Продукти за органично мляко (9)

Автомат за сушилни кърпи за автомобили - 0612092Y

Автомат за сушилни кърпи за автомобили - 0612092Y

Rulomatik car drying towel vending machines, which are produced with high technology, offer ease of use with its new generation stand-alone structure, as well as allowing the complete solution of malfunction situations that may arise in the future and to be in the "ON" position continuously. The new generation stand-alone technology with its unique working system offers convenience and practicality. RULOMATİK www.rulomatik.com Nominal voltage : :12 V/DC Length x width x depth : :164 cm x 94 cm x 32 cm Work temperature : :-15 , +40
YGK Chrome Агент за Влажност Ultra - YGK Chrome

YGK Chrome Агент за Влажност Ultra - YGK Chrome

YGK Chrome Wetting Agent Ultra - YGK Chrome Application:PFOS-free, liquid additive for chrome baths Function:Forms dense foam cover, prevents aerosols, continuous dosing
Deniz Kod Flamaları 40’ли Сет

Deniz Kod Flamaları 40’ли Сет

Gemi, yat, tekne vb yerlerde denizcilikte kullanılan üzerinde denizcilikte kullanılan kodların bulunduğu flama çeşidi, halk arasında sancak da denmektedir. Genel Özellikleri 40’lı sette 40 adet bayrak bulunmaktadır Standart olarak ölçü 30×45 cm’dir Standart kumaş cinsi raşeldir İpe sıralıda bayrak kenarları sıcak kesimlidir ve hepsi bir ipte gönderilmektedir. Gönder tipinde bayrak kenarları dikişlidir ve ayrı ayrı gönderilmektedir.
YGK Chrome 98 - YGK Chrome

YGK Chrome 98 - YGK Chrome

YGK Chrome 98 - YGK Chrome Application:Decorative and functional application in automotive and sanitary field Function:Best corrosion protection for nickel-plated layers, liquid catalyst, simple handling
YGK Superclean US - YGK Алкални Почистващи Средства твърди

YGK Superclean US - YGK Алкални Почистващи Средства твърди

YGK Superclean US - YGK Alkaline Cleaners solid Application:Ultrasonic degreaser Base Material:Non-ferrous metal, steel
YGK Superclean DS - YGK Алкални Почистващи течности

YGK Superclean DS - YGK Алкални Почистващи течности

YGK Superclean DS - YGK Alkaline Cleaners liquid Application:Soak cleaner, demulsifying Base Material:Non-ferrous metal, steel
YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome Application:Decorative application in automotive and sanitary field Function:Deposited from trivalent chrome electrolytes, noble dark optics
YGK Antitarnish NFM - YGK Antitarnish

YGK Antitarnish NFM - YGK Antitarnish

YGK Antitarnish NFM - YGK Anti-tarnish Application:Copper / Brass Properties:Complexing agent- and chromium-free concentrate, manyfold applications
YGK Суперактивен - YGK Активирания

YGK Суперактивен - YGK Активирания

YGK Superactive - YGK Activations Application:Surface activation before plating Base Material:Steel, copper, zinc diecast, copper alloy