Продукти за aperol 1l (63)

COL D'ORCIA Rosso Montalcino DOC 1 бутилка 75 cl

COL D'ORCIA Rosso Montalcino DOC 1 бутилка 75 cl

Scopri il gusto ricco e raffinato di COL D'ORCIA Rosso Montalcino DOC con una bottiglia da 75 cl. Prodotto con cura e passione nell'area di Montalcino, questo vino è perfetto per accompagnare i tuoi pasti o per una serata speciale. Ogni sorso è un viaggio gustativo attraverso i sapori unici della Toscana.
Пекорино PGI бяло вино

Пекорино PGI бяло вино

Pecorino PGI white wine
Oliba екстра върджин зехтин с екологични полифеноли 2L

Oliba екстра върджин зехтин с екологични полифеноли 2L

Polifenolak dituen oliba-olio birjina estra bat da, oliba-olio birjina estra konbentzionalak baino 10 aldiz antioxidatzaile gehiago ematen dituena. Gure olioa olibaetatik zuzenean lortu da, prozedura mekaniko eta hotzeko erauzketaren bidez, iragazi gabe eta dekantazio natural zainduarekin goi-mailako polifenolak ez hondatzeko, Arroniz barietateko olibatik eta heltze une zehatzean zuzenean lortzen da. Bere heltze-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, eta prozedura mekanikoen eta hotz ehotzearen bidez. Iragazi gabe eta dekantazio prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez Arroniz barietateari esker, oliba-polifenolek, hala nola hidroxitirosolak eta oleuropeinak, endekapenezko hainbat patologiaren intzidentzia murrizten laguntzen dute. Odoleko lipidoak estres oxidatibotik babestuz. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeina 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg. Gordinik kontsumitu
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Quadro 1 L - Италианско масло - студено пресоване

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Quadro 1 L - Италианско масло - студено пресоване

Il Quadro – our filtered extra virgin olive oil: excellent for all seasoning and cooking needs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italian Oil – Cold extracted Calvi “Quadro” Extra Virgin Olive Oil is our filtered extra virgin olive oil, always delicate, as is characteristic of the entire Calvi range. The color is warm yellow, sometimes slightly tinged with green. This product is also available in a 3 liter can. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. code:Q 1
Нормандска круша 75cl - Domaine Flaguerie

Нормандска круша 75cl - Domaine Flaguerie

La sidra de pera se distingue por su color claro y límpido. Los sabores están equilibrados entre la acidez, una ligera amargura y la dulzura aportada por los azúcares no fermentados. Su efervescencia, caracterizada por la finura de sus burbujas, le da un toque elegante y refinado Peso bruto:1340g peso de la caja de 6:8,5kg


Une limonade pleine de tonicité avec la saveur du pamplemousse rosé. eau gazéfiée, sucre Acidifiant acide citrique, arôme naturel de pamplemousse avec autres arômes naturels Stabilisant ( E445), Colorants (E133, E129 peut avoir des effets indésirables sur l’activité et l’attention des enfants)
Зехтин 0,75L Вирджин - 6194017410090 - Huiles et Vinaigres

Зехтин 0,75L Вирджин - 6194017410090 - Huiles et Vinaigres

Huile D'olive 0,75L Vierge - 6194017410090 - Huiles et Vinaigres Colisage colis:12 UVC Colisage pallette:70 Colis Type produit:huile vierge
Perrier 6x33cl

Perrier 6x33cl

Savourez l’expérience unique d’un PERRIER, la force de ses bulles, sa fraîcheur intense et son goût vif, source de plaisirs et de sensations fortes De l’eau, de l'air, des bulles extraordinaires ! Savourez l’expérience unique d’un PERRIER, la force de ses bulles, sa fraîcheur intense et son goût vif, source de plaisirs et de sensations fortes. Dégustezla en cannette pour une pause rafraîchissante et pétillante, où que vous soyez !
Apla Газирани Напитки Кутия 33 Cl - Газирани Напитки

Apla Газирани Напитки Кутия 33 Cl - Газирани Напитки

Boisson gazeuse rafraîchissante aux extraits végétaux. Tout le plaisir d'une canette avec son goût unique de la pomme. Profitez des goûts rafraîchissants d’Apla. Fabriqué avec des saveurs 100% naturelles de pomme. Ce soda fruité vous fera du bien Catégories:Boissons Gazeuses


Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Turkey’s Aegean Region, cold-pressed for natural flavor and health benefits. With an FFA of maximum 0,8 and peroxide of 20,0, this 1000ml bottle is perfect for cooking. Enjoy the rich taste and health benefits today! EAN:8696487008343
IPA Бира Бутилка - 0,33L

