Продукти за bertolli olivenölspray (20)

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин - Монокултивар Коретина

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин - Монокултивар Коретина

The 100% extra virgin olive oil from Coratina olives best expresses all the strength and character of a land naturally suited to olive cultivation. Not many words are needed to describe this oil that envelops with an intense aroma, amazes with bitter and spicy notes and enhances all the tastiest dishes of the Mediterranean tradition.
Органично екстра върджин зехтин Reuza 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Biancolilla и Taggiasca

Органично екстра върджин зехтин Reuza 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Biancolilla и Taggiasca

The Reuza Extra Virgin is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars, with rather different effects: the Biancolilla olive and the Taggiasca olive. Extra virgin olive oil · 100% Italian oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Biancolilla olive and Taggiasca olive · Sweet and aromatic, an excellent condiment for salads and crudites, Reuza is a highly selected product: it combines the aromatic notes of the Biancolilla olive with the sweetness of the Taggiasca olive. The result is surprising and very pleasant. The name “Reuza”, Rose in Ligurian dialect, refers to a perfumed oil, just like a flower. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:REU .75
BERTINELLI Пармиджано Реджано доп 49 месеца 500 г

BERTINELLI Пармиджано Реджано доп 49 месеца 500 г

Prodotto dalla celebre azienda casearia BERTINELLI, il Parmigiano Reggiano dop stagionato per ben 49 mesi è un formaggio di alta qualità. Con ogni pezzo di 500 g potrai gustare un prodotto eccellente, dal sapore unico e inconfondibile. Perfetto per arricchire ogni piatto con un tocco di bontà e tradizione italiana.


Екстра върджин зехтин - Fior di Drupa

Екстра върджин зехтин - Fior di Drupa

Olio extra vergine di oliva estratto a freddo da cultivar tipiche della Sicilia
Биологично екстра върджин зехтин от Чиленто

Биологично екстра върджин зехтин от Чиленто

Offerta speciale pacco da 12 bottiglie a soli 89€ Bottiglia olio 75 cl DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO: L’olio extravergine di oliva BIOLOGICO La Mortella è ottenuto direttamente dalle olive biologiche da coltivazioni del cilento e unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici e ha un’acidità massima in termini di acido oleico di 0.24% VALORI ANALISI INDICATIVI: Acidità in acido oleico: 0.24%; Impurità: 0%; K270: 0,24; K232: 1.82; DELTA K: -0,002; Acido Miristico: 0,0%; Acido Palmitico: 0%; Acido Lignocerico: 0%; Acido Eptadecanoico: 0,0%; Acido Eptadecenoico: 0,0% VALORI NUTRIZIONALI INDICATIVI (per 100 g): Grassi 16,2 g; ; Valore energetico 900 Kcal; Colesterolo 0 mg; Sodio 0 mg; Carboidrati 0 mg; Proteine 0 mg; Calcio 0mg CONDIZIONI DI CONSERVAZIONE: da conservare in un luogo fresco e non esposto alla luce diretta del sole
Кестени в Рум

Кестени в Рум

Handmade Italian chestnuts Handmade Italian chestnuts Chataignes italiennes travaillees à la main Carton of 6 jars Pack of 6 pots plateau de 6 pots Net weight 360g Drained net weight 120g Ref:0501266 EAN:8034125101917
Biccari Най-добро Екстра Вирджин Зехтин от Италия

Biccari Най-добро Екстра Вирджин Зехтин от Италия

BICCARI OLIO EXTRA VERGINE: Bestes & naturbelassenes Olivenol der Extraklasse aus Italien in kanister. 100% NATUR: Ohne Geschmacksverstärker, ohne Aromen, ohne Füllstoffe, ohne Konservierungsstoffe etc. KALTEXTRACTION: Unser Olivenöl wird nicht wie viele andere Olivenöle kaltgepresst. Wir bevorzugen die Kaltextraktion unter 27°C, die im Gegensatz zur Kaltpressung einige Vorteile hat.info 100% ITALIENISCH. ERNTE: Handpflücken. OLIVENSORTEN: Leccino, Borciona, Moraiola und andere. ERNTEZEIT: 25 Oktober - 31 Dezember 2019. FILTRATION: Dekantieren, entspricht der natürlichen Filterung. COLOR: Intensive Grün. GESCHMACK: Fruchtig - mit einem Hauch von Gras und floralen Noten - und mit einer harmonischen und runden Struktu. BEHÄLTER: Kanister. info
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Висша Категория 100% ИТАЛИАНСКИ

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Висша Категория 100% ИТАЛИАНСКИ

Olio Extra vergine di oliva 100% Italiano categoria superiore ottenuto direttamente dalle olive e unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici.
Дон Козимо - Зехтин

Дон Козимо - Зехтин

Olio extravergine di oliva Biologico Estratto a freddo IGP Sicilia
Екстра върджин зехтин 1л - Плодов нов сертифициран EVO зехтин

Екстра върджин зехтин 1л - Плодов нов сертифициран EVO зехтин

Olio extra vergine Fruttato Novello, prodotto Siciliano, certificato CT001. Offerto con la bottiglia speciale “Quadra Marasca”. Il Fruttato Novello è prodotto con olive “Nocellara Etnea” coltivate nei terreni di proprietà dell’azienda Cuscunà, che si occupa anche della raccolta a mano ed estrazione a freddo. Il prodotto finale è eccellente e garantito. Inoltre siamo l’unica azienda che offre l’opportunità di adottare un ulivo!
Песто алла Бронтезе 65% - шамфъстък 65%, слънчогледово масло, сол, пипер.

