Продукти за аргон 10 l (3)

AKSOIL МАСЛО ЗА РЕЗАЧКИ - Индустриални масла

AKSOIL МАСЛО ЗА РЕЗАЧКИ - Индустриални масла

Saw Oil is an aromatic oil with excellent lubricating properties for the lubrication of engines and chains of two-stroke sawmills used in woodcutting. It provides full protection of the parts by making good lubrication of the motors and chains of saws used in wood cutting. • It provides resistance against friction which reduces the power of the engine by controlling the wear and contamination. • Prevents the saw from heating, facilitates cutting.
розово масло

розово масло

100% natural rose oil and lavender oil for use in cosmetics and herbal products.
5000 мл 80 C Колоня

5000 мл 80 C Колоня

5000 ml 80 C Cologne