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Затваряне на терапевтични пропуски

Not all drugs are registered and available in every country in every form, strength, and dosage. We help you to close therapeutic gaps in terms of dosage and dosage form.
Ензимни препарати: Proteozym® N

Ензимни препарати: Proteozym® N

Proteozym® N als Monoenzympräparat enthält Bromelain (Enzyme aus der Ananas) dazu Zink. Proteozym® N unterstützt eine normale Eiweißsynthese und die Erhaltung von Knochen, Haaren, Nägeln und Haut. Wann und wo Enzyme ? Eine „Kernkompetenz“ der Enzyme liegt in der Regulation, Unterstützung und Beschleu­ni­gung von Ent­zün­dungsreaktionen. Indem die Proteasen und Lipasen am Entzündungs­herd dazu beitragen, Zellfragmente abzubauen und die Mikrozirkulation zu verbessern, wirken sie anti­inflamma­torisch, antiödematös und letztendlich auch analgetisch, also schmerzlindernd. Da die meisten pathophysiologischen Vorgänge, von Hämatomen über Gelenkschmerzen bis Krebs, auf Entzündungen zurückgeführt oder zumindest von entzünd­lich­en Prozessen beglei­tet werden, können Enzyme auch bei einer sehr großen Zahl von Erkran­kun­gen eingesetzt werden.
Калиев йодид, Хапчета за аварии при радиация, ThyroSafe - Калиев йодид, Хапчета за аварии при радиация, ThyroSafe За Продажба

Калиев йодид, Хапчета за аварии при радиация, ThyroSafe - Калиев йодид, Хапчета за аварии при радиация, ThyroSafe За Продажба

In the event of a nuclear emergency, the best thing you can do is be prepared. Having potassium iodide (KI) on hand should be apart of that preparation. ThyroSafe is a 65 mg KI Tablet that is FDA approved to help prevent radioactive iodine from getting into the thyroid gland during a nuclear radiation emergency. Thyroid cancer, especially among children, is the most common and dangerous effect from radiation exposure. More than 90% of the cancer at Chernobyl was thyroid related.1 Thyroid damage was seen more than 200 miles downwind.2 Thousands of cases are known.3 The only full-strength radio-protective KI tablet that has been approved by the FDA and passed all requirements for purity, quality, safety, and efficacy. For use by adults and children in a radiation emergency. Please do get back to us for more information and details of our products and we shall get back to you with the full details .
Защита на уста и нос TYPE II R розова - MNS маска, 50 бр - 3 слоя

Защита на уста и нос TYPE II R розова - MNS маска, 50 бр - 3 слоя

Class I of Regulation EU 2017/745 on medical devices; Type II R (liquidresistant), tested according to EN 14683 2019 for surgical masks. The inside and outside are made of physiologically harmless, plasticizerfree polypropylene fleece, the filter medium consists of a special microfiber fleece produced using the meltblown process, welded together using the ultrasound process.