...{"Low pressure hoses and fittings / Fittings for oil- and fuel hoses / Plastic connectors / Cross-hose connector":"Хидравлични маркучи с ниско налягане и фитинги / Фитинги за маркучи с масло и гориво / Пластмасови свързващи елементи / Кръстосан свързващ елемент","Category":"Категория","Barcode:244220":"Штрихкод:244220","VAT key:19.00 %":"Данъчен ключ:19.00 %","Zollnr:39174000":"Золлнр:39174000...
...":"Клас на материала","Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values.":"Укрепването с въглеродни влакна придава на материала висока степен на твърдост и устойчивост на деформация, висока механична якост и стойности на топлопроводимост.","high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics...
Mplast being among the leader (polypropylene) ppr plastic pipe and fittings systems and components manufacturers, has been improving the security and comfort of the healthy superstructure installations, structural and industrial constructions transmitting capacity and industries in Europe by making the production with a passion to catch the excellence and professionalization in the quality since...
... consists of more than 20 modern injection machines with a range of injecting pressure from 50 up to 650 tons. The company has a fully automated galvanic line for Cu-Ni-Cr plating on ABS plastic parts. The thickness of the plating complies with all tests and requirements of the parts for the sanitary fittings. NIKIPLAST-M has its own development department and a tool department for manufacturing plastic moulds for new products. In 2004 NIKIPLAST-M Ltd has been certified under ISO 9001:2000 certificate. The constant quality control follows each and every product in all steps of the production process.