Продукти за 4xv1871 5tn10 (4)

VOLLMAX VECTIS HVI СЕРИЯ - Индустриални масла

VOLLMAX VECTIS HVI СЕРИЯ - Индустриални масла

They are high performance hydraulic oils specially designed with advanced viscosıty index developerto meet the requirements of modern hydraulic systems operating at variable ambient temperatures. They provide high performance by providing excellent lubrication in piston or gear pumps and other hydraulic system equipment which operate under difficult conditions with the help of additives that provide anti-wear and thermal stability with the formulation which enables stability in a wide temperature range.
5W30 SL/CF - Автомобилни смазочни материали

5W30 SL/CF - Автомобилни смазочни материали

Is a synthetic fuel economy engine oil which is developed for gasoline or diesel engines of passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles.It provides effective wear protection due to its specially developed additives and high quality base oils. It is suitable to use in gasoline or diesel engines of passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles.


All our exhibited products are 100% arcliyc. But we also have cotton and viscose production.
4T 10W40 - Моторни смазочни масла

4T 10W40 - Моторни смазочни масла

Est une huile de moto à base synthétique qui est formulée avec des huiles de base spéciales pour répondre aux exigences de lubrification des moteurs 4 temps refroidis à l air ou à l eau des scooters. Il offre un haut degré de protection anti-usure pour les composants sollicités et une excellente propreté des pistons, segments, chambres de combustion et bougies, favorisant ainsi longue durée de vie du moteur et maintien des performances.