Продукти за capgemini er d (8)

Епафит капсули - Капсули и таблетки

Епафит капсули - Капсули и таблетки

For the dietary treatment of inflammatory rheumatism complaints Anyone who suffers from painful inflammatory rheumatic complaints, must payparticular attention tohis diet. A rheumatic based diet primarily means not to take in the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid from foods of animal origin, but instead much omega-3 fatty acids from cold water fish, especially EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). However, sufficient intake of EPA can usually not be achieved over the normal diet. Epafit Capsules can help to meet this increased demand naturally and thus to improve your wellbeing. Epafit capsules contain 650 mg of fish oil concentrate, with at least 75 % highly concentrated omega-3 fatty acids. Of these are at least 325 mg EPA per capsule. In addition, each Epafit Capsule contains 15 mg (22 I.U.) vitamin E of plant origin. We recommened to take during the first 4 weeks 3 Epafit Capsules daily. Thereafter take 2 capsules per day. Art. No.:200
Mencaps® Таблетка с филм от тиква 152 mg - Семена от Cucurbita

Mencaps® Таблетка с филм от тиква 152 mg - Семена от Cucurbita

Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia or related to a overactive bladder after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor.
Calgonit Des-HE

Calgonit Des-HE

Gebrauchsfertiges Händedesinfektionsmittel auf Ethanolbasis In hygienisch besonders sensiblen Bereichen der Lebensmittel- und sonstigen Industrien ist die Händedesinfektion ein ebenso wichtiger wie unerlässlicher Bestandteil der PERSONAL-HYGIENE. Im Produktions- und Verpackungsbereich wird die erforderliche Keimreduzierung durch die Verwendung eines Händedesinfektionsmittels erreicht. An diese Produkte wird eine hohe Anforderung an gute Hautverträglichkeit, kurze Einwirkzeit und ein breites Wirkungsspektrum gestellt. calgonit Des-HE erfüllt diese Anforderungen. Es tötet Bakterien, Hefen und behüllte Viren wie das Coronavirus zuverlässig ab. Das Produkt basiert auf einer von der WHO empfohlenden Rezeptur. calgonit Des-HE enthält Ethanol biologischen Ursprungs und hat je nach Herstellungsprozess einen charakteristischen Geruch. GHS: GHS02 / GHS07 Signalwort: Gefahr Gewicht: 9 kg
Ацетил КоА тринацион - Фини Химикали

Ацетил КоА тринацион - Фини Химикали

Acetyl-CoA is an essential cofactor and carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions. It is formed either through the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, through ß-oxidation of fatty acids or through the oxidative degradation of certain amino acids. It is an intermediate in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is the starter for the citric acid cycle. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. CAS Nr:[102029-73-2] Code:1670
Диметилацетамид (DMAC)

Диметилацетамид (DMAC)

Mencaps® Urtica Капсула 240 mg - Urtica dioica Urtica urens

Mencaps® Urtica Капсула 240 mg - Urtica dioica Urtica urens

Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use
Солидого капсула 360 мг - Solidago virgaurea

Солидого капсула 360 мг - Solidago virgaurea

Traditional herbal medicinal product to increase the amount of urine to achieve flushing of the urinary tract a adjuvant in minor urinary complaints. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusively based upon long-standing use
Омепразол Крем - Омепразол

Омепразол Крем - Омепразол

Allergic Dermatitis, Neurodermitis,