Продукти за aec полимер (18)

Ултразвукови почистващи машини за мебелната индустрия

Ултразвукови почистващи машини за мебелната индустрия

In the furniture industry, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for companies that produce metal components and frames. These machines provide a noticeable difference in terms of time and cleaning quality, making them an essential tool for manufacturers. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, furniture companies can ensure that their products are free from contaminants, enhancing their durability and appearance. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the furniture industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for furniture companies committed to sustainable practices.
Бургии за чашкови панти

Бургии за чашкови панти

Drill heads for cup hinges
Премахване на материал и завиване APEX

Премахване на материал и завиване APEX

A nos yeux, la fiabilité de notre matériel est indispensable. Nous avons à cœur de vous proposer ainsi des matériaux de grande qualité uniquement. C’est pour cela que notre société a fait le choix de travailler avec de l’outillage apex en Franche-Comté. Apex est un fabricant et un distributeur très reconnu dans le monde entier. Ses outils à main de qualité supérieure nous permettent de proposer des services efficaces et soignés. Qui plus est, en achetant cet outillage pour votre utilisation personnelle, vous travaillez avec du matériel de professionnel mais abordable. L’outillage apex (Franche-Comté) est au premier rang des fournisseurs dans le domaine de l’assemblage aéronautique. En travaillant avec la marque Apex, vous avez la possibilité d’acquérir des outils uniques adaptés à vos besoins. Par exemple des outils coupants et une machine de perçage en une seule et même solution technique.
Индустриално Обработване на Тежки Нагрузки - Специална Машина ACIMEX

Индустриално Обработване на Тежки Нагрузки - Специална Машина ACIMEX

L’entreprise ACIMEX conçoit et fabrique divers projets de machine spéciale afin d’améliorer la productivité de ses clients. Zoom sur cet équipement essentiel de la chaîne de production qui permet d’assurer la manutention des charges lourdes en toute sécurité. À quoi sert la machine spéciale ? La machine spéciale est un équipement automatisé inclus sur la chaîne de production (ligne de manutention, ligne d’évacuation…) elle est conçue pour déplacer différents types de charges lourdes d’un point A à un point B (zone de stockage). La marque ACIMEX s’est spécialisée dans la fabrication d’installations équipées de ventouses qui détectent le poids, le diamètre et la taille des charges lourdes afin d’assurer leur préhension en toute sécurité et de faciliter ainsi le processus de production. Une fabrication sur-mesure pour une solution clé en main
E0022 - 200x100

E0022 - 200x100

E0022 - 200x100
Свързващ елемент 8 40x40, ZN

Свързващ елемент 8 40x40, ZN

Zur rechtwinkligen Verbindung von drei Aluminiumprofilen. Material:GD-ZN Farbe/Oberfläche:schwarz Gewicht:0,092 kg Nut:8
Артишок - Испански артишок

Артишок - Испански артишок

Corazones, Cuartos, Laminas, Fondos, Marinadas, Roma "Style"
Стълби с бетонно покритие - Вътрешни подове

Стълби с бетонно покритие - Вътрешни подове

Nous réalisons le recouvrement de type Minhardur de vos escaliers (marches et contremarches), avec ou sans nez de marche, en caoutchouc ou en métal. Le limon est également traîté à la demande.
Области на дейност - Подробно описание на дейностите на EMA

Области на дейност - Подробно описание на дейностите на EMA

EMA Industry Engineering is proudly serving the industry with state-of-art solutions and products. EMA is and Engineering and Suply company dealing with below fields; -Engineering and design works (Process & Mechanical) -Structural Engineering -Pig Receivers & Pig Launchers -Pipeline Pigs -Pressure Vessels -Vacuum Vessels -API Storage Tanks -Reactors -Suction Scrubbers -Oil Separators -Heat Exchangers (Shell and Tube) -Mud Tanks -Conditioning Skids (Fuel Gas Supply Systems) -Injection Units -Natural Gas Compression Packages -Stacks -Pressure Piping -Nitrogen Gas System -Columns EMA and its associates have both completed projects with varying complexities; from plant engineering to individual discipline engineering, small and large project scopes, and different engineering cost basis. The team provides technical capabilities for FEED, detailed engineering, plant modelling, project management, engineering studies, and construction services.
Сигурност на строителната площадка

Сигурност на строителната площадка

Sécurité chantier le logiciel MéthoCAD comprend les bibliothèques sous AutoCAD des PTE des principaux fabricants du marché (Hussor, Outinord, Sateco, Jalmat… ) aussi bien en plan qu’en coupe. Le calepinage des PTE le long des voiles peutêtre automatique ou réalisé en interactif par l’utilisateur.avec vérification des positions des attaches volantes. Une numérotation est insérée permettant d’identifier les PTE. Le logiciel génère une nomenclature des PTE et de leurs principaux composants. La cotation des PTE est totalement automatique. Au droit de toutes les ouvertures, des coupes sont réalisés sur les voiles pour permettre d’insérer les détails de support et de leurs éventuels éléments de reprise. Des étiquettes sont insérées pour la validation.
Ултразвукови почистващи машини за морската индустрия

Ултразвукови почистващи машини за морската индустрия

Ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable in the maritime industry, particularly for shipyards and vessels. These machines are essential for both manufacturing and maintenance during voyages, ensuring that parts requiring repair are thoroughly cleaned. The ultrasonic cleaning process is highly efficient, providing a deep clean that is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of maritime equipment. By utilizing ultrasonic cleaning technology, shipyards can ensure that their vessels remain in optimal condition, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic cleaning machines in the maritime industry contributes to the longevity of equipment, as it prevents the buildup of contaminants that can lead to corrosion and other forms of damage. This technology not only supports the maintenance of existing equipment but also plays a vital role in the manufacturing process, ensuring that new parts are free from any residues that could compromise their performance.
Ултразвукови почистващи машини за бижутерийната индустрия

Ултразвукови почистващи машини за бижутерийната индустрия

In the jewelry industry, where precision and delicacy are paramount, ultrasonic cleaning machines are a preferred choice for removing oils and polishes from surfaces during the manufacturing process. These machines ensure that intricate jewelry pieces are cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage, preserving their craftsmanship and beauty. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the jewelry sector not only enhances the quality of the final product but also significantly reduces the time required for cleaning. This efficiency allows jewelers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work, knowing that the cleaning process is both reliable and effective. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning machines contribute to the sustainability of the jewelry industry by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods that can be labor-intensive and less environmentally friendly.
Кръгли свредла

Кръгли свредла

Round drill heads
Индукционни закалителни машини

Индукционни закалителни машини

Induction hardening machines
Фрезови машини

Фрезови машини

Milling machines
E0075 - 150x200

E0075 - 150x200

E0075 - 150x200
Bmk-cf83 - Филтър с Активен Въглен - Филтър с Активен Въглен за Вентилационни Капаци

Bmk-cf83 - Филтър с Активен Въглен - Филтър с Активен Въглен за Вентилационни Капаци

Compatible Brands: AEG - ATAG - BEST - BOSCH - ETNA - FRANKE - GORENJE - JUNO - PİLGRİM - PROGRESS - SIEMENS - ZANKER - ZANUSSI - FAURE Original Codes: MCFE14 / E3CFE200 / 9029800605 / Type 200 BOX QTY:2