Продукти за aio фабрика (2)

ARAL HIGH TRONIC 5W40 5 Ltr - Моторни масла

ARAL HIGH TRONIC 5W40 5 Ltr - Моторни масла

Aral HighTronic 5W-40 is a high-performance, low-friction engine oil using Aral synthetic technology. It can be used in many cars with petrol or diesel engines (please note manufacturer specifications). The balanced formulation also meets the high wear protection requirements according to VW 505 01 (pump-nozzle specification). The modern Low Ash technology protects against harmful ash deposits in the diesel particulate filter and thus supports their effectiveness and service life. Specifications ACEA C3 API SN/CF Meets Fiat 9.55535-S2 Meets Ford WSS-M2C917-A GMdexos2™ * MB approval 229.31/ 229.51 Porsche A40 Renault RN 0700 / RN 0710 VW 505 00/ 505 01 Container size:5 Product number:1598939
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