Продукти за гладен съм (8)

Кристал - Есенции за Пране

Кристал - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Cristal è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Questa fragranza si ispira alla sontuosità dello strascico degli abiti da gran sera. Un orientale/fiorito deciso e persistente che esalta l’eleganza intrinseca dei suoi compo­nenti. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice duran­te l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Cristal è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Пяна от яйчен ликьор

Пяна от яйчен ликьор

And finally, a modern take on an old recipe; familiar to most grandparents. With this espuma of eggnog, you show the older guard that not everything used to be better. 300ml eggnog 200ml cream Cream charger Whipped cream siphon Beat the eggnog and cream together until smooth. Add this mixture to the whipped cream syringe and put it to rest in the refrigerator. Before serving the eggnog, it is important to shake the whipped cream syringe well to keep the liquids well mixed. Drain two whipped cream cartridges into the whipped cream syringe so it can be served with the right pressure and right airiness. Paired with a good cup of coffee and a regional cookie, this is the perfect afternoon snack. If you want to make the process of some of these recipes a little easier, you can use our unique cream charger in combination with our taste beads. You can simply insert the taste beads into the cream charger and add exotic flavors to any dish.


FLEXIBEL INDIVIDUALISIERBARER JAHRESPLANER 2021(1-seitig 12,13,14,15 o. 16 Mon. DIN A3 = 29,7cm x 420cm bis DIN B1 = 70cm x 100cm), in denen Sie sogar das KALENDARIUM ALS WERBEFLÄCHE nutzen können.
Въртящи се колела с полиамидна джанта и сива гумена обвивка

Въртящи се колела с полиамидна джанта и сива гумена обвивка

Roulettes pivotantes à oeil roue jante polyamide bandage caoutchouc gris non tachant. Supports acier embouti zingué. Du diamètre 80 au au 200 mm De 50 Kgs à 205 Kgs de charge utile.
Dossyl - Болки в кръста

Dossyl - Болки в кръста

Un traitement naturel de la lombalgie formulé à partir de plantes sélectionnées dont les actifs permettent de décontracter les muscles du dos. Le capsaïsine, le saule blanc et le cassis sont 3 plantes reconnues pour soulager efficacement les douleurs articulaires et lombaires par une application locale résolutive (qui chauffe). Dossyl dénoue et détend la partie traitée en laissant un effet retard permettant une prolongation du massage pendant plusieurs heures.Composition 100 % naturelle. capsaïsine, E. Saule blanc, E. Cassis, Vaseline, Lanoline.
Емарт Груп

Емарт Груп

Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
Крем за вана и душ - PEZODERM®

Крем за вана и душ - PEZODERM®

Bath&Shower Cream
Eden - Есенции за Пране

Eden - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Eden è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Questa fragranza può essere definita “indimenticabile”, merito della sua piramide ol­ fattiva che mescola intense note fiorite ad un fondo boisé. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Eden è priva di parabeni e nichel free.