Продукти за cana lilys (4)



The Okra belonging to the family Malvaceae or lady’s finger, is a species of tropical plant with flowers native to Africa. The fruit is a capsule of 8-25 cm long, hairy, angular, ovoid-lanceolate, long pointed. Characteristics of the Okra : The mucilage of okra has been used to increase blood volume They are used for their emollient and sudorific properties, and in the treatment of dysuria The leaves are sometimes used as poultices Origin, size, humidity, packing, quantity, price according to discussion with the buyer INCOTERMS: AIR OR SEA
HV Calophyllum

HV Calophyllum

Nom latin : Calophyllum inophyllum Partie pressée : Graines du fruit Origine : Côte Est de Madagascar Indications : Rougeurs diffuses Peaux à imperfections Peaux squameuses, sèches Permet de lutter contre les vergetures
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Етерично масло от лимонена трева

Етерично масло от лимонена трева

Latin name: Cymbopogon citratus Distilled part: Leaves Origin: Highlands (central Madagascar) Directions: Rheumatism, arthritis, tendonitis Excessive sweating Presence of mosquitoes (preventive) and mosquito bites (curative)