Продукти за РЕНДИ РОГИ 60А РЕФЕРЕНЦИ (3)

Инвестиционен терен - под наем

Инвестиционен терен - под наем

Teren 10ha, Polupin, Lubuskie voivedoship, Poland. Teren inwestycyjny idealnie nadaje się pod: - usługi - produkcja - magazyny Contact: +48 530 000 129 email: marketing@franklinpolska.pl
Заявления за детски надбавки

Заявления за детски надбавки

Wnioski o child benefit We offer assistance in formal matters related to the preparation of an application for Kindergeld - one of the documents that we often meet as a sworn translation agency. Kindergeld is a child benefit for children in Germany. It is awarded by the German Family Benefit Fund (Familienkasse) not only for children staying in Germany, but also for children living in Poland: until they turn 25 (if they are still attending school or studying). A positive consideration of the application for Kindergeld can also be obtained for the adopted children and for the children of the spouse, as long as they belong to the common household of the applicant.
Пратки до Грузия

Пратки до Грузия

La sua strategica collocazione geografica nel Caucaso, rende la Georgia un Paese chiave per coloro che promuovono attività in questa Regione. Un vero punto d'ingresso per tutto il mercato del Centro Asia, la Georgia gode di stabilità politica, di buona crescita economica e di normative assolutamente compatibili con quelle della UE. Presente in Georgia con una propria organizzazione a Poti e Tbilisi, Alltrans offre alla clientela una struttura efficiente affidata ad un Management locale di assoluta competenza.