IPA Бира Бутилка - 0,33L

Cette Imperial India Pale Ale est élaborée à partir d’un assemblage puissant de malt. Une jolie bière intense aux notes fruitées et florales... qui se concrétise par une subtile amertume en fin de bouche. Un équilibre parfait pour faire voyager vos papilles ! Couleur:Blonde Style:India Pale Ale Degré d'alcool:6% IBU (amertume):36
Сироп Амелио Карамел

Сироп Амелио Карамел

Goldbraun im Aussehen und cremig-weich mit einem würzigen Unterton im Geschmack, so ist uns Karamell am liebsten. Karamell Sirup gehört zu den Top 5 der Sirups und ist somit für jeden Coffeeshop ein MUSS. Er unterstreicht das Aroma von Kaffee und harmonisiert gleichzeitig perfekt zu geschäumter Milch. Ebenfalls bestens geeignet für helle und dunkle Frappés oder mal als Geschmacksträger auf einem feinen Crepes.
Екстра върджин зехтин 75 cl - François Roméo

Екстра върджин зехтин 75 cl - François Roméo

Découvrez l’huile d’olive vierge extra François Roméo, à la fois douce et fruitée, dont la recette exclusive réjouit les aficionados depuis 1972. Poids net:1,080 KG Capacité:75CL
Органичен концентрат от ацерола - Пречистен 50° - Искате ли да опитате преди покупка? Моля, свържете се с нас за безплатни мостри

Органичен концентрат от ацерола - Пречистен 50° - Искате ли да опитате преди покупка? Моля, свържете се с нас за безплатни мостри

From Amazonia to you, the acerola cherry is a small-sized juicy fruit with a delicate sweet and sour flavor, which can best be described as a tasty combination of lime and strawberry. In huge demand, this tiny cherry with bright red and thin skin has High Vitamin C (30% more than orange) and also contains Polyphenol (Anthocyanin) and Bioflavonoids. It is a source of Potassium and is high in Fibre. The acerola cherry is also commonly used as a 100% natural substitute for ascorbic acid due to its high Vitamin C that prolongs the shelf-life of products as well as adding great taste, color and nutritional properties to them. Benefits: * Antioxidant activity (High ORAC) * Prevents influenza and colds. * Boosts the immune system * Athletic endurance * Antifungal * Skin astringent (cream) Common uses: foods and beverages, energy and sport drinks, juices, yogurts, desserts, jellies, gel in suspension and others.


COTEAUX DE TANNAY 13,00% 75 cl 2015
Натурално Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1000 мл - Стъклена Бутилка Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1 Л

Натурално Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1000 мл - Стъклена Бутилка Екстра Вирджин Зехтин 1 Л

It is the olive oil that we have produced under the Taha Kervan brand. It is in the first natural olive oil group. The acid rate is between 0.8% - 2%. Analysis reports are available. It is produced in international quality standards. It is processed in our own squeezing factory and bottling - packaging process is carried out in our filling facility. It is an olive oil that everyone can use easily. It is generally consumed in meals and fried foods. Production date, expiry date and lot number are on the product label. All quality certificates are available. It is a product suitable for export. It is healthy and high quality olive oil obtained from olives grown in Hatay Antakya region. Before purchasing, you can contact us to see our olive grove and production facility. If you want to buy high quality and affordable olive oil, we would like to state that you are in the right place. We only sell wholesale olive oil.
Ябълков сок - 33cl - ПЛОДОВ СОК

Ябълков сок - 33cl - ПЛОДОВ СОК

Ingrédients 100% pomme Pur jus, sans sucres ajoutés, ni conservateurs Pasteurisé, non filtré, non clarifié pour conserver vitamines et minéraux naturels Fruits issus de l’agriculture raisonnée, cultivés en vergers écoresponsables et certifiés Haute Valeur Environnementale de niveau 3 (HVE3) Fruits stockés en chambre froide, sans rupture de la chaine du froid À consommer de préférence frais À conserver au frais après ouverture Une sélection de pommes de qualité pour vous offrir ce pur jus de pomme, parfaitement équilibré et parfumé. Issu d’un mélange de plusieurs variétés de pommes de nos vergers, sélectionnées pour leurs saveurs, ce jus de pomme est aussi goûteux que bon pour votre santé. Il vous réveille avec pep’s le matin au petitdéjeuner. Son petit format est idéal pour vous accompagner au sport ou au travail. Vergers Écoresponsables:Oui Haute Valeur Environnementale De Niveau 3 (HVE3):Oui Bouteille En Verre:33cl


Екстра Вирджин Зелено Зехтин "Jacoliva - Референтен номер: JJV5L"

Екстра Вирджин Зелено Зехтин "Jacoliva - Референтен номер: JJV5L"

