Продукти за части vdb (2)

Vigilant - Онлайн Наблюдение на Състоянието

Vigilant - Онлайн Наблюдение на Състоянието

A turn-key condition monitoring solution combining the versatility of ultrasound, the analytics of vibration, standard communication protocols and an embedded trending and analysis software. Vigilant Configure Vigilant to any Critical Asset Vigilant is a flexible data collection pod. Input any combo of eight ultrasound and vibration sensors and receive continuous feedback from your assets. 4 channels for Temperature, Tach and Pressure create an all-in-one solution for critical and guarded assets. Vigilant Highlights: - 8 channels (Ultrasound or Vibration) - 4 channels (Temp/Tach/Process) - Embedded data management software - Trends/Spectrum/Waveform/Waterfall - Open communications protocol - Static and Dynamic data Vigilant Permanent:Vigilant Mobility 8 high-speed (Dynamic) multipurpose analog inputs:Same function as Vigilant Permanent; 4 channels (Temp/Tach/Process);:Packaged in rugged, custom waterproof case; ICP power source available on all dynamic inputs;:Designed to travel to off-site assets; Ethernet TCP/IP communications;:Install on assets in alarm to closely monitor until planned shutdown.
Офис календар - Офис календар CB 2110 Син

Офис календар - Офис календар CB 2110 Син

3-Maandkalender met de vorige, de huidige en de volgende maand Reclame opdruk op beide zijden van de staander Zestalig : Engels, Nederlands, Frans, Italiaans, Spaans en Duits Kleur van het kalendarium : blauw PMS 288 en rood HKS 12 Feestdagen : België, Luxemburg, Frankrijk, Nederland, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Zwitserland, Engeland en Ierland Pagina's : 10,5 x 13,5 cm wit offset 80 g Staander : 10,5 x 21 cm wit karton, laagje op 1 zijde 285 g Gewicht van de kalender : 32 g Datumaanwijzer : rood, wordt apart geleverd Verpakking : per 100 stuks V erpakkingsdozen : 275 x 310 x 110 mm - 330 g Enkel verpakking : enveloppe zonder rugkarton - formaat : 114 x 229 mm - 5 gr