Песто алла Бронтезе 65% - шамфъстък 65%, слънчогледово масло, сол, пипер.

Pesto alla Brontese 65% - pistacchio 65%, olio di semi di girasole, sale, pepe.
Крем от фъстъци - 200 г

Крем от фъстъци - 200 г

Crema di Pistacchio spalmabile da 200 Gr.
Crefolini Слоеве - Оригиналност

Crefolini Слоеве - Оригиналност

I Crefolini si ottengono dal prodotto base, ovvero dalle Crefole Sfogliate. Ricordano una sorta di “grissini schiacciati”, larghi circa 2 cm e pronti da sgranocchiare con piacere in qualsiasi momento della giornata.
БИО ПРУНИЛО ПАСАТА - Италиански Изключителности от Пулия

БИО ПРУНИЛО ПАСАТА - Италиански Изключителности от Пулия

La passata di prunillo è ottenuta dalla lavorazione del tipico pomodorino pugliese radicato nella tradizione del nostro territorio. Il colore intenso, il sapore aspro e il profumo deciso, ci permettono di avere in dispensa un’ottima base per la preparazione di sughi sia a base di carne che a base di pesce. Peso netto 290 gr.
Сицилианска Лимонова Гранита - Готова за Замразяване

Сицилианска Лимонова Гранита - Готова за Замразяване

Prepared for Sicilian granita with lemon taste to have the authentic Sicilian granita directly in your fridge. This is a liquid preparate mix for granita in lemon scent that can stay at environment temperature. You only need to follow the instruction to have the authentic Sicilian granita. It will be the same as being in some Sicilian bar or ice-cream parlor.
Боретане Лук в Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 280 г

Боретане Лук в Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 280 г

Delicious Borettana quality spring onions in extra virgin olive oil. Worked fresh and immersed in a good extra virgin olive oil to which a touch of pink pepper is added. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. Pairings Borettane in Extra Virgin can be consumed as they are, naturally, as an aperitif, but above all they are an excellent appetizer and an excellent side dish, possibly reheated, for meat dishes. Storage method Store in a dry and cool place, away from heat sources. Once opened, store in the refrigerator (+4°C) and consume within 3 days. Code:CIPO 330
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин - 100% ITA Органичен il Biologico

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин - 100% ITA Органичен il Biologico

Thanks to its fragrance and SOFT yet persistent flavor, Fiorentini 100% Italian ORGANIC Il biologico extra virgin olive oil Il biologico is ideal for preparing dishes where the taste of the food matches the fruity notes of the oil which is obtained from 100% organically grown Italian olives. For those who don’t want to compromise between flavour and wholesomeness – try it on everything you prepare in your kitchen.
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 мл - Ривиера Лигуре D.o.p. - Италианско масло - 100% маслина Тагиаска

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 мл - Ривиера Лигуре D.o.p. - Италианско масло - 100% маслина Тагиаска

Riviera Ligure DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Riviera dei Fiori Italian Oil, 100% Taggiasca Olive – Cold Extracted Lucinasco, located on the top of a hill about 500 m above sea level, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Oneglia Valley. Its olive groves, which extend below the town, are composed exclusively of Taggiasca variety olive trees and are renowned for their particularly happy exposure. They produce olives with a lower yield than other places in the valley, but the quality of their extra virgin olive oil is excellent. Our Riviera Ligure DOP selection is obtained from olives coming from Lucinasco olive groves, pressed to perfection in our oil mill. Cold produced and packaged must (unfiltered) after simple natural decantation. The bottle is wrapped with a sheet of gold paper, which ensures the protection of the product from light. code:DOP .50
Генуезки босилек песто Dop 180 G

Генуезки босилек песто Dop 180 G

The Calvi Genoese Basil Pesto DOP 180 g is made according to the true Ligurian recipe. In fact, it contains extra virgin olive oil, basil grown in Liguria (Basilico Genovese DOP), pine nuts, garlic and Grana Padano. Compared to homemade pesto, only citric acid (acidifier) ​​and ascorbic acid (antioxidant) are added. No cashews, wheat germ or other ingredients foreign to the Ligurian tradition. Calvi Genoese Basil Pesto DOP 180 g Calvi has an intense green color and is characterized by a fresh and delicate flavour. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product Code:PESTO 180