Най-добрият доставчик за 7 позиции

Австрия, St. Valentin
Действаща в световно известната PRAHER GRUPPE, Peraqua се фокусира от 2005 г. върху търговията с ABS/PVC плувни арматури, тръби и фитинги, ABS вградени части, аксесоари за почистване на басейни, както и системи за управление на басейни и слънчеви системи под марките PRAHER PLASTICS®, IBG FlexFit® и Ocean®, произведени в Австрия. Висококачествена техника за управление на басейни, измервателна и рег...

Продукти за 7 позиции (17)

Превод на албански

Превод на албански

Nos traducteurs albanais - français sont spécialisés dans leur domaine d'application. Cela vous assure une traduction de qualité.
Прозрачно тиксо 204 °C

Прозрачно тиксо 204 °C

Per rivestimenti a polvere e applicazioni di anodizzazione. Adatto per superfici curve.Una volta rimosso lascia una superficie pulita, senza residui di adesivo.0,025 mm di poliestere - 0,04 mm di adesivo.
10 µl Инокулираща примка - Инокулираща примка

10 µl Инокулираща примка - Инокулираща примка

10 µl Ansa de inoculare - Ansa de inoculare CODUL PRODUSULUI:010R Sterilizat:Gamma-R Materii prime:Polietilenă Numărul codului de bare:8682009086111 Număr de catalog:MK.08.111
Развитие на Иконографията

Развитие на Иконографията

Il nostro servizio di sviluppo iconografico è progettato per creare icone personalizzate che rappresentino visivamente il vostro marchio, prodotto o servizio. Questo servizio prevede la creazione di icone vettoriali uniche e scalabili, adattate alle vostre esigenze specifiche e alle linee guida del vostro marchio. Il nostro processo garantisce che ogni icona sia semplice, intuitiva e facilmente riconoscibile, migliorando l'esperienza dell'utente e la comunicazione visiva. Caratteristiche principali: Design personalizzato Scalabilità Versatilità Coerenza Design incentrato sull'utente
Поръчка в Русия - Юридическо Представителство в Русия

Поръчка в Русия - Юридическо Представителство в Русия

Die Kanzlei nimmt die Aufträge für Russland. Pro für Mandanten: keine Einstellung, keine Arbeitserlaubnis-pflicht, sichere Bezahlung in Deutschland, anwaltliche Schweigepflicht, Berufshaftpflichtversicherung in Deutschland, Kommunikation in Deutsch.
Изследване - Прототипиране

Изследване - Прототипиране

Le bureau d'étude d'AOPB maîtrise la conception des moules d'injection et l'adaptation du design des pièces plastiques au procédé d'injection. L'étude de l'outillage est réalisée à partir de plans papier ou de la définition numérique des pièces. Grâce à la CAO, le rendu réaliste de vos produits donnera forme à vos idées. Si nécessaire, nous vous guiderons dans le choix des matières et nous validerons ensemble la géométrie des pièces.
Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

Износ на полски стоки за Украйна. - Икономическо сътрудничество Полша-Украйна

co oferujemy: - dowiemy się, jaki jest popyt na twój produkt na Ukrainie - oceny głównych konkurentów - damy wskazówki dotyczące promocji produktów - pomożemy w prawnym i księgowym towarzystwie - stworzymy reklama firmy, która przyciągnie maksymalnie klientów Również możemy znaleźć dostawcą produktów na Ukrainie, z najlepszymi warunkami * Zdobyć rozpoznawalność i zwiększyć prestiż Twojej marki na terenie całej rynku ukraińskim * Chcesz sprzedawać swoje produkty lub usługi na Ukrainie? Pomożemy! w eksportowaniu towarów na Ukrainę * Mamy dobre kontakty z firmą na Ukrainie. Dołącz do nas Zapoznaj się z nasza oferta już i staniemy się dystrybutorem marki dziś . Zapewniamy atrakcyjne warunki handlowe oraz przejrzyste i proste zasady. Wsparcie na każdym etapie współpracy, od marketingu do obsługi posprzedażowej.
Вестник Щутгарт

Вестник Щутгарт

Beratung im Verlagswesen
Технология на Процесите

Технология на Процесите

Cleaning of machined parts (after turning, milling, drilling, etc.). Particularly suitable for the removal of graphite, AW and EP additives, salts, soaps, and emulsion residue. Generally suitable for the removal of dust, metal chips, surfactants, stearates and polishing paste. Preparation of parts for downstream processing such as joining (by clinching, etc.), assembly and packaging. Cleaning of machined parts (after turning, milling, drilling, etc.). Particularly suitable for the removal of grease, oil, wax, resins, corrosion protection agents and esters. Generally suitable for the removal of dust, metal chips, surfactants, stearates and polishing paste. Preparation of parts for downstream processing such as joining (by clinching, etc.), assembly and packaging. Cleaning of machined parts after turning, milling or drilling, grinding, polishing, lapping and honing, punching and forming (stamping & bending, deep drawing, extruding, etc.).


Kriptoskop is a modern cryptocurrency platform that presents the complex structure of the blockchain ecosystem in a simple and understandable language, providing detailed reviews and guides. With its rich content on blockchain, crypto assets, DeFi projects, smart contracts, and many other topics, it offers readers the opportunity to discover the innovations of the digital age.
Откриване на Истанбул

Откриване на Истанбул

Istanbul tour program with licensed guide and private airport transfers.
Заявления за детски надбавки

Заявления за детски надбавки

Wnioski o child benefit We offer assistance in formal matters related to the preparation of an application for Kindergeld - one of the documents that we often meet as a sworn translation agency. Kindergeld is a child benefit for children in Germany. It is awarded by the German Family Benefit Fund (Familienkasse) not only for children staying in Germany, but also for children living in Poland: until they turn 25 (if they are still attending school or studying). A positive consideration of the application for Kindergeld can also be obtained for the adopted children and for the children of the spouse, as long as they belong to the common household of the applicant.
Тина 158

Тина 158

0,2 Liter Longdrinktumbler
Traduction en turc

Traduction en turc

Nos traducteurs turc - français sont spécialisés dans leur domaine d'application, cela vous assure une traduction de qualité.
10 ул Инокулиращи примки - Инокулиращи примки

10 ул Инокулиращи примки - Инокулиращи примки

10 ul Inoculatıon Loops - Inoculatıon Loops PRODUCT CODE:010R Sterilized:Gamma-R Raw Material:Polyethylene Barcode Number:8682009086111 Catalog number:MK.08.111
Развитие на Иконографията

Развитие на Иконографията

Notre service de développement d'icônes est conçu pour créer des icônes personnalisées qui représentent visuellement votre marque, votre produit ou votre service. Ce service consiste à créer des icônes vectorielles uniques et évolutives, adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques et aux directives de votre marque. Notre processus garantit que chaque icône est simple, intuitive et facilement reconnaissable, améliorant ainsi l'expérience de l'utilisateur et la communication visuelle. Caractéristiques principales : Conception personnalisée Évolutivité Polyvalence Cohérence Conception centrée sur l'utilisateur