Huile d'olive vierge extra "Jacoliva Verte". Récolte 2019 Produit élaboré à partir d'olives de la variété Manzanilla Cacereña cueillies entre 1 mois à 1 mois et demi avant maturité. Fruité vert intense. Produit exceptionnel. 100% variété ''manzanilla cacereña'' verte. Beaucoup de nos clients viennent spécialement sur notre stand pour la ''Jacoliva Verte''. Bidon 5L Produit d'Estrémadure


Италианско екстра върджин зехтин с ВИСОКО КАЧЕСТВО

Италианско екстра върджин зехтин с ВИСОКО КАЧЕСТВО

Wir bieten italienisches Olivenöl verschiedener Qualitätsstufen an und in variablen Einheiten, abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse des Kunden: Ab 500ml. bis 1000Lt. IBC Container


vino rosso ottenuto da un blend di uve rosse del Salento, quali, Malvasia Nera, Montepulciano, e Sangiovese. Grado alcool 11,50% Vol. colore rosso al palato semisecco. Per maggiori informazioni potete scriverci a cantine.durso@libero.it


Natives Olivenöl extra hergestellt von einem Familienunternehmen in den grünen Hügeln Kretas. Extrem mildes Fruchtaroma durch den richtigen Erntezeitpunkt, die feine Meeresbrise, die die Bäume auf den Hügeln durchlüftet und die Sonne, die die Oliven richtig reifen lässt.
PERONI Gran riserva rossa 12 бутилки 50 cl

PERONI Gran riserva rossa 12 бутилки 50 cl

Questa birra Rossa di alta qualità ha una gradazione alcolica del 7%. Confezione da 12 bottiglie da 50 cl, offre un sapore unico e robusto, perfetto per accompagnare i tuoi pasti o per una serata rilassante. Goditi l'eleganza di PERONI Gran riserva rossa in ogni bicchiere.
FELSGOLD Двойно Малцово Пиво 1 Буре 15 Литра

FELSGOLD Двойно Малцово Пиво 1 Буре 15 Литра

La birra FELSGOLD doppio malto è una deliziosa birra tedesca dal gusto corposo e intenso. Prodotto con ingredienti di alta qualità, questo fusto da 15 litri è perfetto per godersi una birra fresca in compagnia. Lasciati conquistare dal suo sapore unico e rinfrescante.
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Arzentu 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Пернзана и Тагиаска

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Arzentu 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Пернзана и Тагиаска

The Arzentu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars: Oliva Peranzana and Oliva Taggiasca Extra Virgin Olive Oil · 100% Italian Oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Peranzana olive and Taggiasca olive · Excellent condiment for the most delicate dishes Arzentu is a highly selected, gentle and fragrant product that combines the distinctive characteristics of the Taggiasca olive and the Peranzana olive: they are both cultivars that produce very fruity oils: the very sweet Taggiasco, the Peranzana Extra with spicy notes a little more pronounced. The combination is very pleasant. The name “Arzenrtu” Argento in Ligurian dialect refers to a noble product, but with a vibrant note, in its name and flavour. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:ARG .75
Calypso Cider 75cl - Пълноценен сайдер - Domaine Flaguerie

Calypso Cider 75cl - Пълноценен сайдер - Domaine Flaguerie

Calypso is a full-bodied cider, assertive and uncompromising. The nose is subtle and inviting. The colour is straw yellow. The mouth, a bit austere, reveals a structured cider light in sugar with a refreshing and saline finish. Gross weight:1340g /2,2lb Box weight of 6:9kg / 19,8lb
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 мл - Ривиера Лигуре D.o.p. - Италианско масло - 100% маслина Тагиаска

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 мл - Ривиера Лигуре D.o.p. - Италианско масло - 100% маслина Тагиаска

Riviera Ligure DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Riviera dei Fiori Italian Oil, 100% Taggiasca Olive – Cold Extracted Lucinasco, located on the top of a hill about 500 m above sea level, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Oneglia Valley. Its olive groves, which extend below the town, are composed exclusively of Taggiasca variety olive trees and are renowned for their particularly happy exposure. They produce olives with a lower yield than other places in the valley, but the quality of their extra virgin olive oil is excellent. Our Riviera Ligure DOP selection is obtained from olives coming from Lucinasco olive groves, pressed to perfection in our oil mill. Cold produced and packaged must (unfiltered) after simple natural decantation. The bottle is wrapped with a sheet of gold paper, which ensures the protection of the product from light. code:DOP .50
Лук шалот ябълков оцет 20cl - Domaine Flaguerie

Лук шалот ябълков оцет 20cl - Domaine Flaguerie

Flaguerie cider vinegar is the result of the acetic transformation of organic cider into vinegar. This natural vinegar is aged for several months in oak barrels before being bottled without filtration. A vinegar mother may form at the bottom of the bottle. Flaguerie cider vinegar is enhanced with shallot Gross weight :490g / 1,08lb Weight of the carton of 12 :6kg / 13,23lb Acidity level:5° Residual alcohol:<0,5°