5 %) Toutes cultures action forte (nettoyage) Seul ou avec tests préalables (voir recommandations) 10 litres à diluer dans 100 litres d’eau (10%)
Évomax - Биологични Продукти

Évomax - Биологични Продукти

Évomax - Produits en bio